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4 Minute Intense Bodyweight Tabata Leg Workout


The Lower Body Hurricane Tabata Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you a 4 minute intense bodyweight tabata leg workout.

I’ve been doing tabata workouts for years, since they are a great style of HIIT workout that can be completed in a short period of time.

This quick and effective tabata HIIT workout is designed to turn on your fat burning switch and build stronger legs, in just 4 minutes.

I’m very excited about this one, because I get so many messages from people saying the following:

  • I don’t have time to go to the gym.
  • I don’t have any gym equipment at home.
  • What can I do to get in shape quickly?

Well, here’s the good news.

You can finish this awesome bodyweight tabata leg workout in just 4 minutes.

4 Minute Intense Bodyweight Tabata Leg Workout

Let’s get the workout started and get our body moving.


Brad Gouthro, PTS/NWS, host and creator of Live Lean TV, and the #1 expert teaching people all over the world how to Live Lean 365 days a year.

Workout Goals:

This 4 minute intense bodyweight tabata leg workout is designed to focus on:

  • Boosting calorie burn for faster fat loss.
  • Stimulating new leg muscle growth.
  • Increasing leg strength.
  • Creating a more explosive, functional, mobile and injury-free body.

Required Equipment:

  • A sturdy bench or step to jump on.

Duration Of The Workout:

  • 4 minutes

Calories Burned During Workout:

Number Of Rounds:

  • Complete 2 rounds of this 4 exercise circuit.


  • 20 seconds per exercise.


  • 10 seconds between exercises and rounds.

Workout Instructions:

If you are short on time or don’t have access to any equipment, complete this 4 minute intense bodyweight tabata leg workout routine as your workout for the day.

However, if you really want to get faster results, use this 4 minute tabata routine as your workout finisher, after your typical strength training workout.

Since this tabata workout only lasts 4 minutes, I need you to work hard by giving full out maximum intensity during the 20 second working sets.

If you want to see results, you need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone by increasing your intensity.

When you start to feel the burn, think about being in the 3rd period or 4th quarter, and keep pushing harder for the last few seconds of the set.

If you’re not feeling it after this workout, you’re not training hard enough.

This 4 minute intense bodyweight tabata leg workout is comprised of 4 exercises to be completed in circuit format.

For the working sets, you’ll complete the exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then immediately move on to the next exercise in the circuit.

Once you complete all 4 exercises, rest 10 seconds, and repeat the circuit one more time for a total of 2 rounds and 8 total working sets.


If the workout is too difficult for you simply drop the plyometric jumping portion of the exercise.

I’ve included beginner exercise modifications below.

Click the links below for the step-by-step exercise demonstrations.

A1. Box Jumps

The first exercise are box jumps.


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 10X0

Beginner Version:

If the plyometric version of this exercise is too advanced for you, simply complete the step up squat.

A2. Fast Feet Box Toe Taps

The next exercise are fast feet box toe taps.

In the video, I incorrectly called these step ups.

Rather than simply stepping up on the box, the goal is to give all out effort by quickly alternating your legs as you tap the box with your feet.



  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 10X0

Beginner Version:

If the plyometric version of this exercise is too advanced for you, simply complete the alternating step up.

A3. Jump Squat

The next exercise in this tabata workout is the jump squat.


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 10X0

Beginner Version:

If the plyometric version of this exercise is too advanced for you, simply complete air squats.

A4. Jump Lunges

The last exercise of the round are jump lunges.


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 10X0

Beginner Version:

If the plyometric version of this exercise is too advanced for you, simply complete an alternating forward lunge during the first round and an alternating reverse lunge during the second round.

Repeat This Circuit One More Time

Take a well deserved 10 second break to let your legs rest, then move into the final round by completing the A1-A4 exercise circuit one more time.

You’re almost done, so keep pushing.

Awesome work.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tabata leg workout.

After this workout my legs were toast as I really felt a lot of muscle activation in my legs.

Try this 4 minute intense bodyweight tabata leg workout after your next barbell back squat or barbell deadlift routine, to take your leg training to the next level.


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