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30 Minute Calorie Crushing Complexes Home Dumbbell Workout


Crush Calories With This Follow Along Live Lean Dad Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 30 minute calorie crushing complexes home dumbbell workout from my Live Lean Dad program.

Welcome to the Calorie Crushing Complexes workout.

Complex workouts are one of my favorite training styles, since it’s essentially cardio with weights.

Not only are you getting the fat burning benefits, you’re also getting the muscle building benefits, as well.


This follow along home dumbbell workout is going to take you approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The workout includes two different sets of complexes, that will be repeated 3 times.

After completing the complexes portion of the workout, you’ll move into two 20/10 tabata style circuits to hit your abs and chest.

How To Do A Complex Training Workout

If you’ve never completed a complex training workout before, here’s how it’s done.

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Each complex contains 6 exercises.

You will select one weight, then move from exercise to exercise, without letting go of the weight in your hands.

This mean you are never going drop the weight between exercises.

Make sure you choose a weight based on the most difficult exercise.

For example, if the standing dumbbell bicep curl is the most challenging exercise in the complex, choose a weight that you can complete that exercise, for the given reps.

Remember, you’ll be using that same weight for every single exercise in the complex.

30 Minute Calorie Crushing Complexes Home Dumbbell Workout

If this sounds confusing, simply follow along with me during the workout.

However, if you can’t keep up with me rep for rep, that’s fine.

Simply go at your own pace.

Just don’t give up on me.

In just 30 minutes, you are going to get smoked during this workout, guaranteed.

During each 2 minute total body dumbbell complex, your heart rate will be rising up, you will feel a little sweaty, and your muscles will be feeling good.

Let’s get started.

Weight Selection:

As you go through the complexes, you will quickly realize which exercise is the most challenging, based on the weight.

From my perspective, here are the most challenging exercises in each complex:

  • Complex #1: Standing arnold press and the standing dumbbell bicep curl to shoulder press.
  • Complex #2: Neutral grip standing dumbbell shoulder press and the dumbbell high pull.

Make sure you choose a weight based on those exercises, since you will not be dropping the weight out of your hands, during the complex.

In other words, you will be using that same weight for every exercise in the dumbbell complex.

If you found the weights were too heavy or too light after the first round, choose lighter or heavier dumbbells for the next round.

One way to progress this workout is too start with a lighter weight for the first round, then progress to a heavier weight for the next round.

Complex Duration And Rep Counts:

You will be completing each complex for 2 minutes, while completing 6 reps, or 3 reps per leg, for each exercise.

The goal is to complete every rep, for every exercise, within 2 minutes.

If you finish all the reps for every exercise, and you still have time left, go back up to the top of the circuit, and keep going.

Your goal is to complete a continuous 2 minute complex, without dropping the weights.


During these complexes, you are not primarily focusing on tempo.


The goal of this complex style workout is to get through each rep, within 2 minutes.

During each rep, you’ll be moving the weights, with good form, in a controlled manner, while making sure you are contracting the muscles.

However, this is more of a cardio style workout, rather than a muscle building workout, where the goal is to create as much tension in the muscle, as possible.

The goal for each rep is not a slowed down tempo, with a focus on time under tension, as you see in our Live Lean MASS 2.0 program, or the other workouts in the Live Lean Dad program.

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As you will see, the primary goal of this workout style is to sizzle off the fat.

Rest Period:

  • No breaks between exercises within the complex.
  • Once the 2 minute complex is up, take a 60 second rest, then repeat.
  • After completing 3 rounds of the complex, take a 2 minute break.

Take a quick breath between exercises, then go.

Remember, do not drop the weights between exercises.

During the rest period, make sure you have your water close by.

Let’s move into the first dumbbell complex.

Complex #1 Exercises

Set the timer for 2 minutes before starting each complex.

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Click the links below for a step-by-step demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

The first exercise in complex #1 is the alternating dumbbell reverse lunge.

  • Reps: 3 reps per leg
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Once you complete all the reps, immediately move on to the next exercise, without letting go of the weight.

