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Jump Lunges


How To Do Jump Lunges Correctly

Jump Lunges are a great plyometric exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

It also improves balance, coordination, power, and explosiveness.

To get started:

  1. While standing, take one step forward with one leg.
  2. As you make the descent into the lunge, your front thigh should be parallel to the ground with your back knee at a 90 degree angle hovering just above the floor.
  3. Ensure your upper body is upright and perpendicular to the ground throughout the movement without allowing your front knee to go past your toes in the lunge position.
  4. Now explode up into a jump by pressing both of your feet through the ground, bringing your back foot forward and your forward foot back, and driving your arms as if you’re sprinting.
  5. Cushion your joints by landing softly back into the lunge position and repeat.
legs Live Lean TV legs

Beginner Variation

Advanced Variation


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