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4 Ways To Ruin The Health Benefits Of Superfoods


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Stop Ruining Your Superfoods

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 4 ways to ruin the health benefits of superfoods.

By now we’ve all heard of how superfoods are amazing for your health.

However, did you know you could be ruining their super healthy benefits, by the way you’re eating them?


Here is the deal.

When you look at the cover of any health magazine, you will often see numerous superfoods listed in big bold headlines.

Superfoods are loaded with nutrients to get your body:

  • lean
  • strong
  • healthy

With that said, I’m all about filling your grocery cart with these superfoods.

However, you have to make sure you’re not ruining their health benefits by eating them incorrectly.

Eating superfoods incorrectly?

What ‘chu talkin’ bout Willis?

Here’s what I mean.

Here’s How Your Superfoods Are Being Ruined

Food marketers will pray on your wants.

For example, everyone wants to be healthy.

However, most of these same people also want to eat superfoods that:

  • are convenient
  • tastes good

This is where the food marketers enter the picture.

Food marketers are all about processing and refining foods to make them convenient and tasty for the consumer.

They do this by adding sugar and unhealthy fats to these superfoods.

This is the part of the equation that is ruining these healthy superfoods.

4 Ways To Ruin The Health Benefits Of Superfoods

Let me give you 4 examples of how superfoods are being ruined.

#1. Coffee And Green Tea

Coffee vs Tea: Is Coffee Healthy For You? Live Lean TV Coffee vs Tea: Is Coffee Healthy For You?

Coffee and green tea are high in antioxidants and nutrients.

These nutrients help promote fat loss through:

  • decreasing fat absorption
  • suppressing hunger

The caffeine also helps improve brain function.

However, when food marketers add multiple teaspoons of sugar, dairy milk, and cream to the mixture, it kind of negates the fat loss effects.

Superfood RUINED!

Live Lean Tip: Avoid bottled green tea with added sugar, and coffee with added milk and sugar.

If you need sweetness or creaminess with your coffee or tea, add a plant based natural sweetener like stevia, and coconut oil, then blend that bad boy up.

This makes a creamy and frothy delicious treat.

Go try my coconut oil coffee recipe.

#2. Blueberries And Other Fruit

Berries - Fitness Super Food #4 Live Lean TV Berries - Fitness Super Food #4

Blueberries and many other fruits:


However, it negates the health benefits of these superfoods when food marketers add in sugar and flour to make:

Superfood RUINED!

Live Lean Tip: I recommend you eat fresh fruit as a snack, or add fresh or frozen fruit to your protein smoothies.

Let’s keep rolling.

#3. Cold Water Fish

Wild Salmon - Fitness Superfood #8 Live Lean TV

Cold water fish, such as salmon and mackerel, provide a great source of:

However, it ruins the superfood power when food marketers offer frozen packaged, deep-fried fish options, filled with preservatives and sugary sauces.

Superfood RUINED!

Live Lean Tip: Avoid anything deep-fried.

Stick to fish that is:

  • grilled
  • baked
  • broiled

If you’re buying fish from a package, always read the ingredients list.

#4. Vegetables

Spinach - Fitness Superfood #11 Live Lean TV Spinach - Fitness Superfood #11

The following vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, and loaded with cancer fighting antioxidants:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Asparagus
  • Chard
  • Broccoli

However, it negates the superfood health benefits when you add them to a stir fry or salad, then load it up with sugary sauces and inflammation causing fatty salad dressings.

Superfood RUINED!

Live Lean Tip: Stop buying pre-made sugary sauces and fattening salad dressings.

Make you own salad dressing and sauces using olive oil, vinegars, and spices.

It’s quick, affordable, and delicious.

Bottom Line

Take control back of what you’re feeding your body.

These are superfoods in their natural state.

These superfoods are ruined when they’re combined in a lab with other processed, refined, and sugary fattening ingredients.

It’s important to always read labels and prepare your own food by learning how to cook.

This is exactly what hundreds of other Live Leaners, just like you, are doing over at our inner circle site, Team Live Lean.

Get Your Superfood Recipes And Meal Plans

Team Live Lean Live Lean TV Team Live Lean

Our members have access to over 100 delicious and easy cooking lesson recipe videos, showing you how to make healthy meals, snacks, and sides with these superfoods.

As a member, you also get a weekly meal plan with cooking lesson recipe videos for every meal and snack.

In addition to this, you also get a 30 day workout program, every month.

You can get all of this by joining us at Team Live Lean.

It’s time to change your life.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Question Of The Day:

  • Which of these superfoods do you eat regularly?
  • Are you making any of this mistakes?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

12 responses to “4 Ways To Ruin The Health Benefits Of Superfoods

  1. It all sounds so obvious, but it amazes me all the time how people get
    fooled by the marketers. I get people always telling me, but it’s got
    spinach in it or whatever. Ya, but it’s covered in processed cheese and
    chemicals. I think the reason for most people do this, is a way of
    justifying something they want. It feels better to them, even though it is
    detrimental to their health and fitness goals. Thanks for the vid.

  2. Great vid as always Brad! Very informative. Thanks for this. BTW., totally
    love your upbeat, witty, off-beat humorist style of presenting! Keep it up

  3. Thank you for your infinite knowledge God Godthro! Oops i mean “Brad
    Gouthro” now i know better than to add half & half, Salad Dressing.
    RUINED!!!! Keep it UP!!!

  4. @bradgouthro always better to buy wild caught salmon vs. farm raised. Color
    additives are added to farm raised salmon.

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