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Health And Fitness Q&A: Moving To The US From Canada And More


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Ketogenic Diet, Carbs Post Workout, Sprinting | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 020

On episode 020 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 health and fitness questions ranging from moving to the US from Canada, our favorite podcasts, and more.

Here Are Today’s 10 Viewer Questions

  1. Are you in fat burning mode after eating post workout carbs?
  2. How did you make the decision about moving to the US from Canada?
  3. What are some good style sprints for burning fat and building muscle?
  4. What are your thoughts on the Ketogenic Diet?
  5. What is your outlook on animal welfare? Are there any benefits of high welfare vs. low welfare meat sources?
  6. What are your top 10 favorite podcasts?
  7. What are your favorite types of salsas?
  8. What kind of carbs should be consumed post workout?
  9. Should you consume carbs post workout when trying to build muscle and stay lean?
  10. What vegetables are worth logging the calories for? Carrots? Sweet Potato?
  11. What keeps you motivated as a health and fitness coach?
  12. Can I Consume Coconut Milk In My Shakes When Losing Weight?


Brad: We’re back for another episode of #AskLiveLeanTV.

This is episode number…


Jess: 20?

Brad: We’ve made it to 20.

Jess: This is 20?

Brad: This is 20.

I never even thought of that.

While I was saying it, I was thinking, what episode are we on?

Jess: 20 episodes of you asking your questions.

Brad: Yes, 2-0.

Jess: We’re just so appreciative and grateful that you offer all your questions, because without your questions, we wouldn’t even have anything to talk about.

Brad: That’s right, so if you guys do want to get your questions answered, use #AskLiveLean.

However, just because you ask them today, it does not necessarily mean they are going to get answered next week, because we have a backlog.

But we do need your questions for future episodes, so on Twitter tag us @LiveLeanTV and put your questions using #AskLiveLeanTV.

Twitter is the best way to get in contact with us.

With that said, I think this show is actually a Snapchat dominated Q&A.

Jess: Oh really?

Brad: Yeah, Snapchat has been blowing up for me.

Jess: Snapchat is ok, but we prefer to receive the questions on Twitter though.

Brad: Yeah, but Snapchat has been blowing up for me.

A lot of you guys are following my snaps and seem to love it.

If you haven’t been following all the behind the scenes stuff, that doesn’t make our vlog channel, go follow me at @BradGouthro on Snapchat.

Jess: Yes, I’ve been posting a lot of baby related stuff, not so much fitness.

Brad: What’s your snapchat?

Jess: I’m @SnapyJessy on Snapchat.

Brad: Go check out Jessica on Snapchat.

Let’s get to the questions.

Like we’ve said before, we don’t know the questions that are being asked.


They just get sent to us, so we just flow with them and answer them straight up.

I think what makes the show a little bit better is when we’re kind of caught off guard with some questions.

Let’s just hope there are no vegan questions or breastmilk questions.

Jess: Yeah or questions about our pet peeves about each other.

Brad: All right, let’s jump into the show guys.

Question #1: Are You In Fat Burning Mode After Eating Post Workout Carbs?

Sandraoledan from Snapchat says:

Hi Brad! One of your recommendations is to eat higher glycemic foods like bananas and sweet potatoes post workout. Does that mean the body is burning the carbs and not fat? Can we still be in fat burning mode?

Should You Eat High Glycemic Carbohydrates Post Workout For Fat Loss? Live Lean TV Should You Eat High Glycemic Carbohydrates Post Workout For Fat Loss?

Check out the full post: Should You Eat High Glycemic Carbohydrates Post Workout For Fat Loss?

Question #2: How Did You Make The Decision About Moving To The US From Canada?

dolomosesjr92 from Snapchat says:

Good job bro. If possible, could you answer life questions, like moving out of state, and stuff like that?

Brad: I don’t really understand the question.

Jess: Do you think he meant like, how do you move out of state?

Brad: Well, I moved out of the country.

Jess: Yeah.

Brad: I don’t really understand the question, but if the question was like, how do you move, basically you have to decide what you want to do in life, and figure out what’s most important to you.

If the goal of moving somewhere else to obtain a job, or to meet and actually live with the girl of your dreams, that should overpower any problem you have with moving.

When I moved from Canada to the US, I moved with one suitcase.

I left everything behind me.

Jess: We sold all of your furniture.

Brad: You have to understand that before I moved to the US, I owned a big house full of furniture, so I had a lot of stuff.

Jess: You had a gym in your basement, so you had to get rid of the equipment, including a squat rack.

Brad: I had my own personal training studio in my house, which you would have seen if you guys have been with me for a long time.

So I had to get rid of a lot of things.

However, in the end, it’s more important to be with the girl that I love and to chase my dreams, than to have all that stuff.

That’s just materialistic stuff.

As I’ve grown and become more wise in my ways, I’ve been quickly learning that materialistic stuff is just holding you back.

Jess: Yeah.

You didn’t really give a reason why you wanted to move, so I think that instead of just moving to move, you should have a really good reason “why”.

It’s the same thing that we’re always talking about with fitness.

Why do you need to go to the gym?

Why do you need to eat healthier?

Why do you want to move out of state?

If you have a really good “why” that’s driving you, then the “how’s” just fall into place.

So don’t worry about how it’s going to happen.

Just worry about why it needs to happen.

Brad: We were talking about that last night on our walk.

Jess: Yeah, it’s like everything just seems to work out when your vision gets really clear.

