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How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

839 calorie burning metabolic training workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to do cardio without a treadmill, including a metabolic training workout that burns 839 calories.

This is episode 8 of 9 in our Truth About Cardio video series.

And when I say, how to do cardio without a treadmill, I’m referring to any traditional cardio machine.

So if you think you can only get a good cardio workout by using a treadmill, bike, or an elliptical machine, this post is for you.

Now you may be thinking…

Brad, didn’t you just design a complete 7 week cardio workout program using cardio equipment?

Yes, yes I did.

But, in Live Lean Sprint 2.0, we also include HIIT cardio workouts that do not use any cardio equipment.

These non-cardio equipment workouts include sprint interval cardio workouts at the field, track, swimming pool, outdoor stairs, and even your stairs in your home

When it comes to cardio, it’s important to keep your cardio workouts fresh and embrace variety.

Remember, the only way your cardio workouts will actually be beneficial to your health, is if you do them.

So if you’re stuck in a rut with your cardio workouts, or have been skipping them due to boredom, go grab a copy of Live Lean Sprint 2.0.

Sure these cardio workouts will get you amazing results, but so will our other “cardio” workouts.


Hear me out.

First, lets first define what “cardio” actually means.

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

What does cardio mean?

I define cardio as any type of exercise or movement that elevates and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Notice how there is no mention of cardio equipment being a requirement?

If your heart is beating heavy during your workouts, it’s cardio.

Regardless if you’re on a treadmill, running outside, or lifting a dumbbell, if it elevates and strengthens the cardiovascular system, it’s cardio.

So if you’re addicted to exactly the same piece of cardio equipment at your gym, I want you to do this.

Take the next 7 weeks off from your current cardio routine

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

Yes, I want you to step out of your comfort zone.

Of course, I would love for you to experience the amazing results people are getting from the 25 unique cardio workouts in Live Lean Sprint 2.0.

However, I also want to show you how to get in an amazing metabolic cardio workout, using just one pair of dumbbells.

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

But to prove it, during this metabolic training workout, I want you to wear a heart rate monitor chest strap to track your heart rate.

As you will see from my heart rate, you’ll be super surprised to see how high your heart rate increases with one pair of dumbbells.

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

837 calorie burning metabolic training workout

Here’s how to complete this metabolic training workout.

Total time:

As long as it take to complete all the sets and reps.

It took me 32:33 to finish.

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

Type of workout:

Metabolic training.

Since this is a metabolic training workout, the goal is to complete all the reps and sets, as fast as possible, keeping excellent form throughout.

Once your form begins to breakdown, stop, take a breather, then continue.

Sloppy reps do not count.

Complete 4 sets of exercise A, resting as little as possible between sets.

Once you complete all the reps and sets of exercise A, move on and complete all the reps and sets of exercise B, then exercise C.

After finishing exercise C, finish the workout with the 5 minute bodyweight tri-set.

During this tri-set, set the timer for 5 minutes and complete as many round as possible, resting as little as possible between exercises (maximum 15 seconds).

Number of sets:

4 sets of exercise A, B, and C.

1 set of the 5 minute bodyweight tri-set.


Follow the rep counts for each individual exercise as indicated below.


Although there are no assigned rest periods, when I completed the workout, I averaged 20-30 second rest between sets.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A. Dumbbell Clean and Press

Sets: 4

Reps: 15

Dumbbell Clean And Press

Notes: If you have access, you could also complete this as a kettlebell clean and press or a barbell clean and press. Also, you may think the dumbbell clean and press is typically a strength building exercise, and it is, but watch how high your heart rate gets, while completing 4 sets of 15 reps. You’ll probably be upwards of 90% of your maximum heart rate. At one point my heart rate reached 97% of my maximum heart rate. I bet you don’t train in that zone when you’re on the elliptical machine.

B. One Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Sets: 4

Reps: 20/arm

Dumbbell One Arm Snatch

Notes: In order to jack up your heart rate, the amount of weight does not have to be super heavy. The reason is simple. The one arm dumbbell snatch is a total body, multi-joint compound exercise, that moves the weight through a long range of motion. By moving the dumbbell through a long distance, it effectively increases your heart rate. So select a weight that is challenging, based on completing 20 reps/arm, with good form.

C. Single Arm Dumbbell Swing

Sets: 4

Reps: 20/arm

Single arm Dumbbell Swing

Notes: If you have access, you could also complete this as a single arm kettlebell swing. Swings are one of the best metabolic boosting resistance training exercises you can do. Not only is it a great cardio exercise, but it also incorporates many muscles in the posterior chain, i.e. the hamstrings, glutes, and back.

D1. Speed Squat

Reps: 10

Rest: as little as possible


D2. Forward Lunge

Reps: 5/leg

Rest: as little as possible


D3. Push Up

Reps: 10

Rest: as little as possible


After you complete this metabolic training workout, I dare you to tell me you’re not training your heart.

In fact, I guarantee your heart will be pumping out of your chest.

Plus, the sweat will be pouring out of your body.

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

During this workout I burned 837 calories.

Good luck doing that with a cardio machine workout.

Plus, with these metabolic training style workouts, you not only training your heart and burning fat, but you’re also maintaining and building muscle.

It’s a two for one deal!

I hope this workout proves to you how to do cardio without a treadmill

This exact metabolic training workout was included as the fitness challenge in this month’s 30 day Fat Melting Power Sets workout.

So if you’re sick and tired of not getting the results with your boring workouts, get on a Live Lean program.

My entire journey of Living Lean has been the result of following a properly structured program.

Whether it’s our Live Lean Sprint 2.0 cardio program, our 30 day workout programs, or any of our other Live Lean training programs, your time is now.

This quick Live Lean Body quiz will show you the best program for you, based on your goals, fitness level, and access to equipment.

Thanks for watching and keep Living Lean.

Welcome to Live Lean Sprint 2.0!

Live Lean Sprint 2.0

If you’re looking for the best HIIT cardio, LISS cardio workouts, and the nutrition plan to burn belly fat as fast as possible, go pick up a copy of my brand new Live Lean Sprint 2.0 program.

We’re also hooking up the first 250 people who buy the program with a copy of our brand new 30 day Fat Melting Power Sets resistance training program.

Thanks for watching and keep Living Lean.

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Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals!

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