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Complex Training Workout | Body Recomposition Workout Plan Day 36


Clean Supplements | Live Lean Shred Ep. 36

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you through complex training workout #6 from the Afterburn 1.0 body recomposition workout plan.

Welcome back to the gym for day 36 of our 6 week Live Lean Shred Body Recomposition Workout Plan Series.

Table Of Contents – Jump To:

What Do BCAA supplements Do?

Before I head down to the gym for complex training workout #6, I need to take my pre-workout drink to get a boost of energy.

I haven’t talked that much about supplements in this 42 day series.


Besides having a coffee with some coconut oil in the morning, I usually train fasted.

This means I don’t eat before I go for my workout.

When I do train fasted, I do supplement with branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), since they can protect the muscle and reduce muscle catabolism.

5 Ways To Reduce Muscle Soreness And Improve Recovery After A Workout

Supplementing with BCAAs can be especially important when you’re not eating before your workout.

If you’re sore after your workouts, BCAAs may also help speed up your muscle recovery.

How Do I Choose The Best BCAA Supplement?

When it comes to BCAA powder, a lot of supplement companies include junk ingredients, including artificial sweeteners to their product.

I’m currently using BCAA powder from a company called True Athlete.

I like this brand of BCAA powder since they do not include artificial sweeteners and it includes a 4:1:1 ratio branched chain amino acids.

The 3 branched chained amino acids are:

  1. Leucine
  2. Isoleucine
  3. Valine

The most important of these 3 branched chain amino acids is leucine.

Which BCAA Ratio Is The Best?

When looking for a good BCAA supplement, you should look for a brand that has higher ratio in leucine.

The optimal ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine should be at least a 2:1:1 ratio.

Since True Athlete branched chained amino acids contain no artificial flavors, there is no flavor.

Therefore, when you add it to water, it can taste a little chalky.

To overcome this taste, I like to add the BCAA powder to the other supplement I like to take before my workout, a pre-workout powder.

By adding the BCAAs to a naturally sweetened pre-workout powder like this, you get the flavor without all the artificial sweeteners.

I call that a win.

One last thing.

What Exactly Does ZMA Do?

The other supplement that I’ve been taking at night is ZMA.

ZMA includes:

  1. Zinc
  2. Magnesium
  3. Vitamin B6

ZMA can help speed up recovery and improve sleep.

Also, I’ve been finding when I wake up in the morning, my member is hard as a board 😉.

With that said, I’m going to drink this pre-workout and BCAA drink, then get into today’s complex training workout.

Here’s how I make this pre-workout drink with BCAAs:

  1. Add a cup of water to a blender.
  2. Add 1 scoop (6.7g) of True Athlete BCAA powder 4:1:1 to the blender.
  3. Add 1 serving of Legion Pulse Pre-Workout powder to the blender.
  4. Blend for a few seconds.
  5. Pour the drink into a cup and enjoy.

It tastes fruity, without the chalky texture.

What Does NSF Mean On Supplements?

One other thing about the True Athlete brand of supplements is they’re NSF approved.

NSF approved basically means professional athletes can take it, knowing there’s no banned substances in it.

This is really cool because as a Live Leaner, we don’t take banned substances.


If you want to pick up any of these True Athlete supplements, here is the link to get them at The Vitamin Shoppe.

I’m now ready to make some gains in the gym.

Let’s go workout.

Complex Training Workout | Body Recomposition Workout Plan Day 36

Welcome back to the gym.

We’re doing complex training workout #6 today.

This is the final complex training workout of this Live Lean Shred 42 day body recomposition workout plan series.

As I’ve mentioned each time we’ve done it, complex training is one of my favorite workout styles.

Here is the PDF download link for the complete complex training workout #6, including exercise demonstration videos.

Make sure you have your PDF of the workout on your phone with you.

If you don’t have the Afterburn 1.0 workout PDFs yet, sign up for our newsletter here.

You’ll get all the workout PDFs emailed to your phone, absolutely free.

Here are the 4 previous complex training workouts:

4 Minute Warm Up

Before starting, perform 2 circuits of this warm-up without resting between exercises:

How To Complete A Complex Workout

Pick one weight for the entire complex based on the most difficult exercise.

Based on the exercises in barbell complex A, the most difficult one will be the barbell push press, or if you’re using a smith machine, the 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press.

Therefore, pick a weight based on that exercise, then use that weight for all 4 exercises within the complex.

This means you will never let the barbell out of your hand as you transition from one exercise to the next within the complex.

However, you don’t have to rush into the next exercise.

During the transitions between exercises, take a second to set up the proper foot position, straighten your back, and make sure the weights are in place before moving on to the next exercise.

Take your time to ensure you are set up properly.

Don’t be a meathead.

Doing the reps well is better than doing them fast.

All right, let’s get this started.

Barbell Complex A

For the first complex we’re using barbells.

Barbell Complex A is comprised of the following exercises:

Note: I don’t have access to a free weight olympic barbell in this gym, therefore I’m going to use the smith machine for all these exercises, except the barbell push press.

