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8 Abs Exercises At Home That Require No Equipment

At Home Abs Workout To Sculpt Your Abs With No Equipment

On today’s episode Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 8 abs exercises at home that require no equipment.

You can use these home abs exercises to get lean and sculpted abs.

I also break these 8 abs exercises into two different at home abs workouts.

But before I share these 8 abs exercises and home workouts, I need to post the following disclaimer.

You will not get crazy lean abs if you only do these abs exercises at home.

You also need to be following the right types of full body workouts and a healthy diet.

Abs Exercises Are Not The Most Effective Way To Burn Belly Fat

Abs are probably one of the most misunderstood body parts, especially when it comes to losing belly fat.

There is no such thing as spot reduction.

Spot Reduction. Myth or Truth?

This simply means you cannot target a particular part of your body, like the belly, to burn fat.

In other words, 1000’s of crunches a day will not effectively burn belly fat.

Here’s The Most Effective Way To Get Tight Abs

To get lean flat abs, you must first burn off your belly fat.

You can do this by eating the right types of foods and following a properly structured workout program designed to burn fat.

This full body workout program should incorporate strategic rest periods, exercises, and training styles, that targets your entire body to maximize calorie burning, while maintaining muscle.

We go into way more detail on how to do this in all of our programs.

Take our short Live Lean Body Quiz here, to find the best program for you, based on your goals, fitness level, and access to equipment.

If you still have not taken the quiz, do it now.

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Ok, now that that’s out of the way, lets talk about these 8 abs exercises at home that require no equipment.

Then I’ll share the two at home abs workouts that you can use to sculpt your abs with no equipment.

Do these 8 abs exercises at home, when you have no equipment or access to a gym.

To watch each abs exercise, click on the link or image.

Check it out.

Abs Exercise #1: Lying Leg Raise (a.k.a. Stiff Leg Raise)

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #2: Double Crunch (a.k.a Concemetric Crunch)

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #3: Crunch (a.k.a. Half Sit Up)

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #4: Frog Crunch (a.k.a. Frog Sit Up)

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #5: Reverse Crunch a.k.a. Hip Roll

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #6: Lying Knee To Elbow Oblique Crunch (a.k.a. Knee-To-Elbow Raise)

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #7. Alternating Single Leg Jackknife

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Abs Exercise #8: Abdominal Vacuum

8 Abs Exercises At Home No Equipment

Here’s how to structure these 8 abs exercises into two different at home workout routines.

At Home Abs Sculpting Workout #1

Total time:

15 minutes.

Type of workout:

Abs circuit workout.

Complete the abs exercises in circuit format, resting 15 seconds between each A1-A4 exercise.

At the end of the circuit, rest 60 seconds, then repeat for a total of 4 sets.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Abdominal Vacuum

Reps: 8

Tempo: 1122

Rest: 15 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: this abs exercise is a weird one. It’s called the abdominal vacuum. You want to draw your abdominal muscles into your chest cavity and hold that for 2 seconds. Then slightly relax and do it again. After completing 8 reps, rest 15 seconds, then move on to abs exercise A2.

A2. Double Crunch

Reps: 8

Tempo: 1012

Rest: 15 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: the next abs exercise is called the double crunch a.k.a. the concemetric crunch by the late professional bodybuilder, Vince Gironda. This is another exercise that targets your rectus abdominis. Lie flat on the floor, place your hands behind your head, then bring your knees over your hips while you sit up. Make sure you pull your elbows and knees towards each other, as you continue exhaling while holding the contracted position for 1-2 seconds. Breathing, especially during the exhale, is so important for every single abdominal exercise. Breathing out all of the air, while pulling in your lower abs, will help you tighten your stomach. Then lower them simultaneously. After completing 8 reps, rest 15 seconds, then move on to abs exercise A3.

A3. Crunch

Reps: 10

Tempo: 1012

Rest: 15 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: the crunch, a.k.a the half sit-up, is great for your upper abdominals. Focus on keeping your lower back and hips flat on the floor. During the contraction, exhale while pulling in your waist. Hold the contracted position for 1-2 seconds. To make the crunch more challenging, you can add weight by completing the dumbbell long arm crunch. After completing 10 reps, rest 15 seconds, then move on to abs exercise A4.

