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What’s The Difference Between The Afterburn 1.0 And Afterburn 2.0 Workout Program?


Listen to the post, What’s The Difference Between The Afterburn 1.0 And Afterburn 2.0 Workout Program, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

The Best Afterburn Effect Workouts Ever

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m answering the often asked question, what’s the difference between the Afterburn 1.0 and Afterburn 2.0 workout program?

Live Lean Nation, are you ready to re-compose your body and transform those last 10 pounds of stubborn body fat into lean muscle, in just 42 days?

Get ready for the Afterburn.


Here’s the deal.

I created my best selling workout system, Live Lean Afterburn 1.0, at the end of 2012.

To date, this workout program has helped re-compose the bodies of men and women from all over the world.

Afterburn Effect Workouts Live Lean TV Afterburn Effect Workouts

So the question I keep getting asked by my Afterburn graduates is, “What’s next?”.

Turn Those Last 10 Pounds Of Fat Into Lean Muscle With Afterburn 2.0

Well my friends, after so many hours in the boardroom creating, and in the gym filming, I’m finally so freaking excited to announce the launch of the new and improved, Live Lean Afterburn 2.0.

Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 Live Lean TV Live Lean Afterburn 2.0

I say it’s improved, because I surveyed all my Afterburn graduates and asked:

  • What did you LOVE about Afterburn 1.0?
  • What did you NOT LIKE about Afterburn 1.0?
  • How I should IMPROVE Afterburn 2.0, to make it the best workout system ever?

Here’s The Difference Between The Afterburn 1.0 And Afterburn 2.0 Workout Program

I compiled all your feedback, and I listened.

Here’s what you asked for.

#1. More Workout Videos

You asked for more workout videos.

So I filmed every single workout including:

  • 24 brand new workouts
  • 24 brand new “Ignite It Up” metabolic boosters
  • 6 brand new 4 minute afterburners

You’ll see how:

  • to properly perform every exercise
  • to complete every training style
  • the workouts should flow

#2. More Nutrition Information

You also asked for more nutrition information.

So I created my Afterburn Nutrition Guide with my:

  • 7 Laws To Live Lean Guide
  • Fat Burning and Muscle Building Grocery List
  • Simple Steps To Calculate Your Macros Guide
  • Meal Plan
  • Optional Supplement Plan
  • Meal Planner Software

I’ve also included our meal planner software so you can easily customize and create your own meal plans, with a few simple clicks.

#3. Faster And More Efficient Workouts

Even though you told me you loved the variety of never doing the same Afterburn 1.0 workout twice, you’ve asked for faster and more efficient workouts.

Inside Afterburn 2.0:

  • You will be completing a different workout and training style every session.
  • Every workout is designed to be finished within 45 minutes.
  • You will only need access to dumbbells, barbells, and your bodyweight.
  • No special machines required.

#4. Private Facebook Group For Community Support And Accountability

Finally, inside the program I’ve included a link to a private Facebook Group.

Once you login to our Facebook Group, you can:

  • get community support from us and interact with other like-minded trainees to stay motivated and accountable.
  • ask me any questions you may have about the workout system.

Trust Me When I Say This

Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 is my new and improved, cutting edge body recomposition program.

I’ve put everything I could into making this my best program yet.

This 42 day plan is designed to maximize the afterburn effect and strip your body of those last 10 pounds of fat, and turn it into lean muscle.

You will become an athletic fat burning machine by:

  • blasting fat
  • building muscle
  • improving power
  • building strength
  • improving endurance

This is what you’ll experience with the new and improved Live Lean Afterburn 2.0.

Are You Ready To Change And Get Athletic And Fit?

It’s time to make a change.

Your time is now.

So what are you waiting for?


It’s now up to you to take action, and go after the body you’ve always dreamed of.

Go purchase Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 here and commit to Living Lean.


  • Muscles Worked

  • Type

  • Equipment

  • Experience

  • Reset

26 responses to “What’s The Difference Between The Afterburn 1.0 And Afterburn 2.0 Workout Program?

  1. Hey Brad, How is this working for women? I really need to get rid of the
    last couple pounds around the belly and thighs 🙂

  2. I think about buying this program but my gym is almost always full and
    there’s not a lot of space. Does it require a lot of space and several
    equipments “at once” for one circuit?

  3. Hey +Brad Gouthro if you ever need a software developer to help you build
    web apps for your programs, count on me ok?

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