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Live Lean Abs 2.0

Upgrade Your Soft And Weak Midsection For Tight And Toned Flat Abs WITHOUT Wasting Countless Hours Doing 1000’s Of Back Breaking Crunches!

Live Lean Abs 2.0 System:

  • Access To All Workout Programs
  • Available In Our App
  • Follow Along Videos with Jess
  • Gym Workouts with Brad
  • Tight Abs 365 Days A Year
  • Talk To Us In The App

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Get Abs 2.0 Inside Our App

Get ready to rock lean and flat abs, 365 days a year, and build functional core strength, to make life easier.

✅ Maintain your flat and lean abs 365 days a year

✅ Faster results, with fewer reps, in less time

✅ Build functional core strength to make life easier

✅ 36 sec “inward” secret to contract your lower abs

✅ De-activate hip flexors to activate your lower abs

✅ Reduce back and spinal pain

✅ End frustration and say hello to your abs

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Plus, you'll get an all access pass to 1,000+ other Live Lean workouts

When you sign up to Afterburn 2.0 today, you will also get an all access pass to ALL of our 1,00os of workouts, PLUS access to 100,000s of workouts and classes from other fitness creators all over the world.

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Live Lean Success Stories

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The Faster Way To Tighten And Tone Your Lower Abs

3x Results In 3x Less Time
12 Follow Along Vids With Jess
12 Gym Workouts With Brad
Use our 36 second ab activator method before all your workouts
End back pain associated with your abs workouts
Learn how to safely and effectively complete every ab exercise in the program
Faster results, with fewer reps, in less time
Get tight and toned abs NOT soft and bloated abs
Target all 4 regions of your abs: Rectus and Transverse Abdominis plus the Internal and External Obliques
Learn To Train With Inward Intention For Maximum Ab Activation

Are You Ready To Get Flat Abs

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Live Lean Abs 2.0 is not a generic abs workout from a fitness magazine.

You won’t be:

  • doing 1000s of crunches every day
  • completing 50 rep sets of painful back breaking exercises
  • overworking your hip flexors and underworking your abs
  • wasting 45-60 minutes completing one abs workout
  • bored to death of the same exercises over and over again
  • looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing zero results

Live Lean Abs 2.0 workouts are designed to get your 3x the results, in 3x less time, by focusing on a unique coaching cue.

We will teach you how to use this coaching cue in the program, which we like to call, “inward intention”. 

Using this training technique for every rep, along with proper exercise selection, is the key to sustainable results.

In this program, we teach you the key coaching cues to transfer all the tension to your abs, not your lower back. Back pain during ab workouts is usually the result of performing core exercises incorrectly and/or doing an exercise with advanced form, that your abs may not be strong enough for yet.
We provide coaching cues for every exercise in this program. You’ll be learning the proper form and how to execute every exercise safely, and in the most effective way.
We also share key tips on how to activate your core, by
focusing on inward intension, and maintaining abdominal activation throughout your sets.
Pairing these workouts with proper nutrition, in a slight caloric
deficit, will have you burning off belly fat. Your focus with this program is not necessarily fat loss, but rather ab sculpting, defining and toning. If you do have a fat loss goal, plug these ab training workouts into your fat loss program training schedule like in the example Training Schedule provided.
No. These workouts are designed to strengthen and tone your
ab muscles, not increase their size.
No. These workouts are NOT designed for clients with abdominal
separation. Training your abs with that condition can make it
worse. Please consult your doctor to learn what exercises you
should avoid if you have been diagnosed with diastasis recti and when you might be ready for this kind of ab training.
Depending on how far you are along in the healing process, it
may be okay. However, it is best to consult your doctor if you have
any concerns. Do not proceed with the workouts if you feel
tension on the scar. We recommend you wait at least 3 to 6 months after c-section to begin ab training
Nope. You can follow the majority of these workouts from home. In fact, 12 out of the 24 workouts are follow along workout videos designed specifically for use at home. The other 12 workouts can be done at home as well, if you have the right equipment.
The time it takes for you to notice results will depend on your current conditioning. If you are already pretty lean you should see results within 2-3 weeks. If you have a lot of belly fat to lose it can take longer, but as always it will be fastest when you stay consistent, don’t worry about how long it’s taking, and just do the work no matter how long it takes.

On average, these abs workouts only take approximately 12 minutes to complete. Are you sure you can’t find 12 minutes for a lifetime of tight and toned abs? 🙂

If you’re bored during your ab training then you’re definitely
not doing it properly. The workouts provided in this plan are
fun and challenging. Never a boring moment.
This program will fix that! We’ve included over 60 unique
exercises to keep things interesting and teach you more abs
exercises than you’ve ever seen before.

Are You Ready To Get Flat Abs?

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Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.