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5 Calorie Hacks For Faster Weight Loss


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Eat This, Not That: Cut At Least 100 Calories From Your Meals And Snacks

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 5 calorie hacks for faster weight loss.

Each calorie hack will show you a simple way to cut at least 100 calories from the meals you’re eating.

I truly believe in focusing on eating quality, real whole foods.


However, if your goal is fat loss, it’s important that you also focus on being in a smart calorie deficit.

How Many Calories Should I Eat A Day?

When I say “smart calorie deficit”, this means I do not want you starving yourself or going on crash diets.

I’m referring to making better food decisions, that will give you the nutrition you need to be healthy, while still putting you in a slight calorie deficit.

It all starts by making small, but smart choices.

Let’s get started.

5 Calorie Hacks For Faster Weight Loss

Here are the 5 calorie hacks for faster weight loss.

#1. Add More Vegetables, Hold The Cheese, Hold The Starch

When prepared with spices and natural low calorie condiments such as salsa and dijon mustard, vegetables are not only delicious, they’re filled with fiber to keep you feeling full, without the added calories.

Next time you’re making an omelette, rather than stuffing it with cheese or other high calorie ingredients, stuff it with steamed or grilled vegetables.

Next time you’re making a stir fry, fill out your plate with sauteed spiced up vegetables, not rice or pasta.

How To Eat More Food Without Getting Fat

If you’re not sure what spices to use, by a pre-mixed spice, and add it to everything.

#2. Wrap It Up With Greens, Not Wheat

Next time you’re making a turkey sandwich, ditch the whole wheat wrap and grab a nutrient rich, low calorie piece of crispy romaine lettuce.

Also, rather than adding a high calorie mayonnaise, give your wrap a kick with a squirt of sriracha or mustard.

#3. Clean Up Your Dips

Next time you’re watching a movie on the couch, dip your snack into a flavorful and low calorie salsa, not a typical high calorie creamy dip.

This way you can still enjoy the treat of eating a cracker or chip, but you’re saving a lot of calories by swapping out the high calorie dip.

Or reverse it, which leads me to the next calorie saving tip.

#4. Swap Out Your Crackers For Crunchy Veggies

If you really like creamy dips like guacamole, swap out the crackers for a crunchy vegetable, including celery, bell peppers, or carrots.

This way you can still enjoy the healthy guacamole, while saving a lot of calories by eating vegetables, instead of crackers.

#5. Use A Food Scale For Portion Control

Most people have no idea about proper portion sizes.

When I first started taking control of my health, weighing my food was a game changer.

It takes the guessing away, and gives you incredible insight and education, on how much food you’re actually feeding your body.

Most times, especially when it comes to carbohydrates, you’re consuming a lot more than your think.

The Difference Between Portion Size And Serving Size

This is where a food scale helps.

I’m not saying you have to measure your food for the rest of your life.

However, take at least the next 7 days and commit to weighing out your food.

After 7 days of weighing your food, you should have a decent grasp on food portion sizes.

If you’re looking for a good food scale, check out this kitchen food scale on Amazon.

It has a really modern design, so you can leave it on your counter top, and it looks great.

Kitchen food scale

A kitchen food scale also measures in pounds, ounces, grams, and milliliters.


Here’s how to use a kitchen food scale:

  1. Simply click the power button.
  2. Press the unit button to select the measuring size.
  3. Put the food on the scale.
  4. Done.

Here’s a link to the kitchen food scale.

That’s it Live Lean Nation

Small but consistent changes like this, will help you reach your fat loss goals, in an easy and healthy way.

No drastic calorie starvation diets, just small consistent wins.

That’s the key for a life of Living Lean.

I love you guys.

Keep Living Lean.

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Questions For You:

  • What are some of your simple tips to cut 100 calories?
  • Have you ever used a kitchen food scale? 

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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