Since the height of the smith machine is too low to complete a push press, I’ll be substituting that exercise for the 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press.

If you have a choice of using an olympic barbell or the smith machine, use the barbell.

Unlike the previous 5 complex training workouts where we completed 6-7 reps, we’re progressing this workout by increasing the reps to 8 reps per exercise.

This will help you progressively overload the muscles.

A1. Alternating Barbell Reverse Lunge

The first exercise in barbell complex A is the alternating barbell reverse lunge.

Smith Machine Substitution: Smith Machine Reverse Lunge

  • Reps: 4 reps per leg
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Since the gym in my condo doesn’t have a free weight Olympic barbell, I had to replace the alternating barbell reverse lunge with the smith machine reverse lunge.
  • If you have access to a free weight olympic barbell, use it.
  • Keep your core really tight.
  • During the lunge your knees should stay pointing straight ahead.
  • When stepping back, keep your feet shoulder width apart by lunging directly backward with your leg, instead of aligning it with your other foot.
  • Complete 8 reps, then keeping the weight in your hands, immediately transition into the barbell push press, without resting.

A2. Barbell Push Press

The second exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell push press.

Smith Machine Substitution: 1/2 Kneeling Smith Machine Behind The Neck Shoulder Press

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Since the gym in my condo doesn’t have a free weight Olympic barbell, I had to replace the barbell push press with the 1/2 kneeling smith machine behind the neck shoulder press.
  • If you have access to a free weight olympic barbell, use it.
  • If you have proper shoulder mobility, you can the 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press behind your neck.
  • If you have really stiff shoulders, stick with the 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press in front of your body version since the behind the neck variation requires more shoulder openness and flexibility.
  • I like the behind the neck variation as it allows you to hit more heads of the overall shoulder.
  • When you do this movement in front of the body, you hit more of the anterior deltoids on the front of the shoulders.
  • The anterior deltoids already get a lot of work from doing pressing movements.
  • Make sure you always control the weight, rather than bouncing it off your body at the bottom of the rep.
  • Complete 8 reps, then keeping the weight in your hands, immediately transition into the barbell bent over row, without resting.

A3. Barbell Bent Over Row

The third exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell bent over row.

Smith Machine Substitution: Smith Machine Bent Over Row

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Since the gym in my condo doesn’t have a free weight Olympic barbell, I had to replace the barbell bent over row with the smith machine bent over row.
  • If you have access to a free weight olympic barbell, use it.
  • Remember to not let go of the barbell while transitioning between exercises within the complex.
  • Without setting the weight down, keep the bar in your hand, then change exercises.
  • It’s so important to hinge at the hips, then maintain as straight flat back during the bent over row.
  • We often see so many people doing their rows wrong by not keeping a flat spine.
  • Look down at the floor to keep your neck in alignment with your spine.
  • Complete 8 reps, then keeping the weight in your hands, immediately transition into the barbell bent over row, without resting.

A4. Barbell Back Squat

The last exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell back squat.

Smith Machine Substitution: Smith Machine Back Squat

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 120 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Since the gym in my condo doesn’t have a free weight Olympic barbell, I had to replace the barbell back squat with the smith machine back squat.
  • If you have access to a free weight olympic barbell, use it.
  • Focus on completing each rep with great form.
  • Your knees should tract slightly open and over your toes.
  • Keep your core tight, with your head and chest upright.
  • Think about sitting down rather than leaning forward.
  • Since this was good weight for the shoulder press, but not a lot of weight for me on the squat, I noticed I was going a little bit too fast on the eccentric lowering of the rep.
  • In other words, I should have slowed down the eccentric movement while lowering into the squat to make lighter weight feel more challenging.
  • Complete 8 reps, then re-rack the barbell.
  • That’s one set of complexes done.
  • Take a 2 minute break, then repeat the complex 2 more times for a total of 3 sets.

At the end of the last set of barbell complex A, move into the ignite it up.

Ignite It Up: Speed Jump Rope

After you complete 3 sets of barbell complex A, move on to the Ignite It Up exercise: speed jump rope.

No Jump Rope Substitution: Faux Jump Rope

  • Reps: 90 seconds
  • Sets: 1
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Since I didn’t bring my gym bag with me, I didn’t have my jump rope, so I’m substituting the speed jump rope with the faux jump rope.
  • Since many of you mention tripping on the jump rope or not having the coordination yet, you can mimic the speed jump rope movement without a rope.
  • Simply pretend like your jumping over the jump rope by performing quick hops while rotating your wrists as if you were holding a jump rope.
  • Make sure you include your arms as well since rotating your wrists and hands is going to help burn your shoulders out as well.
  • Don’t get sloppy with your arms because this will target them way more than you think.
  • Since you’re hopping while staying on the balls of your feet, you’ll also really feel it in your calves and legs as well.
  • That’s why we call this the ignite it up.
  • Jump rope is so underrated because it is so good for you.
  • It’s my favorite form of cardio.
  • You may feel like you look like an idiot, but trust me you don’t, you actually look really cool.
  • Once you hit the last 10 seconds, try to jump a little quicker.
  • Set your interval timer for 90 seconds, then complete the speed jump rope.
  • After completing 90 seconds, catch your breath, then once you can carry on a conversation, move on to dumbbell complex B.