A4. Lying Leg Raise

Reps: 8

Tempo: 1011

Rest: 60 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: the lying leg raise, a.k.a. stiff leg raise hits your rectus abdominis. Start by placing your hands behind your hips, palms down. Then extend your legs and raise them straight up into the air as far as possible, while keeping your toes pointed. Hold that contracted position for 1-2 seconds. Make sure you exhale while pulling in your abs to contract them during the raising of your legs. Then breath in as you lower your legs. After completing 8 reps, rest 60 seconds, then repeat the circuit, starting with exercise A1.

At Home Abs Chiseling Workout #2

Total time:

15 minutes.

Type of workout:

Abs circuit workout.

Complete the abs exercises in circuit format, resting 15 seconds between each A1-A4 exercise.

At the end of the circuit, rest 60 seconds, then repeat for a total of 4 sets.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Frog Crunch

Reps: 8

Tempo: 1011

Rest: 15 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: now it’s time to get into some unique ab exercises. This one is called the frog crunch, a.k.a. the frog sit up. This is excellent for your rectus abdominis. Lie with your back on the floor and the bottom of your feet pressed together. Place your hands behind your head, with your fingers behind your ears. This hand placement ensures you do not pull your head and neck forward for momentum. The entire crunching motion should being generated by the contraction of your core, so remember to keep it tight. Hold the contracted position for 1-2 seconds. Repeat. After completing 8 reps, rest 15 seconds, then move on to abs exercise A2.

A2. Reverse Crunch

Reps: 8

Tempo: 1012

Rest: 15 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: now it’s time to hit your lower abs again. This exercise is called the reverse crunch, a.k.a. the hip roll. Lie down on the floor on your back, with your hands under your hips, palms down. With your knees bent, you can keep your feet side by side, or cross your legs at the ankles. Pull your legs towards your chest until your knees are just above your chest. Return back to the starting position and repeat. Again, this is an awesome exercise for the lower abs. After completing 8 reps, rest 15 seconds, then move on to abs exercise A3.

A3. Lying Knee To Elbow Oblique Crunch

Reps: 8/side

Tempo: 1011

Rest: 15 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: this abs exercise is called the lying knee to elbow oblique crunch a.k.a. the knee to elbow raise. This exercise will hit your obliques. Lie down on the floor on your back, then raise your right knee to the side as you crunch your right elbow to touch it. Hold the contracted position for 1 second. Complete the same movement on your left side by lifting your left knee and raising it towards your left elbow. Hold that contracted position for 1 second. Focus on keeping your body as flat as possible on the floor throughout the entire range of motion for this exercise. This is a great abs exercise for the obliques. After completing 8 reps/side, rest 15 seconds, then move on to abs exercise A4.

A4. Alternating Single Leg Jackknife

Reps: 4/leg

Tempo: 1011

Rest: 60 seconds

Sets: 4

Coaching cues: I probably saved one my best abs exercises for last. This one is called the alternating single leg jackknife. Once again, lie flat on your back and crunch up while bringing one foot towards your hands. Then complete the exact same movement with the opposite leg. By now you should really feel your abs working. You’re getting there, so keep it going. After completing 4 reps/leg, rest 60 seconds, then repeat the circuit, starting with exercise A1.

Hopefully these 8 no equipment abs exercises gives you a little insight into how to workout your abs at home.

Are Weighted Side Bends A Good Exercise To Get Rid Of Love Handles?

You may have noticed that I did not include weighted side bends.

I don’t typically recommend weighted side bends as they do not get rid of love handles nor do they help trim your waist size.

In some cases, weighted side bends may actually build up the mass of the obliques, thus adding more size to your waist.

Stop Making These 3 Abs Training Mistakes

Last thing.

I see many people making the following 3 mistakes when doing abs exercises.

#1. Too Much Range Of Motion Outside Of The Contraction Zone

The function of the abdominal muscles is to shorten the distance between the pelvis and the sternum.

Full range of motion for sit ups and leg raises often go outside of the contracted range of motion.

Partial movements allow you to keep the tension on the muscle inside the contracted range of motion.

Keeping constant tension will train your abs better.

#2. Rest Between Sets Are Too Long

During your abs workouts, you only need a few seconds of rest between sets.

Don’t be a meathead and take 5 minute rests between abs sets.

