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How To Build Muscle For Skinny Guys


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6 Secret Tips To Build A Lean And Muscular Bodybuilder’s Physique

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m talking about the 6 secret tips on how to build muscle for skinny guys.

These 6 secrets will help you build a lean and muscular bodybuilder’s physique, even if you are a hard gainer.

Let’s get started.


The Benefits Of Building Muscle

Building muscle is essential to Living Lean.

Unfortunately, when most people think they need to lose fat, they hit the cardio machines and become a smaller, skinnier, fat version of themselves.

What they really need is to build muscle to create a body that becomes a fat burning machine.

Building muscle:

In other words, muscle is awesome.

How To Build Muscle For Skinny Guys

With that said ladies and gentlemen, use these 6 secrets and go build yourself some muscle.

Muscle Building Secret #1. Lift With Your Brain, Not Your Ego

If all you had to do was lift weights, most people in the gym would be freaking huge.

5 Best Tips For Muscle Growth Live Lean TV 5 Best Tips For Muscle Growth

Yes, progressive overload, by adding weight to the bar, is important for building muscle.

However, in my opinion, it’s more important to first focus on creating as much tension in the working muscle as possible.

You create tension by focusing on squeezing and feeling the working muscle, as you move the weight through a full range of motion.

Once you have the mind muscle connection to engage the working muscle to maximum tension, then it’s time to add more weight to the bar.

Focus on stimulating the muscle to grow, rather than trashing your muscle and joints with junk sets.

If you’re not in control of the weight, you’re not in control of your body.

Muscle Building Secret #2. Focus On Major Compound Lifts

You should be focusing on the big 3 lifts to build a solid, strong, and muscular frame.

Remember, the stronger you are, the easier you’ll be able to build muscle.

These 3 major lifts include all variations of:

Focus the majority of your workouts on these lifts, as well as their variations, to hit your muscles from different angles.

By doing this in the beginning, you’ll quickly increase your strength and build muscle faster.

Leave the isolation movements, such as leg extensions and lying leg curls for later, when you already have a decent amount of muscle on your frame.

Muscle Building Secret #3. Eat Big To Get Big

This is one of the most common mistakes people make, especially skinny guys, when trying to build muscle.

To build muscle, you need to feed the muscle.

In other words, most skinny guys don’t eat enough food.

With that said, it’s important to try to keep it as clean as possible to limit fat storage.

However, if you’re a hard gainer skinny ectomorph, just get those calories in.

The body is most anabolic when you feed it a variety of whole food sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Best High Protein Foods For Weight Loss And Muscle Building Live Lean TV Best High Protein Foods For Weight Loss And Muscle Building

The Best Foods To Build Muscle Include:

Also, consider supplementing to feed your body the additional nutrients it needs to stimulate muscle growth.

The Best Muscle Building Supplements Include:

Muscle Building Secret #4. Sleep

You tear down muscle in the gym, you feed the muscle by eating, and you grow the muscle while you sleep.


Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night.

12 Tips To Better Sleep So You Can Burn More Belly Fat Live Lean TV 12 Tips To Better Sleep So You Can Burn More Belly Fat

The best quality sleep begins around 10pm.

Turn off the TV and devices, and start counting sheep gentlemen, and ladies.

If you’re not used to going to bed this early, it will be a struggle in the beginning.

However, like all things, eventually your body will adapt and you will fall asleep earlier, and wake up earlier.

That is the win win.

Muscle Building Secret #5. Mindset

I’m not going to lie guys.

Building muscle is hard.

So ask yourself this.

Why is building muscle important to you?

Make sure you have a strong emotional connection to your answer.

Once you do, that’s your golden ticket to “your why”.

How To Stay Motivated To Eat Healthy And Workout Live Lean TV How To Stay Motivated To Eat Healthy And Workout

Without a strong why, you’ll never stick to the dedication that is required to build muscle.

Muscle Building Secret #6. Follow A Program That Works

The gym would be filled with strong and lean bodies, if each and everyone of them actually had a structured plan, telling them exactly what to do.

Unfortunately most skinny guys walk into the gym with no focus, no plan, and no chance of building muscle.

They stay in their comfort zone and stick to exercises that they enjoy doing.

Obviously this approach isn’t getting them any results.

I transformed my body when I invested in it.

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Build Lean Muscle With My 6 Week Muscle Building Program

If you’re looking for a 6 week program to add some mass, check out my Live Lean Mass 2.0 volume training workout program.

Live Lean MASS 2.0 Live Lean TV Live Lean MASS 2.0

This program covers pretty much everything that I mentioned in this video post.

If you’re ready for it, check out Live Lean Mass 2.0 here.

There you have it guys.

I hope you enjoyed these 6 secret tips on how to build muscle for skinny guys.

Thank you so much for being a part of this empowering and inspiring community.

I appreciate you, and I’m so excited to share with you what we have coming up in the near future.


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82 responses to “How To Build Muscle For Skinny Guys

  1. Great vid Brad. You hit another one out of the park. I work in a recreation
    facility and I see people over lifting all day long.

  2. What about having pop tarts gummy worms fast food n stuff like the Hodge
    twins n other you tubers do for gains lol but they aren’t body builders

  3. All great tips. Mindset is crucial. You don’t want to just build muscle for
    looks. You will grow tired of that. You want to make it a lifestyle, a way
    of Life. Get good habits with workouts & eating. Mindset & consistency will
    make you feel so good. Thanks for the vid.

  4. Brad do you have a video for mind muscle connection. If not you should. if
    you do please let me know so i can watch it.

  5. Hey 14 year old boy, wondering if I should add a protein supplement into my
    smoothies, I’ve been using Greek yogurt as a protein source. Should I add
    whey or something like creatine? Thanks, keep up good work guys!

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