A2. Dumbbell Push Press

Let’s move on to the dumbbell push press.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching Cues:

  • Complete a 1/4 squat by sitting back and dropping your hips, then press the dumbbells up over your head.

A3. Dumbbell Front Squat

Let’s move right into the dumbbell front squat.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching Cues:

  • Don’t cheat the range of motion for the front squat.
  • Make sure you squat all the way down.

A4. Standing Arnold Press

It’s time for the standing arnold press.

Remember, no breaks.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching Cues:

  • This is where it begins to get hard.
  • When you lower the dumbbells in front of your body, your palms will be facing you.
  • As you press the dumbbells back up, rotate your palms to be facing away from you.

A5. Alternating Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Next exercise in the complex is the alternating dumbbell bent over row.

  • Reps: 6 reps per side
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

A6. Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl To Shoulder Press

You’re almost there.

Let’s finish the complex with the standing dumbbell bicep curl to shoulder press.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Well done!

Did You Finish The Complex In Time?

This timing of this complex was perfect, since I was saved by the bell, after finishing the last rep.

However, if you made it through all 6 exercises before the 2 minute timer went off, go back to the top of the exercises, starting with the alternating dumbbell reverse lunge, then start over until the buzzer goes.

Once the 2 minute buzzer goes off, take a 1 minute rest, then do the complex again.

Then repeat it one more time, for a total of 3 rounds.

As mentioned, in the first round, we got through the complex in perfect time.

Due to fatigue, the rest of the rounds of the complex will get harder.

During the second round, the 2 minute buzzer went off when I still had 2 reps left to complete.

For the last round, we completed all the reps.

After the third round, you’re done with complex #1.

That was an awesome first complex.

Take a 2 minute break, then move on to complex #2.

Complex #2 Exercises:

At this point you may feel smoked, sweaty, and hot.

This means your body is now ready to burn off and sizzle off the fat.

During the 2 minute break, drink some water, then get ready to move on to the second style of complexes.

For this complex, we’ll be following a similar approach to the first complex, however the exercises are different.

Based on these new exercises, I would say the neutral grip standing dumbbell shoulder press and the dumbbell high pull are going to be the most challenging ones.

Therefore choose your weight selection based on those.

I’ll be sticking with the same weights as I used in complex #1, since I know these weights are going to challenge me.

You Need To Challenge Yourself

Remember, you need to be challenged too, so don’t try to wimp out on this.

I’m being a 100% percent serious, I’m nervous about this round.

However, if you want to change your body, you need to get outside of your comfort zone.

If at this point you’re saying to yourself, “I don’t know if I can do this”, remember this.

You can, you will, and I’m going to help you get there.

Take one last drink of water, get your breath back, and feel the blood flowing through your muscles.

It’s time to get ready to go once the buzzer beeps.

B1. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

The first exercise in complex #2 is the dumbbell romanian deadlift.

  • Reps: 6 reps
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Push your butt back and maintain a flat back, as you lower the dumbbells.

B2. Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Let’s move on to the neutral grip dumbbell bent over row.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

B3. Dumbbell High Pull

Let’s move right into the dumbbell high pull.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching Cues:

B4. Alternating Dumbbell Lateral Lunge

It’s time for the alternating dumbbell lateral lunge.

  • Reps: 3 reps per side
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching Cues:

  • Push your butt back as you lunge to the side.

B5. Neutral Grip Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Next exercise in the complex is the neutral grip standing dumbbell shoulder press.

  • Reps: 6 reps
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • If you’re feeling tired at this point, don’t waste anymore energy thinking about it, just move right into the next exercise.

B6. Alternating Dumbbell Forward Lunge

Let’s finish the complex with the alternating dumbbell forward lunge.

  • Reps: 3 reps per leg
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 60 seconds (or 120 seconds after the last round)

Coaching cues:

  • Find your balance, then lunge.

After the 2 minutes is up, rest 60 seconds, then start complex #2 over again.

Did You Finish The Complex In Time?

