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Live Lean Dad

In just 30 minutes, from the comfort of your own home, drop those 10 pounds of pregnancy chub and become the FIT, LEAN, and STRONG role model your kids will look up to FOREVER.

Become A LEAN & FIT Dad
With The Live Lean Dad System!

  • Access To All Workout Programs
  • Available In Our App
  • 7 Dumbbell Workout Videos
  • Finish in 30 Mins At Home
  • Follow Along With Coach Brad
  • Talk To Us In The App

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*7 Days Free, Then $8.33/MO.

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Get All The Follow Along Dumbbell Workout Videos Inside Our App

The 42 day Live Lean Dad Training System is designed to turn your into a:

✅ Dad your kids will look up to in awe

✅ Husband your wife drools over

✅ Guy all of your friends envy

✅ Lean, healthy, strong, athletic, and confident dad

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Plus, you'll get an all access pass to 1,000+ other Live Lean workouts

When you sign up to Live Lean Dad today, you will also get an all access pass to ALL of our 1,00os of workouts, PLUS access to 100,000s of workouts and classes from other fitness creators all over the world.

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Live Lean Success Stories

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Burn Off The Last 10 Pounds of Dad Fluff!

Become The Healthy, Lean, And Strong Role Model Your Kids Deserve
Destroy Your Energy Zapping Stubborn Belly Fat
Unlock Your Inner Dad Strength
Chisel And Define Lean And Aesthetic Muscle
Spark Your Athletic Side


Can Anyone Do This Workout Program Or Is It Just For Dads?

Anyone can do it. Even though the Live Lean Dad workout program is targeted towards dads, the training styles, exercises, and results will work for anyone.

I’m A Woman, Can I Also Get Results From This Workout Program?

Even though this program is marketed towards men, if you’re a women, you definetly will also get results. The workout portion of the program includes the best exercises to burn calories, increase metabolism, and enhance your fat burning hormones. These exercises do just that regardless if you are a female or male.

Can I Build Muscle And Burn Body Fat Doing This Program?

Yes. The workouts are broken out into 3 different phases. A strength building phase, a muscle building phase, and a fat burning phase. By following the workout schedule, you will be on your way to building muscle and burning fat.

I’m a beginner to exercise. Is this program to advanced for me?

You can modify the reps, sets, and rest periods to match your fitness level. Once your fitness levels improve, you can aim towards following the program as written.

Is this program going to challenge me?

Definitely. I’ve been training for over 10 years and I love the challenge of these workouts. I promise you, regardless of what your current fitness level is, you will be challenged, and you will see results.

Will I need to spend a lot of time in the gym doing cardio in order to follow your program? What about the workouts?

This is a home based workout program. All the workouts are designed to be 30 minutes or less. You only need access to is a pair of dumbbells (preferably a heavier and a lighter pair). No other cardio is required, other than taking your baby for walks 😉

It's Time to Take Action and Make Your Kids Proud

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Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.