Brad: But if that didn’t answer your question, Dolo Moses jr., get back to me on that, because you may have to be a little more clear on the question.

Jess: Ask us another question.

Question 3: What Are Some Good Sprint Styles For Burning Fat And Building Muscle?

bsardanelli606 from Snapchat says:

What are some good sprints burning that last bit of fat and building some lean muscle?

fav sprint wrkouts qa template LLTV thumbnail Live Lean TV Our Favorite HIIT Sprint Workouts To Burn Fat And Build Lean Muscle

Check out the full post: Our Favorite HIIT Sprint Workouts To Burn Fat And Build Lean Muscle

Question 4: What Are Your Thoughts On Ketogenic Diets?

lindawilmarth from Snapchat says:

What do you guys think about the ketogenic diet?

Is The Ketogenic Diet Right For You? Live Lean TV Is The Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

Check out the full post: Is The Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

Question 5: What Is Your Outlook On Animal Welfare? Are There Any Benefits Of High Welfare vs. Low Welfare Meat Sources?

Hulllksmash from Snapchat says:

I try to eat as much higher welfare meat as I can, such as free range and organic, as I believe if something is going to die for me to eat, it should be treated with respect and care. What is your outlook on animal welfare, and are there benefits of higher welfare versus lower welfare meat sources?

Nutritional Benefits Of Buying Higher Welfare Meat Live Lean TV Nutritional Benefits Of Buying Higher Welfare Meat

Check out the full post: Nutritional Benefits Of Buying Higher Welfare Meat

Question 6: What Are Your Top 10 Favorite Podcasts?

rachelbohrer07 from Snapchat says:

What are your top 10 favorite podcasts? 

My Top 2 Favorite Podcasts To Listen To Live Lean TV My Top 2 Favorite Podcasts To Listen To

Check out the full post: My Top 2 Favorite Podcasts To Listen To

Question 7: What Is Your Favorite Healthy Salsa And Hot Sauce?

Ciscoballs from Snapchat says:

Top salsas and hot sauces for each of you. Also, ever bottle or can your own creations?

Our Favorite Hot Sauce Brand And Homemade Salsa Recipe Live Lean TV Our Favorite Hot Sauce Brand And Homemade Salsa Recipe

Check out the full post: Homemade Healthy Salsa Recipe And Our Favorite Hot Sauce

Question 8: What Kind Of Carbs Should Be Consumed Post Workout?

apexer4eva from Snapchat says:

After a workout, what kind of carbs should be consumed? I hear the carbs from fruit will only restore liver glycogen, not muscle glycogen.

Best Post Workout Carbohydrates To Restore Muscle Glycogen And Liver Glycogen Live Lean TV What Kind Of Carbs Should Be Consumed Post Workout?

Check out the full post: Best Post Workout Carbohydrates To Restore Muscle Glycogen And Liver Glycogen

Question 9: Should You Consume Carbs Post Workout When Trying To Build Muscle And Stay Lean?

apexer4eva from Snapchat says:

If you’re trying to build muscle but remain lean, should you really be purposely consuming carbs after your workout?

Should You Consume Carbs Post Workout When Trying To Build Muscle And Stay Lean? Live Lean TV Should You Consume Carbs Post Workout When Trying To Build Muscle And Stay Lean?

Check out the full post: Should You Consume Carbs Post Workout When Trying To Build Muscle And Stay Lean?

Question 10: What Vegetables Are Worth Logging The Calories For? Carrots? Sweet Potato?

What Vegetables Are Worth Logging The Calories For? Live Lean TV What Vegetables Are Worth Logging The Calories For?

apexer4eva from Snapchat says:

What vegetables are worth logging the calories for? Carrots? Sweet Potato?

Check out the full post: What Vegetables Are Worth Logging The Calories For?

Question 11: What Keeps You Motivated As A Health And Fitness Coach?

sandraoledan from Snapchat says:

Hi Brad, when giving advice to clients gets repetitive, what keeps you motivated as a health and fitness coach?

How Do You Stay Motivated As A Fitness Coach For Over 14 Years? Live Lean TV How Do You Stay Motivated As A Fitness Coach For Over 14 Years?

Check out the full post: How Do You Stay Motivated As A Fitness Coach For Over 14 Years?

Question 12: Can I Consume Coconut Milk In My Shakes When Losing Weight?

Rheine from Snapchat says:

I recently stumbled upon your 14 Day Lose Fat Quickly Diet Challenge. I was wondering if I can consume coconut milk during this challenge, because I want to make my protein shake thicker?

Can I Consume Coconut Milk In My Shakes When Losing Weight? Live Lean TV Canned Coconut Milk In Protein Shakes For Fat Loss

Check out the full post: Can I Consume Canned Coconut Milk In My Shakes When Losing Weight?

Question Of The Day

Jess: Thank you guys so much for all the questions.

Keep them coming and we will answer them on future episodes.

Brad: Thank you guys.

So what’s the QOTD?

Jess: Yeah, let’s see.

Brad: QOTD means question of the day, if you can’t put that together 😂.

Jess: Yeah, the question of the day for you guys is, I would like to know how many different diets have you tried?

For example, have you guys done the ketogenic diet, have you done the paleo diet?

List them all down in the comments below.

We would like to know what you guys have experimented with.

That would be interesting.

Brad: Yeah, that would be interesting.

All right, thanks for watching and keep Living Lean.


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Question For You:

  • How many different diets have you tried?
  • Have you have done the ketogenic diet? Paleo?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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