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20 Minute Flat Belly And Round Booty Workout


ABsoGLUTEly workout to get a flat stomach and firm butt

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 20 minute flat belly and round booty workout.

This metabolic training workout circuit is a burner.

Yes, I’m back with Carolyn Hoops and we have another wicked metabolic workout for you.

It’s time to flatten your stomach and firm your butt with this week’s ABsoGLUTEly workout.

[Flat Stomach Firm Butt] ABsoGLUTELY Workout Live Lean TV 20 Minute Flat Belly And Round Booty Workout


Get it?


Lame I know, but it was Hoops’ idea.

You can make fun of her on twitter here.

Just tell her that I made you do it.

Since this metabolic circuit workout keeps breaks to a minimum, it should only take you 20 minutes to complete.

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20 minute flat belly and round booty workout

Here’s how this 20 minute flat belly and round booty workout is structured.

Total time:

20 minutes.

Type of workout:

20 Minute Flat Belly And Round Booty Workout Live Lean TV 20 Minute Flat Belly And Round Booty Workout

Metabolic circuit workout.

Metabolic training workouts keep rest periods shorter and are usually completed in circuit format, with very little rest between exercises.

This metabolic training workout is broken down into two circuits:

We’re going to start with the glutes portion of the workout, then we’ll finish with the abs routine.

Equipment required:

Number of reps:

See the exercises below for the rep count or duration.

Number of circuits:

Complete 3 circuits of the A1-A4 glute exercises, then 3 circuits of the B1-B4 ab exercises.


No planned rest between exercises within the circuit.

Complete the full workout with as little rest as possible.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Speed Squat

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 0 seconds


Coaching cues: to feel the burn in the glutes, think about the muscle that you’re training. Drop into the squat as quickly as you can, then when you stand back up, remember to press through your heels to really engage your butt. This is all about speed. Set the timer for 30 seconds and go. After 30 seconds, move directly into the next exercise. No breaks between exercises.

A2. Jump Lunge (i.e. Scissor Lunges)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 0 seconds


Coaching cues: make sure you land softly rather than trying to break the ground when you land. This can be hard on your joints. Drive your arms as if you’re running the hurdles in the Olympics. After 30 seconds is up, shake it out, and move directly into the next exercise.


A3. Step Up With Knee Drive

Reps: 15 seconds/leg

Rest: 0 seconds

Step Up With Knee Drive Live Lean TV Step Up With Knee Drive

Coaching cues: complete each step up with speed while also ensuring you are in control of the movement. Pump your arms like a champ while breathing throughout the exercise. After 15 seconds, switch legs. By now your glutes should be on fire.

A4. TRX Single Leg Squat (i.e. TRX Pistol Squat)

Reps: 15 seconds/leg

Rest: 0 seconds


Coaching cues: ensure you maintain a flat back as you lower into the squat, while keeping some of the pressure on your heel. Then to rise back to standing, don’t use your arms to pull you up, focus on pressing your heel through the floor to stand back up. If you don’t have access to a TRX, you can complete still do this workout by completing this as a single leg get up.

Advanced exercise modification: complete as a pistol squat using just your body.

Repeat this A1-A4 glutes circuit for a total of 3 circuits.

Now it’s abs time

Next up is the abs portion of the ABsoGLUTEly workout.

B1. TRX Crunch (i.e. TRX Knee Ins)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 0 seconds


Coaching cues: drive your knees in while your feet are suspended in the TRX straps. Since we’re training our abs, make sure you really focus on contracting your core with this exercise. Complete for 30 seconds, then go immediately into the next exercise.

B2. Straight Arm TRX Oblique Crunch

Reps: 15 seconds/side

Rest: 0 seconds

Straight Arm TRX Oblique Crunch Live Lean TV Straight Arm TRX Oblique Crunch

Coaching cues: bring both knees across your body and towards your opposite elbow. After 15 seconds, switch sides. According to Hoops, this is how you get that nice looking 8 or 12 pack.

B3. Straight Arm Plank With Shoulder Tap

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 0 seconds

Straight Arm Plank Shoulder Tap Live Lean TV Straight Arm Plank Shoulder Tap

Coaching cues: get into a straight arm plank push up position, then under control, raise one hand off the ground and tap the opposite shoulder. Ensure you keep your core engaged to keep your hips square to the ground while maintaining a flat back.

B4. Push Up To Straight Arm Side Plank To Reverse Plank Combo (i.e. Side Plank Turnover)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 0 seconds

Push Up To Straight Arm Side Plank To Reverse Plank Combo Live Lean TV Push Up To Straight Arm Side Plank To Reverse Plank Combo

Coaching cues: start by completing a push up, then transition to a straight arm side plank and hold for a brief moment. Continue to flip your body over by turning backwards into a reverse plank. Then transition into another straight arm side plank with the other arm, then lower both hands back to the ground and complete another push up. Reverse the movement back to the beginning. This unique exercise really does work your core.

Repeat this B1-B4 abs circuit for a total of 3 circuits.

That’s the 20 minute flat belly and round booty workout

Thank you to Hoops for joining us for what she calls our best Live Lean workout we’ve ever done.

Check her out on Twitter @Carolyn_Hoops.

Show your support by clicking the social media buttons to share this workout with your friends.

Subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below.

l’ll see you back in the kitchen tomorrow for another episode of Food Wars.

Questions For You:

  • Do you enjoy working out outdoors?
  • What did you think of this workout? Are you going to try it?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section.

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