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Indulged Too Much Over The Holidays? Here’s Your First Move For A Healthy Comeback


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What Is The First Thing You Should Do Workout And Food Wise After Indulging? 

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, we’re sharing the first move for a healthy comeback, when you indulged too much over the holidays.

Today’s viewer question is from #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 018.

Here’s today’s viewer question:


@karlagaytan42 from Twitter asks: During the 4 of July I indulged. What is the first thing I should do workout and food wise when back home? 

Indulged Too Much? Here’s Your First Move for a Healthy Comeback

Brad: Well first thing you should do mindset wise is, forget about.

Jess: I thought you were going to say that.

Brad: What just happened, happened and there is nothing you can do about it.

Jess: You can’t change the past.

Brad: It’s all good.

Now that we have that cleared, your head should be focused on the moving forward, and your mind is now on the goal at hand.

The first thing you should do is drink a lot of water, since water is going to help flush out a lot of the crap that’s in your body.

Also make sure you get a lot of greens, including a huge salad, maybe a greens powder, or a green smoothie, and fruits for hydration.

Focus on those foods.

Jess: However you want to get your greens in, just get them in.

Brad: When it comes to your workouts, just get back at it!

Now that you’ve over indulged, it’s time to put all of these calories and stored energy in your body to work.

Jess: I have some of the best workouts after over indulging.

Brad: It’s time to kill it in the gym.

However, that doesn’t mean you go into the gym and you do a bicep workout.

This means you get into the gym and do an Afterburn style workout, similar to those found in my Live Lean Afterburn workout program.

Or kill a leg workout comprised of:

Jess: It’s time to use all that bad junk food and turn it into energy by getting active, flexing your muscles, and sweating.

We’re not encouraging you to have binges like this, however remember it’s a holiday.

Holidays are meant to be enjoyed, while having fun.

On special occasions, we also indulge.

For example, we would probably be eating s’mores at a campfire or something similar to what you were eating.

Brad: I’d order up and eat pizza over s’mores.

Jess: I’d eat s’mores.

Jess: Whatever it is, we don’t want you thinking that we’re sitting at home on 4th of July being perfect.


Brad: What did we do on 4th of July?

I remember we picked up Sunchips over at our homies place.

Since it was 4th of July and I also picked up some beer too drink.

Brad: Remember, we’re Living Lean.

We’re not trying to live BS life where you’re trying to be a 100% perfect.

Jess: The point here is, we’re not perfect, you’re not perfect, and all of the other people reading this are human beings.


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Question For You:

  • What do you do after you indulged too much over the holidays?
  • How do you get back to Living Lean?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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