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Have You Noticed Any Physical Changes In Your Body Since Pregnancy?

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Cheat Meals, Keto Diet, Training Fasted | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 010

On episode 010 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 9 of your questions, including have you noticed any physical changes in your body since pregnancy?

Welcome back to episode number 10 of our #AskLiveLeanTV show.

I can’t believe we’ve hit double digits.

Thank you for tuning in and for submitting all of your questions, especially on Twitter.

I’ve been noticing a lot of engagement of Twitter, which means you’re doing it right to get your questions answered faster.

How Do I Get My Questions Answered?

If you’re new to #AskLiveLeanTV, this is the show where we answer your questions, in-depth on camera, when you post them using #AskLiveLeanTV.

If you don’t have Twitter, we’ll also take your questions on the other social media channels:

Lastly, big shout out to all the podcast listeners.

Are You Listening On The Podcast?

If you haven’t checked out the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Spotify yet, go subscribe, rate, and review it here.

This feedback helps grow the podcast, so we can talk to more people.

We’ve been hearing that people are listening to us in the gym, while driving in the car, and on their subway ride to work.

Listening to podcasts is one of the best things to do when you commute.

Use that time wisely to learn, rather than listening to music, or being in silence.

Thanks For Making This Show A Success

We’re having a really fun time filming this show, since we’ve been asked some really creative questions.

Nice job everyone.

We look forward to a lot the videos we do produce for you, however the #AskLiveLeanTV show has been a fun project.

Based on the comments from the last few episodes, it seems like you are really appreciative and grateful for what we’re doing for you.

That engagement really energizes and pumps us up to do more episodes.

So keep the questions coming in, and keep the chatter going down in the comment section.

Lastly, if you’re listening on the podcast, get over to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel, and start commenting as well.

We have a bunch of questions to get to, so let’s jump into it.

Here Are Today’s 9 Viewer Questions

  1. What are the top 3 cheat meals for each of you?
  2. Can you gain muscle mass on a Paleo diet?
  3. What foods and snacks should I bring to my soccer game?
  4. What do you think of German Volume Training?
  5. What’s a day off for you and Jess Like?
  6. Would you go on a Keto diet while doing intermittent fasting for fat loss or gain muscle?
  7. Have you noticed any physical changes in your body since pregnancy?
  8. What kind of workout would you recommend for a very underweight person?
  9. Is it enough to just have coffee before a workout?

Question #1: What are the top 3 cheat meals for each of you?

@CiscoBall on Twitter asks:

Just for fun, what are both of your top 3 favorite cheat foods and cheat meals?

Top 3 Favorite Cheat Foods And Cheat Meals

Check out the full post: Top 3 Favorite Cheat Foods And Cheat Meals

Question #2: Can You Gain Muscle Mass On A Paleo Diet?

@Dex2Real on Snapchat asks:

Can you build muscle mass on the Paleo Diet? 

Can You Gain Muscle Mass On The Paleo Diet?

Check out the full post: Can You Gain Muscle Mass On The Paleo Diet?

Question #3: What Foods And Snacks Should I Bring To My Soccer Game?

@karlagaytan42 on Twitter asks:

My state soccer tournament is next week. What foods and snacks should I bring to keep healthy? It’s a 3 day tournament.

Healthy On The Go Snack Ideas

Check out the full post: Healthy On The Go Snack Ideas

Question #4: What Do You Think Of German Volume Training?

@marirvo7891 on Twitter asks:

What do you think of German Volume Training? Does German Volume Training work for muscle building? Aren’t the first few sets wasted if you only use 65% of your 1RM? I find it doesn’t start to get hard until fatigue builds a few sets in.

Does German Volume Training Work For Muscle Building?

Check out the full post: Does German Volume Training Work For Muscle Building?

Question #5: What’s A Day Off For You And Jess Like?

@ciscoballs on Snapchat asks:

I’m wondering what are the best things to do on an active rest day? What’s a day off for you and Jess like?

What To Do On An Active Rest Day

Check out the full post: What To Do On An Active Rest Day

Question #6: Would You Go On A Keto Diet While Doing Intermittent Fasting For Fat Loss Or Gain Muscle?

@RGGF84 on Twitter asks:

Would you go on a keto diet while doing intermittent fasting for fat loss and/or muscle gain (not like a bodybuilder)?

Is The Keto Diet Good For Fat Loss?

Check out the full post: Is The Keto Diet Good For Fat Loss?