Take a few seconds to take a deep breath, then get at it again.

#3. Not Breathing Properly

You should be giving a deep exhale on every contraction.

This will tighten the abdominal muscles and provide an incredible contraction.

Rather than pushing your stomach out during the contraction, think about pulling your lower abs in.

This can help stop you from getting bloated abs.

How To Fix Bloated Abs

How Often Should You Train Abs?

You do not have to train your abs every day.

Since your abdominals get a very good supply of blood, they do not need to be trained with 1000’s of reps a day.

I would prefer you to focus the majority of your time performing high intensity lifts, such as barbell front squats and barbell deadlifts, as well as HIIT sprints.

For a full fat blasting workout program to get you abs, follow my Live Lean Afterburn.

Live Lean Afterburn 2.0

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Question For You:

  • How often do you directly train your abs?
  • Are you happy with your progress to date?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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47 responses to “8 Abs Exercises At Home That Require No Equipment

  1. Brad..Thanks for sharing your fitness videos…they’ve been a great help.
    One problem..I find that when I do ab exercises, especially crunches, it’s
    my lower back that gives out well before I feel the “burn” in the abs.
    After the first set of 20, I can’t do anymore. How can I improve lower
    back / core strength?

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    …which causes me to wonder, my own purpose on so many days as humble as the spider’s, what is beautiful that I make? What is elegant? What feeds the world?

  6. Yo brad i was just thinking no one would take you seriously on here if you didnt have a 6 pack, probably

  7. Thanks brad your the best I’m a big fan of you and your channel and I got my gd into you this weekend so keep up the vids

  8. Well-chosen exercises. This workout trains all parts of the abdominals effectively. Stiff leg raise works for me very well to train my abs for calisthenics. Thanks you for sharing this workout.

  9. Stick to go to your know-how inside the works of art you are writing. The particular market wants far more zealous copy writers that you that aren’t fearful to express the way they think. Often focus on your current center.

  10. Brad love your videos, very inspirational. So i am a very skinny guy ( 5’9″ 135 lbs,)trying to put some weight now. I dont have abs, i have fat on my belly. Should i do cardio aswell with my weight training? and about dieting, should i eat/ drink fat free products like fat free milk, cottage cheese etc or it doesnt matter since i am underweight?? need some info in that.

  11. Love this!! Ty so much!! I have bad belly fat and I run about 20 miles a week and its my bad diet causing this. You r an inspiration!!

  12. great video.. a bit off topic here. what are your comments on alternating days of strength training ( MON WED FRI) and Insanity HIIT (TUE THURS SAT)

  13. oooh, I’m a sick puppy and love me an ab workout — maybe do one 3 to 4x week. Fav exercise would prob be floorsweepers with a weighted bar or pike handstand on TRX. And I agree with your opening comments, you can’t spot reduce . . . . people ask how I get my abs and it’s mainly just because of overall body fat leanness, you can’t be soft all over and then have ripped abs

  14. The dog at 3:35 : LOL wtf is this guy doing? 😀
    Great vid, how many times do you hit abs per week?

  15. i needed an inspiration cuz i’ve been very busy lately, now i can continue my workout routine with this workout as an addition… TNX MUCH BRAD!

  16. Can’t wait to try out theses move Brad! I’m going to check your at home live lean mealy down. Ps you and Jessica are so adorable!

  17. @qwertyasdaz click the link in the description box above where i give a workout on my blog using these exercises

  18. Brad amazing Video, I need help, I don’t know is my leg are are heavy or my lower abs aren’t strong , what is the beat way to lose the weight in legs and make you abs stronger.

  19. I actively concentrate on working my abs perhaps every 2-3 days, depending on what type of exercise I’m doing. I’m not unhappy with where I’m at but would love to go to the next level of abs to get really happy. So how often should you specifically focus on ab exercises?

  20. the link on the newsletter(email) did not work, luckely im also subscribed to your youtube channel, good vid!

  21. Some great ab exercises I hadn’t come across before! Quick question though, any tip on reps, sets, and tempo for an intermediate gym-goer.?

  22. Nice Ab video. It’s not getting the abs that’s my problem. It’s losing the fat over my abs!

  23. LoL at Sammy looking at you like Dude what are you doing?? Great video Brad about to do this tonight!

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