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15 Minute Home Dumbbell Workout To Get Lean

The Get Lean and Sexy Home Dumbbell Workout

On today’s episode, I’m showing you a 15 minute home dumbbell workout to get lean and sexy.

But first, today was an incredible day as I woke up this morning to an email from Bex at

She asked me to put together a home dumbbell workout video that she could share on her Bex Life YouTube channel.

So here’s the home dumbbell workout that I filmed for her.

I call it the Get Lean and Sexy Workout.

Enjoy 😁.

Get Lean and Sexy Home Dumbbell Workout

This 15 minute home dumbbell workout can be done in your living room, as well as at the gym, or really anywhere since it requires very little equipment.

So are you ready to look lean and sexy?

I hope all of your hands went up because lets be honest, who doesn’t want to build that lean and sexy “hollywood” look.

And if you’re like me, you prefer to workout with your shirt off.

So don’t be scared to take your shirt off during the workout too.

For this Get Lean and Sexy home dumbbell workout, all you need are a pair of dumbbells and lots of energy.

This workout will have you burning fat and building lean muscle in less than 15 minutes.

Lets go!

Home Dumbbell Workout To Get Lean And Sexy

What is a Descending Pyramid Complex Training Workout?

This home dumbbell workout is designed using a training style called the descending pyramid complex.

It sounds difficult, but it’s very easy to understand.

Descending Pyramid Training

The descending pyramid portion means you’ll start doing 6 reps of each exercise without resting between exercises.

You’ll simply transition from one exercise to the next with no break.

Once you finish 6 reps of every exercise, you’ll rest for 30 seconds (you can let the dumbbells go during the rest period).

After the 30 second rest period, you’ll start back at the first exercise, but this time only completing 5 reps of every exercise.

Complete 5 reps for all 4 exercises, rest 30 seconds, then start over, but this time completing 4 reps of every exercise.

Continue this protocol until you finish with completing only 1 rep for each exercise.

As mentioned earlier, you don’t let the dumbbells out of your hand while transitioning from exercise to exercise.

Complex Training

This is the complex training portion of the workout.

Again, this simply means you’ll move from one exercise to the other, without putting the dumbbells down, and without taking rest between exercises.

This means you’ll need to select one pair of dumbbells for all 4 exercises.

So select a pair of dumbbells based on the most challenging exercise.

15 Minute Home Dumbbell Workout To Get Lean

Here’s how this home dumbbell descending pyramid dumbbell complex is structured:

Total time:

You can complete this workout in 15-20 minutes with very little equipment.

Type of workout:

Descending pyramid complex: Finish 6 reps of every exercise, moving from one exercise to the other, without putting the dumbbells down, and without taking rest between exercises.

After completing 6 reps of every exercise, rest for 30 seconds, then start back at the first exercise, but this time only completing 5 reps of every exercise.

Continue this protocol until you finish 1 rep per exercise.

Number of Circuits:



  • First Circuit: 6 reps
  • Second Circuit: 5 reps
  • Third Circuit: 4 reps
  • Fourth Circuit: 3 reps
  • Fifth Circuit: 2 reps
  • Sixth Circuit: 1 rep

Strength Training Exercises:

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Dumbbell Squat and Press

Reps: 6 reps

Rest: 0 seconds. After completing 6 reps, move immediately into exercise A2, without letting go of the dumbbells.


Coaching cues: hold the dumbbells over your shoulders, squat down, keeping your weight distributed on your heels, then stand up while pressing the dumbbells over your head in one motion. After the 6th rep, the key to the complex workout is to keep the dumbbells in your hands, and move directly into the next exercise.

A2. Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Reps: 6 reps

Rest: 0 seconds. After completing 6 reps, move immediately into exercise A3, without letting go of the dumbbells.


Coaching cues: keep your elbows close to your body and squeeze your shoulders blade back and together. Once again, keep holding on to the dumbbells and move directly into the next exercise.

A3. Forward Dumbbell Lunge

Reps: 6 reps/leg

Rest: 0 seconds. After completing 6 reps, move immediately into exercise A4, without letting go of the dumbbells.


Coaching cues: as you lunge forward keep most of your weight on your heel and ensure you knee does not go past your toes. Again, keep the dumbbells in your hands as you move directly into the next exercise.

A4. Dumbbell Front Squat

Reps: 6 reps

Rest: 30 seconds. After completing 6 reps, you can put the dumbbells down as you take a 30 seconds rest. After the rest, move back to exercise A1.


Coaching cues: hold the dumbbells up by your shoulders with your elbows pointing forward, then lower into the squat, then press your feet through the floor to get back to standing.

After finishing the last exercise in the complex, you can put the dumbbells down, take a 30 second rest, then start back at exercise A1 and follow the same protocol, but this time complete 5 reps of each exercise. Then complete 4 reps, then 3 reps, then 2 reps, then finish with 1 rep.

Once you do all of that, you’ve completed the descending pyramid strength training portion of this workout.

Next, get down on the floor for the ab sculpting and conditioning portion of the workout to get a lean and sexy core!


  • 0 rest between exercises within the complex.
  • 30 seconds after each completed A1-A4 complex (no rest between exercises).
  • Rest 30 seconds at the end of your last circuit, then move on to exercises B1-B3.

Core Sculpting and Conditioning Exercises:

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

Hopefully you made it through the descending pyramid strength training portion of the workout and are feeling awesome.

Now it’s time to condition and sculpt your core, abs, and stomach.

B1. Dumbbell Renegade Row

Reps: 6 reps/arm

Rest: 0 seconds

Dumbbell Renegade Row

Coaching cues: get into a straight arm plank position, with your hands gripping the dumbbells, and positioned directly below your shoulders. Row one dumbbell up towards your chest, while keeping your body straight, hips square to the floor, stomach tight, back flat, and core engaged. Under control, lower the dumbbell back to the floor, then repeat with the other arm. Complete 6 reps per arm, then move directly into the next exercise.

B2. Straight Arm Plank

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 0 seconds


Coaching cues: Transition directly into the straight arm plank and hold it for 20 seconds. Once again, keep your core engaged, back flat, and breathe. Once the 20 seconds is up, move directly into the next exercise.

B3. Mountain Climber

Reps: 15 reps/leg

Rest: 0 seconds


Coaching cues: Transition from the straight arm plank directly into mountain climbers. Again, keep your back flat and core tight. Keep your feet light and quick.


  • 0 rest between exercises within the circuit.
  • 30 seconds after each completed B1-B3 circuit (no rest between exercises).


  • Complete 3 circuits.

There is no such thing as “Spot Reduction”

This means ab exercises are not the best way to burn belly fat.

If you want to burn body fat and get lean and sexy, focus on strength training exercises like those found in this home dumbbell workout.

Strength training exercises will create the metabolic and hormonal response in your body to burn more calories and help you get lean and sexy.

As you could tell from the video, I was breathing very hard during the workout.

You’re going to feel terrific after this conditioning workout too.

After your workout, get in your kitchen and make yourself a post workout shake so you can grow your muscles and recover before your next workout.

Leave a comment below to let me know if you enjoyed this Get Lean and Sexy home dumbbell workout.

Also be sure to check out my other descending pyramid complex workouts such as my Fitness Model: 10 Minute Arms Workout With Dumbbells.

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12 responses to “15 Minute Home Dumbbell Workout To Get Lean

  1. This may just be what I am looking for! Am going to print and check it out. Thanks.

    And I do think you would look awesome with painted toenails! 🙂

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