Question #7: Have You Noticed Any Physical Changes In Your Body Since Pregnancy?

@QB_SilentDisco on Twitter asks:

Jess, aside from your bump growing, have you noticed any physical changes in your body since pregnancy?

Brad: Okay this question is specifically for Jessica, so I’ll let her answer.

Jessica: Oh yeah, that’s a good question.

I feel like my arms and legs are pretty much the same.

I definitely have a higher body fat percentage now, than I did pre-pregnancy, but that’s to be expected.

I’m actually pleasantly surprised that my shape hasn’t changed too drastically.

Don’t you agree?

Brad: Yes, I agree.

Besides the baby bump, if you look at Jess from the ribs up, the rest of your body looks normal.

Jess: I think my cheeks are also a little puffier.

Brad: No, I don’t think so.

I think you still look hot and sexy.

Jess: Oh thanks boo.

I don’t know, when I see you older videos, I’m like wow my face was slimmer, no?

Brad: I don’t see it, no.

Jess: You guys should tell us in the comments below if you see it.

Do you see a plumpness in my cheek?

Brad: So you want guys to say, “yes pregnant woman, you look fat.”

Well, since we’re on YouTube, it’ll probably happen anyway.

Jess: I didn’t say fat, I said plump.

Other than that, the other changes I’ve noticed with my body is my posture has changed a little bit.

This is due to my boobs and belly being heavy now.

I feel this makes my posture a little more rounded.

Since my posture is really forward, I’ve been trying to do more stretches to open my chest, as well as more back strengtheners.

I know this is a very normal thing with pregnancy, however I’m trying to counteract all these things.

I also do a lot of foam rolling on my butt, and calves especially, because I’m trying to keep the varicose veins away, and help reduce cellulite.

Overall, I think I’m doing pretty good, but there definitely are changes in my whole body.

Let’s just say it’s a whole different hormonal environment.

Brad: If you looking to follow in Jessica’s pregnancy footsteps, here is a link to her Live Lean Pregnancy program.

Jess: Yes, I also have a Live Lean Mom program showing you how to get your body back as well.

Brad: Return of the abs and booty.

Jess: The booty is still there, but I will have to perk it up a little.

The abs are definitely going to need a complete overhaul, because I don’t even know where they are right now.

Question #8: What Kind Of Workout Would You Recommend For A Very Underweight Person?

Tanny Brito on YouTube asks:

If a person is trying to re-gain lost weight, what type of exercise routine would you suggest for a very underweight person that likes to exercise to maintain a “toned” body?

How To Get Toned After Losing Weight

Check out the full post: How To Get Toned After Losing Weight

Question #9: Is It Enough To Just Have Coffee Before A Workout?

sarasmile1984 on Snapchat asks:

Hi guys, I’m really loving these types of videos, and I’m so pumped that the vlogs are making a comeback! My question is, is coffee before a workout in the morning enough for your system? I like to workout in the morning around 9am, so I have my coffee around 8am, and I’m not hungry until 10am. I drink a protein shake immediately after my workout. You guys are such an inspiration and keep me motivated. Thank you for that!

Is Coffee Before A Workout In The Morning Enough?

Check out the full post: Is Coffee Before A Workout In The Morning Enough?

That’s Another Episode Of The #AskLiveLeanTV Show

All right, that’s it, that’s a wrap, that’s another show.

Thank you for your questions.

We really appreciate your participation.

Keep asking the questions on Twitter and our other social media channels, and keep watching the show.

We love all the views and engagement.

Thank you.

Question Of The Day

It’s Jessica’s turn to ask the question the day.

What are your 3 top favorite cheat meals?

We told you ours earlier.

It may seem like an easy question, but we’re really curious if there are any unusual ones that will make us laugh.

Even if it’s not unusual, make sure you still put it in the comment section down below.

If everyone says pizza, I won’t be shocked, since everyone loves pizza.

We’ve been thinking about potentially doing more than one #AskLiveLeanTv episode a week, however we don’t know if we can fit it in since we have a pretty tight schedule.

Since we’re getting more questions than we can handle, we could be convinced to do more shows, so we can answer them all.

We’ll think about it.

Thanks for tuning in to episode 010, we’ll see you at the next episode.

Keep Living Lean.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Questions For You:

  • What are your 3 top favorite cheat meals?
  • Do you see a plumpness in Jessica’s pregnant cheeks?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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