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4 HIIT Treadmill Workouts That Will Kick Your Ass


Tough Treadmill Workouts When You’re Stuck Inside

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m going to show you 4 HIIT treadmill workouts that will kick your ass, when you are stuck inside.

You know I prefer to do my HIIT cardio at a track or an outdoor field.

However if it’s late or cold outside, these 4 HIIT treadmill workouts will kick your but when you only have access to a small hotel or condo fitness room filled with treadmills.

Note: if you are new to HIIT, here’s how to HIIT cardio correctly.


HIIT Treadmill Workout #1: All Out 30 Second Maximal Sprints

All Out HIIT Treadmill Workout Duration: The total workout lasts for 14 minutes.

  • Treadmill Speed: As high as you can
  • Treadmill Incline: At least 1.0
  • Reps: 30 seconds
  • Rest: 4 minutes
  • Sets: 4

How It Works:

  1. Set the speed as high as you can handle with the incline on at least 1.0.
  2. If the maximum treadmill speed is still not fast enough, increase the incline until you max it out.
  3. Complete 4 sets of 30 second all out maximal sprints.
  4. This means you are running as fast as you absolutely can.
  5. After 30 seconds, rest for a total of 4 minutes to allow your heart rate to drop, and your body to properly recover, so you can reach maximal intensity on your next HIIT sprint.
  6. Repeat for a total of 4 sets.

How To Progress This HIIT Treadmill Workout:

  • Increase the number of sets.
  • For example, the following week increase the sets to 5, then 6 sets the following week.

HIIT Treadmill Workout #2: Submaximal 60 Second High Intensity Sprints

Submaximal HIIT Treadmill Workout Duration: 20 minutes

  • Treadmill Speed: Select a speed that raises your heart rate to 80-90% of your maximum heart rate (MHR)
  • Treadmill Incline: At least 1.0
  • Reps: 60 seconds
  • Rest: 60 seconds active rest
  • Sets: 10

Here Is How It Works:

Even though these HIIT sprints are still high intensity, they are not intended to hit your maximal threshold, as you did in the All Out 30 Second Maximal Sprints workout.

  1. Set the high intensity speed to a level that allows your heart rate to reach 80-90% of your maximum heart rate.
  2. Set the incline to at least 1.0.
  3. Complete 10 sets of 60 second submaximal HIIT sprints, keeping your heart rate between 80-90% of your maximum heart rate.
  4. This means you are running fast but not as fast as you possibly can, as if you were running away from a saber tooth tiger.
  5. After 60 seconds, reduce the speed to a walking pace, I use 4.0, for the 60 second active rest portion of the treadmill workout.
  6. This should allow your heart rate to drop back down to approximately 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.
  7. Repeat for a total of 10 high intensity and 10 low intensity intervals.

How To Progress This HIIT Treadmill Workout:

  • Increase the work-to-rest ratio from 1:1 to 2:1 or 3:1, by decreasing the rest period.
  • For example:
    • To increase the work-to-rest ratio to 2:1, complete a 60 second high intensity sprint followed by a 30 second active rest.
    • Or increase the work-to-rest ratio to 3:1 by completing a 60 second high intensity sprint followed by a 20 second active rest.

HIIT Treadmill Workout #3: Pyramiding Down 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m Sprints

Pyramiding Down Treadmill Workout Duration: Approximately 12-13 minutes

  • Treadmill Speed: Set the high intensity speed to a level that allows your heart rate to reach 80-90% of your maximum heart rate.
  • Treadmill Incline: At least 1.0
  • Reps:
    • 1 x 400 meters
    • 1 x 300 meters
    • 1 x 200 meters
    • 1 x 100 meters
  • Rest:
    • 4 minute active rest after 400 meter sprint
    • 3 minute active rest after 300 meter sprint
    • 2 minute active rest after 200 meter sprint
  • Sets: 1 set at each distance

How It Works:

  1. Start off by completing a 400 meter sprint.
  2. After you reached your 400 meter distance, begin your 4 minute active rest by reducing the treadmill speed to a walking pace, I use 4.0.
  3. For your next sprint, reduce the distance to 300 meters.
  4. After you reached your 300 meters distance, begin your 3 minute active rest by reducing the treadmill speed back to your walking pace.
  5. For the third sprint, reduce the distance to 200 meters.
  6. After you reached your 200 meters distance, begin your 2 minute active rest by reducing the treadmill speed back to your walking pace.
  7. For the final sprint, reduce the distance to 100 meters, then you are done.
  8. Complete this 1 time.
  9. From a mindset standpoint, following a pyramiding down approach can keep you motivated as the workout gets easier as you go.
  10. Even though these sprints are still high intensity, once again, they are not intended to hit your maximal threshold.
  11. Since your treadmill distance is probably measured in miles, use this meters to miles conversion to know when you hit your desired distance.

Treadmill Meters To Miles Conversion:

  • 400 meters = 0.24 miles
  • 300 meters = 0.19 miles
  • 200 meters = 0.12 miles
  • 100 meters = 0.06 miles
meters-to-miles-conversion Live Lean TV meters-to-miles-conversion

How To Progress This HIIT Treadmill Workout:

  • Repeat for 1 more round.

Treadmill Workout #4: Incline Treadmill Walking Lunges

Incline Walking Lunges Treadmill Workout Duration: 20 minutes

  • Treadmill Speed: Set the treadmill to a slow speed that allows you to properly complete a walking lunge.
  • Treadmill Incline: Increase the incline to a level that is manageable.
  • Reps: 1 continuous 20 minute set.
  • Rest: Step off the treadmill and rest only when needed.
  • Sets: 1 continuous 20 minute set.

How It Works:

This is the only steady pace treadmill workout.

  1. Start off by setting the treadmill to a slower speed that allows you to properly complete a walking lunge.
  2. Increase the incline and test out the speed.
  3. Safety first here.
  4. Choose a speed and incline that challenges you, but ensure you’re performing the lunge correctly by engaging the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings.
  5. Set the timer for 20 minutes and go.
  6. Take rest periods by stepping off the treadmill, only when needed.

How To Progress The Workout: Increase the duration of the workout by adding 1 minute for every future workout.

Bonus HIIT Treadmill Workout: 20 Second Dash HIIT Cardio Workout Routine For The Treadmill

HIIT Cardio Workout Routine For The Treadmill Live Lean TV HIIT Cardio Workout Routine For The Treadmill

4 HIIT Treadmill Workouts That Will Kick Your Ass

There you go.

Those were 4 treadmill workouts that will kick your ass, when you put them to work.

If you want results, it’s time to turn up the intensity a notch on your HIIT cardio workouts.

Just do it safely.

Give these 4 treadmill workouts a try and let me know what you think in the comment section below.

Check Out Our Live Lean Sprint 2.0 HIIT Cardio Program

The #1 reason you’re not experiencing DRAMATIC and FAST results with your HIIT cardio machine workouts, even if you’re sweating, is because you’re NOT actually doing HIIT cardio correctly.

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Live Lean Sprint 2.0 Includes:

  • Access To All Workout Programs
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  • 25 HIIT & LISS Workouts
  • Fun Cardio Machine Workouts
  • Adaptable For All Fitness Levels
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Get Live Lean Sprint 2.0 inside our workout and nutrition app here.

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Question For You:

  • Have you tried any of these treadmill workouts yet?
  • If yes, what did you think of them?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.


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