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7 Quick Feet Agility Ladder Drills For Weight Loss


Athletic Cardio For Faster Fat Loss

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you 7 quick feet agility ladder drills for weight loss.

If you are only doing boring slow and steady cardio machine workouts, it’s time to get off the treadmill, and get out of your comfort zone.

Get ready to unleash your inner athlete, move your feet, and fire up faster fat loss, with these athletic quick feet agility ladder drills.

The agility ladder is an excellent form of athletic cardio to improve:

  • Footwork speed
  • Agility
  • Quickness
  • Overall conditioning
  • Faster fat loss

Get your own agility ladder here for less than $15.

Let’s go.

7 Quick Feet Agility Ladder Drills For Weight Loss

Here are the 7 athletic cardio exercises for faster fat loss.

Click the links below for the step-by-step exercise demonstrations to see how to do each agility ladder drill.

Quick Feet Drill #1: Agility Ladder One Step Drill

The Agility Ladder One Step Drill is a light fast feet drill that works on improving agility and footwork.

To get started:

  1. Step one foot into the first box, then quickly move forward as you tap your opposite foot into the next box.
  2. As you move through the ladder, your arms should be bent at 90 degrees, with a quick pumping motion.
  3. Continue to quickly move up the ladder, as you pick your feet up just high enough just to get over the stick.
  4. To move your feet as fast as possible through the ladder, your weight should be over your toes, with your body leaning forward, and your core tight.
  5. Once you reach the end of the ladder, turn around and go back through the ladder.
  6. Repeat for reps or time.

Quick Feet Drill #2: Agility Ladder Two Step Drill

The Agility Ladder Two Foot Step Drill is an excellent fast feet drill that will burn serious calories.

To get started:

  1. Tap one foot into the first box, then quickly tap your opposite foot into the same box.
  2. Immediately move forward by tapping your original foot in the second box, followed by the opposite foot.
  3. Continue moving up the ladder while tapping both feet into the box before proceeding to the next box.
  4. To move your feet as fast as possible, focus on keeping your body over your toes, with your core tight.
  5. Don’t forget to move your arms by pumping them forward and backward, as if you’re sprinting.
  6. Repeat for reps or time.

Quick Feet Drill #3: Agility Ladder Forward Ickey Shuffle Drill

The Agility Ladder Forward Ickey Shuffle is an excellent cardio drill that works on foot speed, agility, and increases calorie burning.

To get started:

  1. With the agility ladder in front of you, stand to the side of the first square.
  2. Step laterally into the square one foot at a time, then immediately step to the other side of the square with your outside foot.
  3. Then place the outside foot into the square ahead, followed by the opposite foot.
  4. Continue this, moving as fast as possible until you reach the end of the ladder.
  5. Once you reach the end of the ladder, turn around and repeat back to the starting point.
  6. Repeat for reps or duration.

Quick Feet Drill #4: Agility Ladder Ickey Shuffle Two Feet Out Drill

The Agility Ladder Ickey Shuffle Two Feet Out Drill is an excellent cardio drill that works on foot speed and agility.

This is an advanced variation of the Ickey Shuffle, since two feet tap the outside of the agility ladder before shuffling to the other side of the ladder.

To get started:

  1. With the agility ladder in front of you, stand to the side of the first square.
  2. Step laterally into the square one foot at a time, then immediately shuffle to the outside of the square, one foot at a time.
  3. Then place the outside foot into the square ahead, followed by the opposite foot.
  4. To simplify the movement in your head, think “In The Ladder, Out The Ladder, Up The Ladder”.
  5. Continue this, moving as fast as possible until you reach the end of the ladder.
  6. Once you reach the end of the ladder, turn around and repeat back to the starting point.
  7. Repeat for reps or duration.

Quick Feet Drill #5: Agility Ladder Lateral Shuffle Drill

The Agility Ladder Lateral Shuffle Drill is an excellent drill that improves foot speed, coordination, and really jacks up your heart rate.

To get started:

  1. Stand to the side of an agility ladder facing forward.
  2. As you place your feet inside the ladder, begin to laterally move down the agility ladder quickly by stepping your feet in and out of the squares.
  3. Pick your feet up just high enough just to get over the stick.
  4. Pump your arms and keep your core contracted to move your feet even faster.
  5. As you reach the end of the agility ladder, immediately reverse your way back down the agility ladder again.
  6. Repeat for reps or duration.

Quick Feet Drill #6: Agility Ladder Lateral 2 In 2 Out Drill

The Agility Ladder Lateral 2 In 2 Out Drill is an excellent cardio exercise to improve foot speed and burn calories. To get started:

1. Stand facing an agility ladder positioned at the first box.

2. Step your lead foot into the first box, staying on the ball of your foot, then quickly step the opposite foot in the box.

3. Quickly step the first foot back and out of the box, followed by the other foot, then move laterally to the next box.

4. Think “In, In, Out Out” as you move your feet as fast as you can.

5. Keep your elbows bent at 90 degrees, and continue pumping your arms for momentum while keeping your core contracted to maintain balance.

6. Once you get to the end of the ladder, reverse your way back down the agility ladder, starting with the lead foot.

7. Repeat for reps or time.

Quick Feet Drill #7: Agility Ladder Reverse Ickey Shuffle Drill

The Agility Ladder Reverse Ickey Shuffle is an excellent cardio combo that works on foot speed, agility, and increases calorie burning.

To get started:

  1. Stand to the side of the first square, facing away from the agility ladder.
  2. Step laterally into the square one foot at a time, then immediately step to the other side of the square with your outside foot.
  3. Then place the inside foot into the square behind, followed by the opposite foot.
  4. Continue moving backwards as fast as possible, until you reach the end of the ladder.
  5. Once you reach the end of the ladder, face away from the ladder and reverse the movement, moving backwards until you return to the starting position. 
  6. Repeat for reps or duration.  

I love you guys and keep Living Lean.


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Question For You:

  • Do you ever incorporate agility ladder drills into your workouts?
  • How many of these agility ladder drills have you tried before?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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