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Live Lean 20 Diet

20 Mouth Watering Recipes, Using Only 20 Ingredients, Prepared in 20 Minutes or Less!

With The NEW Live Lean 20 Diet System!

  • 20 Simple Recipes
  • 20 Easy to Find Ingredients
  • 20 Minutes or Less to Prepare

Now Only $47

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Tired of Wasting your Precious Time and Money in the Kitchen making Boring “Diet” Food that Tastes like Stinky Feet?

Discover the simplified, fool proof way to melt up to 20 pounds of stubborn body fat, over the next 20 weeks, by eating foods you love like burgers, pasta, and pancakes!

Hey friend,

It’s your boy Brad Gouthro from Live Lean TV.

Since 2008, my wife Jessica and I have been helping people from all over the world, Live Lean 365 days a year.

Even after we’ve posted over 800 videos about Living Lean, we know a lot of people still mistakenly believe that either…

Healthy food has to taste bad or tasty food has to be unhealthy.


You CAN eat healthy and simplify the way you eat WITHOUT sacrificing flavor!

Build Your Body Burgers Recipe
Build Your Body Burgers – Page 21

And That’s why we’ve designed this new SIMPLIFIED Diet System.

Lets be real, a life without deliciousness just isn’t worth living.

Even if your abs are rocking.

We don’t want you to be miserable and good looking.

We want you to be good looking AND happy, satisfied, and have fun being social with your friends and family.

And thats what you get with the SIMPLIFIED Live Lean 20 Diet system.

Say goodbye to the days of slaving in the kitchen, eating boring foods, and spending your entire paycheck on healthy foods.

But first…

Here’s The PROBLEM!

  1. You go all in or all out. One week it’s chicken and broccoli, the next it’s pizza and donuts. This can be very confusing to your metabolism. We’re not telling you to give up pizza and donuts, we just want you to structure them into your diet in a way that lets you indulge without guilt, regrets, or setbacks. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how you can still enjoy burgers, pancakes, and pasta…guilt-free.
  2. You think all healthy food tastes gross. Or you think all healthy food is expensive and needs to be made by a 5 star chef to taste good. Wrong. Most people know what types of foods will get you lean, but unfortunately 99.97% of those same people (yes, science) fail because they don’t know how to quickly and easily make these healthy foods taste awesome. Let us show you how simple it is to make healthy food taste freaking delicious!
  3. You get so overwhelmed at the grocery store that you waste time and essentially walk out with nothing. Trust us, we totally understand that grocery shopping can be overwhelming and time consuming. That’s why we’ve narrowed down all the ingredients to just 20 foods! Plus we provide you with a simple grocery list that can be accessible on your phone. Winning.
Not Yo Grandma’s Pasta – page 22


Our NEW Live Lean 20 Diet System


Do you love pasta, burgers, and pancakes? So do we. With the Live Lean 20 Diet system, we’ll show you how to make all of your 20 favorite meals, using just 20 simple ingredients. Yes, we narrowed it down to our favorite 20 because let’s be real, having only 20 different things to make simplifies everything. Bottom line, you don’t have to be a master chef to master your body.


You won’t have to visit an ancient Chinese herbal garden to find these ingredients. We’ve included just 20 foods to add to your weekly grocery list. Plus we’ve included 10 of our favorite condiments and spices to help you make things taste delicious. When you keep these 20 ingredients stocked in your house, you can make any of the recipes in the Live Lean 20 Diet system.


Yeah, we don’t want to be in the kitchen for 2 hours either! Ain’t nobody got time for that. By following these recipes, you get recipes that take less than 20 minutes to prepare.

It's Time to Take Action and Live Lean 365 Days a Year

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Here's What You're Getting When You Invest In The Live Lean 20 Diet System Today...

Live Lean 20 Diet Live Lean TV Live Lean 20 Diet
LL20 Component 1 Live Lean TV

Component #1: Recipe Book

This complete recipe book has our favorite 20 delicious recipes that are quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious. Each recipe contains a variation of 20 fat burning and muscle building ingredients that are so simple to prepare. Say goodbye to that stubborn belly fat as each and every ingredient is designed to turn on your FAT BURNING switch. You’ll be happy to learn that every recipe is gluten, dairy, wheat, and grain free. Perfect for diabetics and for people looking to live the lean lifestyle, 365 days a year.

ipad-cover-ll20-VIDE-COOKING-LESSONS-1 Live Lean TV

Component #2: Cooking Video Lessons Of All The Recipes

The Live Lean 20 Diet Video Cooking Lessons show you STEP-BY-STEP how to cook every recipe in less than 100 seconds.

Screen-Shot-2016-10-06-at-1.51.50-PM Live Lean TV

Component #3: Male & Female Meal Plans

The Live Lean 20 Diet Meal Plan takes away all the work when it comes to meal planning. We tell you exactly which recipes to eat for every meal, all pulled directly from the Live Lean 20 Recipe Book. NO MORE GUESS WORK. LET US DO THE PLANNING FOR YOU.

LL20 Component 2 Live Lean TV

Component #4: Grocery List

When you go to the grocery store, you need a plan. That's why we’ve created a simple to use grocery shopping list featuring every ingredient needed for the 20 recipes. Simply open up the list on your smart phone and get in and out of the grocery store within 20 minutes. Winning.

