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51 Exercises To Blast Your Abs


Sculpt A Set Of Chiseled 6 Pack Abs With These Core Exercises

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 51 exercises to blast your abs.

Before I show you 51 of the best exercises to get abs, let me be clear.

As I shared in my book, Awaken The Abs Within, in addition to these abs exercise, you also need to be doing the following:

  1. Your diet needs to be in check.
  2. You should be focusing the majority of your time in the gym on afterburn style resistance training workouts to burn off the layer of belly fat.

However, to chisel, sculpt, and unleash a shredded set of abs, you also need to train them directly.


As you will see from the exercises below, when it comes to training your abs, I’m a big fan of:

  1. Targeting your abs at many different angles.
  2. Using different pieces of equipment.
  3. While also mixing it up with bodyweight and weighted exercises.

51 Exercises To Blast Your Abs

Click the links below for the step-by-step exercise demonstrations and cues.

  1. Dumbbell V-Up (also known as Arm Pullover Straight Leg Crunch)
  2. Speed Dumbbell Torso Twist
  3. Dumbbell Reverse Woodchopper
  4. Overhead Dumbbell Saxon Side Bends
  5. Swiss Ball Knee Tucks
  6. Swiss Ball Prone Oblique Tuck Roll
  7. Standing Dumbbell Canoe
  8. Swiss Ball Body Saw To Diagonal Body Saw
  9. Swiss Ball Stir The Pot
  10. Swiss Ball Knee Drive
  11. Body Saw Forearm Plank With Sliders
  12. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Sit Up
  13. Medicine Ball Reverse Woodchopper
  14. Medicine Ball Rotational Throw Against A Wall
  15. Dumbbell Long Arm Crunch
  16. Seated Abs Crunch
  17. Medicine Ball Leg Drops
  18. Dumbbell Oblique Crunch
  19. V-Up
  20. Reverse Plank With Leg Lift
  21. Half Seated Leg Circle
  22. Twisting Forearm Plank
  23. Standing Dumbbell Twist
  24. Weight Plate Diagonal Squat And Press
  25. Kneeling High Cable Crunch To Oblique Crunch
  26. Swiss Ball Pike
  27. Hanging Knee Raises
  28. Barbell Rollout
  29. Cable Core Press (also known as Cable Pallof Press)
  30. Sit Up With Punch
  31. Crunch To Oblique Crunch
  32. Oblique V-Ups With Arms Crossed
  33. Side Jackknife
  34. Forearm Side Plank
  35. Forearm Plank With Diagonal Arm Lift
  36. Single Leg Lowering Drill
  37. Forearm Side Plank With Reach Through
  38. Ab Chopper Sit Up
  39. Straight Arm T-Plank Rotation
  40. Double Leg Stretch
  41. Sprinter Sit Up
  42. Foam Roller Incline Reverse Crunch
  43. Kneeling Medicine Ball Torso Rotation
  44. Step Down Step Up Straight Arm T-Plank Rotation (also known as the Walk The Plank And Rotate)
  45. Kneeling Medicine Ball Leg Extension (also known as the Matrix)
  46. Forearm Plank
  47. The McGill Curl Up
  48. Forearm Side Plank Dips
  49. Alternating Bird Dog Exercise
  50. Dumbbell Woodchopper
  51. Mountain Climbers

I can’t wait to see you guys incorporating these abs exercises into your abdominal training workouts.

Let’s see it.

Tag me @BradGouthro and @LiveLeanTV in your Instagram videos.

Get it!

I love you guys and keep Living Lean.

Check Out Our Live Lean Abs 2.0 Workout Program

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This abs training workout program will help you upgrade your soft and weak midsection for tight and toned flat abs without wasting countless hours doing 1000’s of back breaking crunches.

Go get it inside our workout app here.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Question For You:

  • What is your favorite abs exercise?
  • How often do you train your abs?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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