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Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission Live Lean TV Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission

Welcome To The Live Lean Nation

Virtual high-five to you for visiting our home.

Since you’re here, we’d be willing to bet we already know a few things about you:

  1. You are an action taker.
  2. You have a strong desire to improve your body and sustain it forever.


If there was one word to describe how you’re currently feeling about fitness and nutrition, it would be this:

ConfusionÂ đŸ˜©


confused Live Lean TV confused

Specifically you’re super confused over:

  • What are the best foods to eat
  • How much food to eat for your goals
  • How to make it taste freakingly delicious
  • The best exercises for your body type
  • How to fit your workout into your schedule

And one of the biggest ones: you don’t have a like-minded community that understands what you’re going through and can provide you with accountability and support.


If any of this is true, you my friend, are in the right place.

brad gouthro Live Lean TV brad gouthro

We’re about to show you:

  • sustainable fitness results that last a lifetime.
  • to make fitness and health a part of your lifestyle, NOT your entire life.
  • to become a stronger, leaner, and more confident version of yourself.

So if you’re wondering who we are and what we stand for…

We’ll summarize it in just one sentence:

We’re just normal people on a mission to educate, motivate, and inspire 1,000,000 men and women from all over the world to Live Lean 365 days a year.

And when I say “we”, I’m referring to me and my beautiful wife, Jessica.

brad Jessica Live Lean TV brad Jessica

Fun fact: we actually met on YouTube.

Jessica was a subscriber of the show, emailed me to do a collaboration, and the rest is history.

Together, we’re now helping people all over the world, Live Lean 365 days a year.

kyla family Live Lean TV kyla family

Say hi to our greatest accomplishment, Kyla.

We Call It Our: Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission

More specifically, the Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission is about:

  • Educating people how to create daily sustainable lifestyle HABITS.
  • Motivating people to make the CHOICE & take personal responsibility.
  • Inspiring people to focus on daily PROGRESS NOT perfection.

Wondering What “Living Lean” Means?

Live Lean Vow Live Lean TV Live Lean Vow

On the surface, you may think Living Lean means rocking abs 365 days a year.

And yes, that is true, but abs are just the by-product.

But speaking from personal experience…

Physically transforming your body is the gateway to building the self-confidence and personal power to transform in all areas of your life.

And that right there is what Living Lean is all about.

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It’s about giving you the tools to transform your body, which will ultimately provide you with the self-confidence to crush in all areas of life.


Watch Us Every Week On Live Lean TV

We share workouts, cooking shows, and all our fitness, nutrition, and motivational tips to Live Lean, every week on our popular YouTube show, Live Lean TV.

Click to Subscribe

Bottom Line: You Are Not Alone

Trust me when I say this.

Just check out all the inspiring Live Lean Transformation Success Stories.

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People just like you have been getting amazing results by taking action on our long-term, sustainable philosophies on fitness and nutrition.

They’ve committed to change their habits and follow the Live Lean way of living.

So if you’re ready to transform your body, your health, and ultimately, your life…

It’s time to Live Lean 365 days year!

We’re in this together.

Click to learn more about Brad’s personal story.
Click to learn more about Jessica’s personal story.

Keep Living Lean!


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Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals!