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30 Minute Biceps Workout At The Gym That Hits All Heads


The Biceps Blaster Superset Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you into Gold’s Gym Venice to show you a 30 minute biceps workout at the gym that hits all heads.

If you want to build some biceps, this awesome biceps superset workout is for you.

Are you ready to grow?

Let’s go.


30 Minute Biceps Workout At The Gym That Hits All Heads

5 Best Tips For Muscle Growth Live Lean TV 30 Minute Biceps Workout At The Gym That Hits All Heads

This biceps blaster workout includes 3 supersets, comprised of 18 total working sets.

Workout Focus

This muscle building biceps workout focuses on exercises that target the short head and long head of the biceps, as well as the brachialis muscle.

Required Equipment

  • Dumbbells
  • EZ Curl Bar
  • Preacher Curl Bench
  • Fat Gripz (optional)

Thick Bar Training

You’ll notice I’m a fan of thick bar training.

I’m using these blue Fat Gripz throughout the entire biceps workout.

They are so simple to use.

Just wrap them around the handles of the barbell or dumbbell, and get to work.

Using Fat Gripz has been shown to improve neural drive, thus increasing forearm and hand strength, and potentially help improve elbow pain and tendinitis.

If you want to improve grip strength and increase your overall neural drive, try using these Fat Gripz.

Fat Gripz Discount Live Lean TV Fat Gripz Discount

Here’s an Amazon affiliate link to get your own Live Lean approved Fat Gripz.

Calories Burned During Workout

Workout Instructions

If your biceps are a weak body part, this bicep specialization workout can be added in to your overall weekly training program.

This specialized workout builds all the different heads of the biceps.

Select a weight that challenges the muscle within the rep ranges provided, but be sure to control the weight using the prescribed tempos.

Since this is a superset workout, perform the exercises back-to-back, following the indicated rest periods.

Biceps Exercises

Click the links below for the step-by-step exercise demonstrations.

Superset #1: Targets The Short Head Of The Biceps

For the first superset, we’re focusing on the short head of the biceps.

A1. Standing Single Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl With Offset Grip

The first biceps exercise is the standing single arm dumbbell preacher curl with offset grip.

  • Reps: 8 per arm
  • Sets: 3
  • Tempo: 20X0
  • Rest: 10 seconds between exercises within the superset

Coaching cues: This is called an offset grip because rather than gripping the dumbbell in the middle of the handle, you will be using an asymmetrical grip.

This is where your hand grips the dumbbell handle all the way up one side, with your thumb against the weight plate of the dumbbell.

Using an offset grip really pulls in more of the short head of the biceps.

Complete 3 total sets, of 8 reps per arm, at a tempo of 2 seconds down, no pause at the bottom, explode back up, then with no pause at the top, lower the dumbbell back down again.

Since this is a superset, we’re keeping rest periods short, with a 10 second rest, before moving into the next biceps exercise.

A2. Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Concentration Curl

  • Reps: 8 per arm
  • Sets: 3
  • Tempo: 20X0
  • Rest: 2 minutes at the end of the superset

Coaching cues: The seated single arm dumbbell concentration curl is the epitome of an isolation exercise.

You can perform the concentration curl seated or complete the standing concentration curl.

I like the seated position better, since you can really maintain focus, while giving full attention to enhancing the neural drive during the exercise.

This allows you to really concentrate on keeping tension on the biceps, during every rep.

Let’s be honest.

Anytime you can stare at the muscle that’s being worked, it’s easier to increase the mind to muscle connection.

Complete 3 sets of 8 reps per arm, at a tempo of 2 seconds down, no pause at the bottom, then power it up, with no pause at the top.

After completing the superset, you will take a 2 minute rest, then go back and repeat that superset 2 more times, for a total of three supersets.

Superset #2: Targets The Long Head Of The Biceps

For the second superset, we’re focusing on the long head of the biceps.


B1. Standing EZ Curl Bar Wall Curl With Narrow Grip

The first biceps exercise in this superset is the standing EZ curl bar wall curl with narrow grip.

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Tempo: 20X0
  • Rest: 10 seconds between exercises within the superset

Coaching cues:

The barbell curl is a really good exercise where you can use a lot of weight to add more muscle mass to your arms.

However, if you’re using Fat Gripz, it will limit the amount of weight you can move, since it’s harder on grip to hold the weight.

B2. Incline Dumbbell Curl

Let’s move on to be to the incline dumbbell curl.

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Tempo: 20X0
  • Rest: 2 minutes at the end of the superset

Complete 3 sets for 8 reps, following the same 20X0 tempo, as the previous exercises.

After completing the superset, take a 2 minute rest, then move on to the next superset.

Superset #3: Targets The Brachialis

For the third superset, we’re focusing on the brachialis of the biceps.

C1. Seated EZ Curl Bar Reverse Preacher Curl

Reps: 8
Sets: 3
Tempo: 20X0
Rest: 10 seconds between exercises within the superset

Coaching cues:

The seated EZ curl bar reverse preacher curl is a great exercise to add mass to your biceps, and develop strength in your forearms.

In certain cases, your biceps development may be limited by the lack of strength in your forearms.

This exercise will help overcome this.

This is another reason why I like using Fat Gripz on all of these biceps exercises, since they can help strengthen your forearms.

I also like using the EZ curl bar because I find it’s a little bit easier on the wrists.

Complete 3 sets for 8 reps, at that same 20X0 tempo as the previous exercises.

After completing the set, take a 10 second break, then move into the next exercise in the superset.

C2. Seated Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Tempo: 20X0
  • Rest: 2 minutes at the end of the superset

Let’s move on to the seated dumbbell hammer preacher curl.

Coaching cues:

When you are doing this exercise, you may not feel as much tension in the bicep.

However, you are strengthening the brachialis, which will help you further develop stronger and bigger biceps.

Bonus Brachialis Exercises

Here are a few bonus exercises that target the brachialis.

You can also use these two exercises if you want to replace, or interchange, any of the previous brachialis exercises.

Bonus Exercise #1: Seated Dumbbell Zottman Curl

The seated dumbbell zottman curl is a great exercise that targets the brachialis. This exercise also provides a good workout for the biceps and forearms.

Coaching cues:

In the beginning, it may feel uncomfortable, however give it a try with lighter weights, then once you get the movement down, it gets better.

Bonus Exercise #2: Standing Midline Dumbbell Hammer Curl

The next bonus biceps exercise is called the standing midline dumbbell hammer curl.

The is another great exercise to hit the brachialis.

It’s similar to the standing dumbbell hammer curl, however with this variation, rather than curling the dumbbell upwards, you will curl the dumbbells across your sternum, towards the midline of your body.

Key Point

You shouldn’t do these exact biceps exercises every single time you complete a biceps workout.

It’s important to switch up your biceps workout routines to incorporate different:

You get the point.

Always keep shocking your body.

Hopefully You Enjoyed This 30 Minute Biceps Workout At The Gym That Hits All Heads

Thanks for tuning in and being a part of the Live Lean Nation.

If you enjoyed this 30 minute biceps workout at the gym that hits all heads, make sure you share it with your friends.

I also want to see you in action.

Film yourself doing this biceps blaster workout, then post it to your Instagram, and tag me @BradGouthro.

Give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

You guys mean the world to me, and it means a lot that you keep coming back.

We have some awesome posts coming up.

I’ll see you then.

Stayed tuned and keep Living Lean.


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