At the end of the first round, I got through the full complex with time still left on the 2 minute timer.

Therefore, I kept it going by going back to the top of the order.

I ended up completing one more set of 6 reps of the dumbbell romanian deadlift before the timer went off.

The goal is to beat that during the next round.

Even though I did 6 extra reps of the dumbbell romanian deadlift during round 1, you’ll start with this same exercise again at the beginning of round 2.

During the second round, the 2 minute buzzer went off after I did 5 extra reps of the dumbbell romanian deadlift.

This means I was 1 rep behind the first round, however, we’re still killing it.

For the last round, I completed an extra 5 reps of the dumbbell romanian deadlift.

At this point, the complex portion of this workout is now finished.

Good job.

Take a 2 minute break before moving onto to the tabata portion of the workout.

We’re Not Done Yet

Since we didn’t really hit our abs or our chest during those complexes, I have programmed these exercises into two different tabata workouts.

Yes, we still have two tabatas to complete after that complex workout.

If you want to change and get results, you have to put in the work.

The sweat you are seeing is the work.

If you could see my exercise mat, it is soaked from all the sweat dripping off my face.

Think of your sweat as:

  • the fat burning off your body
  • the weakness leaving your body
  • your old self, and all your bad habits, pouring out of your pores

Every time you sweat, that is what is happening.

You’re becoming a better person.

To be honest, I haven’t sweat this much in a long time.

Maybe it’s just the lights on me, maybe it’s you guys pushing me, but damn when you get the sweat and endorphins going like this, you will feel like you’re on cloud nine.

I feel awesome right now, hopefully you do too.

If you don’t, make yourself feel good.

For example, think about what you’re doing to your body right now.

You’re taking care of it and treating it the way it should be.

Your body is the only temple you have in your life, so treat it that way.

Treat yourself right by:

  • Working out
  • Eating real food
  • Getting the recovery that you need with rest and sleep

4 Minute Tabata Abs Workout #1

After the 2 minute break, we’re going to move into Tabata to work our abs.

Since you’re not using weights, you can put your dumbbells to the side, but keep your water close by.

The total tabata time is 4 minutes.

During these tabata workouts, you are going to complete 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds rest, for 4 exercises.

Repeat this one time.

Get your water, get your rest, and let’s get this done.

Plank Variations

Every abs exercise in this tabata is a variation of the plank.

These plank variations are designed to strengthen your abs.

In most abs training programs, you’ll see mainly crunching movements that create a lot of spinal flexion.

Even though spinal flexion is required to target your abs, a lot of people don’t also build in stability style movements in their ab workouts, such as planks.

Honestly, the reason is probably because planks are boring, unless you break them up into a tabata workout like this.

Even though planks are great for strengthening your overall core, this is why you don’t see a lot of people programming them into their abs workouts.

How To Perform The Plank Properly

The keys to the plank is to keep your body as tight as you possibly can, while maintaining straight lines, and a flat back, with no sagging.

Think about creating a stiff board, with every muscle in your body turned on.

Lastly, make sure you’re breathing and contracting your core throughout these exercises.

C1. Straight Arm Plank

The first plank variation is the straight arm plank.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • During filming, I was nursing a wrist injury, which is why I completed the straight arm plank on my knuckles.
  • If your wrists are healthy, complete the straight arm plank with your palms pressed into the floor, unless you want to be a bad ass.
  • Once the 20 seconds is up, take a 10 second water break, to replenish from the sweaty complexes.

C2. Forearm Side Plank (Right Side)

Let’s move on to the second plank variation, the forearm side plank on your right side.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Complete the plank on your side, by pressing one forearm into the floor below your shoulder, with your feet stacked.
  • The side of your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.
  • To keep your hips up and in alignment, focus on squeezing your quadriceps, hamstrings, and your glutes together.
  • Keep breathing.
  • When you touch your obliques, you should also feel them firing and contracting hard.
  • After 20 seconds, switch to the other side.