LL20 Component 3 Live Lean TV

Component #5: Nutrition & Food Substitution Guide

We know what you may be thinking. "Am I supposed to eat 20 ingredients for the rest of my life?". Well you could if you wanted as each of these 20 foods are jam packed full nutrients, but we realize variety is important. That's why we've developed this Food Substitution guide that shows numerous food swaps for each of the 20 foods. For instance, if you don't like spinach, we share other comparable foods to swap it out for while still getting the same results. Brilliant!

LL20 Component 4 Live Lean TV

Component #6: 9 New Rules of Live Lean Eating

Over the years we've followed many different "rules" when it comes to our nutrition. We've kept most in, but we've also replaced a few with new rules that are more sustainable and better suited to fit your individual lifestyle. Make sure you read this one!

LL20 Component 5 Live Lean TV

Component #7: 20 Money Saving Tips

It's true. Buying healthy food does cost more than living on ramen noodles. However you need to switch with your mindset from thinking of healthy food as an expense to thinking of it as an investment. Invest in your health now, to live a long life of sustainable energy, prosperity, and happiness rather than a life in a hospital bed. Follow these 20 money saving tips to ensure you're getting the biggest bang for your buck.

Live Lean Success Stories


1. Can both males and females use this diet system?

Definitely. This recipe was designed by both Brad and Jessica and works for females, males, all age groups, races, etc. All the 20 ingredients have been carefully selected to optimize your body’s processes to turn off your fat storing switch and turn on your FAT BURNING switch (oh and build lean muscle)!

2. Are the recipes filled with hard to find and expensive ingredients? Do I have to buy organic?

No. That’s one of the main features of this diet system. You won’t have to travel to exotic health stores to find the ingredients. Every one of the 20 ingredients can be found in your local grocery store. And although it is optimal to buy organic, I understand it’s not always affordable. Hopefully you’ll be saving money using our 20 tips to save money guide. Plus you scan still get incredible results via conventional whole foods, but we do recommend organic, when possible.

3. If I have more than 20 pounds to lose, will this diet system help? What if I have less than 20 pounds?

To answer both questions, yes. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you’re in luck. Not only will these ingredients and recipes optimize your fat burning hormones, the foods will also keep you feeling fuller, longer. Say goodbye to the energy depleting effects of most “calorie deprived” diets. The foods used in these recipes are high in protein and healthy fats (the two most satiating macronutrients) and low in refined carbohydrates (which actually spark cravings and cause you to eat more)! If you have less than 20 pounds to loss, a lot of times those last few pounds can be stubborn to melt off. Fortunately they’re often caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. Why is this fortunate? Because these imbalances can be corrected by eating the right types of foods found in each and every recipe in this diet system. Pair that with a good workout program and you’ll be lean faster than you think.

4. How will the Live Lean 20 Diet system help me lose fat & build muscle FASTER?

The Live Lean 20 Diet system promotes eating whole natural foods that optimize our body for FASTER weight loss, MORE energy, and OVERALL better hormonal balance. Burning off that ugly fat (and keeping it off for good) is all about balancing the body’s insulin hormone. Learning how to balance your insulin hormone (even if you don’t workout), WILL lead you to sustainable weight loss. In order to balance insulin production, we must first remove insulin inducing foods. That is what the Live Lean 20 Diet system does. Removes the foods (often labelled by the media as healthy) that create a fat storing environment in the body. Each recipe is loaded with real whole foods packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and proteins that are all going to help you Live Lean FASTER!

5. Will I need to spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen?

Nope. That’s one of the main features with the Live Lean 20 Diet system. Each recipe can be prepared in 20 minutes or less because lets be real…ain’t nobody got time for being a slave to the kitchen!

6. Are all the recipes paleo approved?

Yes, all the recipes are considered paleo friendly. No dairy and no gluten/wheat/grains.

7. I don’t know how to cook. Can I still use the recipes?

Trust me. Anyone can learn how to prepare this fast and simple recipes. Each recipe includes step-by-step instructions, and you also have the ability to add our video cooking lessons option for each recipe to your cart during checkout.

8. I understand I’m buying a digital download. How do I download it and is it viewable on my iPad?

By purchasing a digital downloadable product, you instantly get access to the system and save on shipping costs. It’s quick and very easy to download the entire program to your computer after you purchase it (it only takes a few seconds to download). Once you download the file to your computer, you can save the pdf file to a directory. You can then open it to read it on your computer, you can share it to your smart device like your smart phone or tablet, or you can go old school and print it out to bring with you to read anywhere.

The program file comes is downloaded in .pdf format. You can open this file with Adobe Reader. You probably already have Adobe Reader on your computer as it comes installed on most computers. However, if you don’t have Adobe Reader, you can download it to your computer for free here:

9. I’m not from the US so can I still buy it? Is the price in US dollars?

We process orders from the majority of the countries in the world. Yes the price listed is in US dollars but the secure credit card processing company (Clickbank) will simply convert the price into your country’s currency.

10. What if it doesn’t work for me?

Since I’m so confident that this system will work for you, I’m putting a 30 day money back guarantee behind my offer. No hassles. No questions asked. Request a full refund, and you’ll get it quickly.


It's Time to take Action and Live Lean 365 Days a Year

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PLEASE NOTE: This program is an instant download. This is GREAT NEWS, as it means you will get access to the program instantly with no waiting and no shipping costs. Once again, no physical products will be shipped. An automatic e-mail with a link will be sent to you immediately following payment. This link will get you INSTANT ACCESS to download the the program to your computer.

Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.