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Live LeanMom

The Workouts That Got Me Back In Shape Post Pregnancy To Be a Fit Lean Mom

After Baby

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This New-Mom guide is designed to:

  • Maximize your time in a small amount of space
  • Gently re-introduce training back into your routine
  • Shed baby-weight and stimulate your lean muscle
  • Allow you to workout with your baby
  • And help you ease back into a lean fit lifestyle

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Plus, you'll get an all access pass to 1,000+ other Live Lean workouts

You will also get access to ALL of our 1,00o’s of workouts, PLUS access to 100,000s of workouts and classes from other fitness creators all over the world.

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Hey mama,

You might know me as Jess,

I’ve been a certified trainer, fitness coach and Youtuber since 2008.

When I got pregnant with my first baby Kyla, I have to admit, I worried a little about how I’d get back in shape after her birth.

So many people warned me:

“Fitness is harder after you become a Mom”
“Pregnancy ruins women’s bodies”
“You’ll just never be the same…”

You CAN be a super fit lean mom WITHOUT sacrificing attention for your kids or enjoyment of life!

So I trusted my intuition, chose to believe it could be possible, and documented all my steps to share with you via a program called Live Lean Mom.


There are some things about motherhood that make fitness different than it was before you had kids.

1) You can no longer spend as much time as you want at the gym
2) You have to prioritize your baby’s needs
3) You worry that working out will take time away from being with your precious babe.

Since being with your baby is your number 1 priority, you need a solution that DOESN’T take you away from baby.

There are essentially 3 big mistakes that most mom’s make with fitness

  1. You think you need HOURS instead of minutes, so you put it off. Since you don’t have hours per day to dedicate to your fitness you just let it go and think “I don’t have time”. Well guess what.. even just a few minutes per day can give you substantially better results than none at all, and we all have 15 minutes or less per day we can dedicate to our fitness.
  2. You think you need to go super intense to burn off baby weight. Nope! Mama, donchu worry.. Your body is still recovering from giving birth – one of the hardest physical events of life! and now it’s time to be gentle and forgiving with your body. These live lean mom workouts are not like bootcamp. and they don’t need to be. You’ll get results by staying consistent, not by beating yourself up.
  3. You think that spending time with baby means sitting or laying only. Did you know that babies LOVE watching their mamas exercise. It’s pure entertainment for little babes. Just try it, I often get giggles and smiles from my baby as she watches me workout.

Be a Live Lean Mom

Live Lean Mom

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Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.