C3. Forearm Side Plank (Left Side)

The third plank variation is the forearm side plank on your left side.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Switch arms to complete the plank your other forearm.
  • Keep breathing.
  • Touch your abs to make sure they are hard and turned on, then squeeze them harder.

C4. Forearm Plank

The last plank variation is the forearm plank.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds (or 120 seconds after the last round)

Coaching cues:

  • Place your elbows directly below your shoulders.
  • Press your forearms into the floor to turn on your muscles.
  • Your body should form a straight line.
  • This means your hips should not sag down and your butt should not be piked into the air.
  • Finish strong.

After 20 seconds is up, take a 10 second break, then move back to the top of the order.

At this point you are halfway done the plank tabata abs workout.

Once you finish the second round, take a 2 minute break, then move on to the last portion of this 30 Minute Calorie Crushing Complexes Home Dumbbell Workout, the push up tabata.

Complete one more 4 minute tabata, then you are done for the day.

4 Minute Tabata Chest Workout #2

During the 2 minute break, get some water into your system.

As I mentioned earlier, we never hit our chest with any of the exercises in the complexes portion of the workout.

Most dumbbell chest exercises need to be completed with your back against a flat surface to initiate the chest muscles.

This is why it’s hard to incorporate weighted chest exercises into a complex workout.

With that said, let’s hit our chest muscles with a 4 minute push up Tabata.

Once again, during filming, I was nursing a wrist injury, which is why I completed all the push up variations on my knuckles.

I wish I was doing these push ups flat on my palms because doing them on your knuckles makes it even more difficult.

I know I’m crying and being a wimp right now, but I’m just telling you how I feel 😂.

D1. Close Grip Push Up

The first chest exercise is the close grip push up.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • During the close grip push up, keep your hands close to your body, with your elbows tucked to your sides.
  • Since your hands are closer together, this will hit your triceps muscles on the back of your arms, as well.
  • Lower your body towards the floor, then press your hands through the floor to bring your body back up.
  • When doing push ups, a lot of people let their butt go soft, meaning they don’t contract their glutes, thus letting their hips sag.
  • I’m sorry if that sounds weird, but always make sure you keep your butt clinched.
  • When you keep your glutes contracted, I find it fires a lot of the other muscles in your body.

D2. Side To Side Push Up

Let’s move on to the second push up exercise, the side to side push up.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Lower yourself down into the push up, press back up, then move your hands to the other side.
  • If your muscles give out before the buzzer, just hold the straight arm plank.
  • This means if you can’t get in any more push ups, don’t just stop.
  • Stick the straight arm plank until the buzzer goes off, to get more benefit from the set.
  • Catch your breath during the breaks.

D3. Push Up

The third push up exercise is the standard regular push up.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Place your hands a little bit outside of shoulder width.
  • Focus on pressing the floor away from you.

D4. Wide Grip Push Up

The last push up exercise is the wide grip push up.

During this chest tabata workout, we started with a narrow grip, then we progressively placed our hands wider.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Your grip will be taken outside of shoulder width.
  • If you’re using an exercise mat, your hands should be placed a little wider than your mat.
  • Make sure you get the last rep in before the buzzer.

You have one more round, starting with the close grip push up.

There you go.

That Was The 30 Minute Calorie Crushing Complexes Home Dumbbell Workout

You just smashed a couple complexes and a couple tabatas, while smashing your entire body.

Awesome job.

If that was your first experience completing a complex, I’m sure you are loving the results.

Now it’s time to finish with some stretching during your cool down.

Don’t quit this workout until your get your stretching in.


Get All 9 Live Lean Dad Follow Along Workout Videos

Become the healthy, lean, and strong role model your kids deserve.

This workout is one of 9 videos from my Live Lean Dad home dumbbell workout video training program.

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However, you don’t need to be a dad to get incredible results from today’s follow along, real time, 30 minute at home dumbbell workout.

I repeat, you can still get amazing results from this program, even if you’re a female, or a dude who’s not a dad!

Get the full Live Lean Dad follow along workout video program here.

Thanks for watching and keep Living Lean.


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