Dumbbell Complex B

Complete 3 circuits of the following 4 exercises:

  • B1. Dumbbell Front Squat
  • B2. Dumbbell Bent Over Row
  • B3. Alternating Dumbbell Forward Lunge
  • B4. Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

Based on these 4 exercises, the most challenging will probably be either the dumbbell bent over row or the alternating dumbbell forward lunge.

Therefore pick your weight based on either of those exercises.

We’re going eight reps per exercise, except for the lunge, we’re doing four reps per leg.

Let’s get into it.

Before starting, since the weights do not leave your hands, remember front squat, row, lunge, deadlift.

B1. Dumbbell Front Squat

The first exercise in dumbbell complex B is the dumbbell front squat.

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Complete 8 reps, then keeping the weight in your hands, immediately transition into the dumbbell bent over row, without resting.

B2. Pronated Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row

The second exercise in dumbbell complex B is the pronated grip dumbbell bent over row.

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Keep your back flat and knees slightly bent.
  • You should know what you’re doing by now if you’ve been following the series.
  • Complete 8 reps, then keeping the weight in your hands, immediately transition into the alternating dumbbell forward lunge, without resting.

B3. Alternating Dumbbell Forward Lunge

The third exercise in dumbbell complex B is the alternating dumbbell forward lunge.

  • Reps: 4 reps per leg
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Keep the weight still and by your hips.
  • Don’t lean too far forward during the lunge.
  • Keep your chin and chest up.
  • Complete 4 reps per leg, then keeping the weight in your hands, immediately transition into the straight leg dumbbell deadlift, without resting.

B4. Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

The last exercise in dumbbell complex B is the straight leg dumbbell deadlift.

  • Reps: 8
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 120 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Complete 8 reps, then put the weight down on the floor.
  • That’s one set of complexes done.
  • Take a 2 minute break, then repeat the complex 2 more times for a total of 3 sets, then move on to the 4 minute workout finisher.

Note: If you have anything left in the tank after the complex, you can transition into alternating standing dumbbell biceps curls. 😂

At the end of the set, based on listening to your breath, your heart rate should be up.

This is a sign we’re burning fat, building muscle, and building strength.

That’s what these complexes and this whole 6 week body recomposition workout plan series is all about.

You can have it all in one Live Lean Afterburn program.

Remember, you’re not training to be a meathead, you’re training to Live Lean.

We love that you’re loving these 1.0 workouts, so hopefully you are going to get the Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 version here.

We are almost done.

Since there is no Ignite It Up after dumbbell complex B, it’s time to move on to the 4 minute workout finisher.

Circuit C: 4 Minute Tabata Workout Finisher

It’s time to hit up the tabata workout finisher.

We have jump lunges, jump squats, burpees, and push ups.

This is going to be salty, sweet, and sour.

You’re going to need a shower after this.

Set your interval timer for:

  • 20 seconds per exercise
  • 10 seconds break between each exercise
  • Repeat this circuit of 4 exercises 2 times, for a total of 4 minutes

C1. Jump Lunges

The first tabata exercise are jump lunges.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • If you have bad knees, you can complete a regular alternating forward lunge or alternating reverse lunge.
  • Anyone can do this for just 20 seconds.
  • It’s not as long as you think.
  • You got this, just keep working at it.
  • Once you complete 20 seconds of non-step jump lunges, take a 10 second break, then move on to the next exercise.

C2. Jump Squat

The second tabata exercise is the jump squat.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • It’s very important to keep your back upright while bending of the knees.
  • You will get more graceful with these moves as you practice more.
  • I wasn’t always this “springy”.
  • Once you complete 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then move on to jump burpee push up.

C3. Burpee Push Up Tuck Jump

The third tabata exercise is the burpee push up tuck jump.

You can choose any of the following burpee variations, ranked from easiest to hardest:

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • I decided to do the burpee push up tuck jump version, which is often called the atomic burpee.
  • This includes a tuck jump as you jump into the air.
  • You can choose any burpee variation based on your fitness level.
  • Complete for 20 seconds on your left leg, then take a 10 second break before moving on to the last exercise.

C4. Push Up

The final tabata exercise is the push up.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Complete every push up rep with a full range of motion rather than tiny baby reps.
  • Keep your body in a straight line while going all the way down, then back up.
  • After 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then repeat this circuit one more time, then the workout is done.
  • This tabata workout finish is only 4 minutes.

There You Have It

That was complex training workout #6 from our Live Lean Shred 6 week body recomposition workout plan.

This was the last complex training workout of this 6 week workout program.

We have 3 more workouts left and then you are done the 6 week challenge.

The last circuit training workout is coming up next.

What’s coming up after this 6 week body recomposition workout plan challenge?

You’ll just have to wait and find out.

Thanks for watching and keep Living Lean.


Next Workout: Circuit Training Workout | Body Recomposition Workout Plan Day 37


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