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Should You Workout And Eat Differently When You Are Sick?


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Is This 14 Year Old Working Out Too Much? | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 012

On episode 012 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 of your questions, including should you workout and eat differently when you are sick?

Welcome back to another episode of #AskLiveLeanTV.

Thanks for tuning into episode number 12.


This is the show where we answer your questions.

We’ve been having a blast shooting this show and have been loving all the creative and original questions coming in.

This is going to be a fun show because it’s super hot in here, so I’m in a crazy mood.

Based on the heat, Jessica and I have decided we’re going to be like Ron Burgundy, and all the other newscasters, and not wear pants.

How Do I Get My Questions Answered?

We’re definitely not short on viewer questions, so if you do want to ask a question, it’s going to take us a little while to get to them.

Ask your question using #AskLiveLeanTV on Twitter and tag us @LiveLeanTV.

If you don’t have Twitter, we’ll also take your questions on the other social media channels:

I’m not sure how long we’ll keep this show going, but maybe we’ll do it forever and ever 😉

I can see us still answering your questions when we are old and saggy 89 year olds.

Actually, let me check myself on that stereotype.

We’re not going to be old and saggy at 89.

We’re going to be old and ripped.

Plus, who knows what is going to happen in the future with age expectancy.

89 is probably going to be the new 19!

Regardless, we will eventually get to your questions in an upcoming episode.

All right, let’s jump into today’s questions.

Here Are Today’s 10 Viewer Questions

  1. Can you build muscle doing Crossfit?
  2. Do you think the fitness industry is over sexualized?
  3. I turned 14, I’m 163 cm and weigh 55 kg, I swim 3 times a week for 2 hrs and lift weights 4-5 times a week, is that too much exercise?
  4. What is your take on protein and vitamin supplements?
  5. Should you workout when you are sick? Should you eat differently when you are sick?
  6. Jess, what was your fitness starting point? Have you always been pretty healthy?
  7. Are push ups a good warm up exercise before weight lifting?
  8. If you could only keep 1 pair of gym shoes, which would it be?
  9. What are your thoughts on alkaline water?
  10. Is it possible to achieve your muscular physique with just bodyweight home workouts?

Question #1: Can You Build Muscle Doing Crossfit?

Dex2Real on Snapchat asks:

Is CrossFit good for building muscle or does it cause injuries?

is CrossFit good for building muscle or does it cause injuries Live Lean TV is CrossFit good for building muscle or does it cause injuries

Check out the full post: Is CrossFit Good For Building Muscle Or Does It Cause Injuries?

Question #2: Do You Think The Fitness Industry Is Over Sexualized?

Ant @HulllkSmash on Twitter asks:

Let’s hear the truth about the over sexualized fitness industry. Do you think the fitness industry is over sexualized? P.S. keep up the great content.

The Truth About The Over Sexualized Fitness Industry Live Lean TV The Truth About The Over Sexualized Fitness Industry

Check out the full post: The Truth About The Over Sexualized Fitness Industry

Question #3: I Turned 14, I’m 163 cm and weigh 55 kg, I swim 3 times a week for 2 hrs and lift weights 4-5 times a week, is that too much exercise?

yang bang from YouTube says:

Hello, I just turned 14. I’m 163cm and 55kg. I swim on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday for 2 hours. I also lift 4-5 times a week. Is that too much exercise?

That does seem like a lot of exercise for the average person.

However, we don’t have enough context about your situation to be able to answer it properly.


For example, what are you looking to achieve?

As a 14 year old, it’s great that you’re active, however not many 14 year olds are lifting weights 4-5 days a week and swimming 2 hours, 3 times a week.

For example, we usually only swim for 20 minutes.

Here’s why context is so important.

If you’re training to be an Olympic swimmer like Michael Phelps, lifting weights 4-5 days a week and swimming 2 hours, 3 times a week is probably not too much.

If you’re trying to become a professional athlete, I would assume you have an experienced coach that has put other athletes through a similar routine.

Another follow up question would be, how long have you been doing this?

If you have only been following this routine for one week, it’s hard to tell if this is a sustainable amount of exercise for you, since not enough time has passed yet.

However, if you have been doing it for a year, then you’re probably conditioned to it.

Ultimately, based on the limited information given in that question, it’s tough for us to answer.

We would need more information on what your goals are, in order to assess if it is too much exercise.

However, if we make the assumption that you are just a regular 14 year old looking to get fit, that is a lot of exercise.

I would recommend you balance some of that time to hang out with your friends and enjoy life a little bit more.

Question #4: What Is Your Take On Protein And Vitamin Supplements?

Eric Kaminski from YouTube says:

I hear that the FDA doesn’t regulate protein and vitamin supplements, and that a lot of supplements have fillers and a bunch of unnecessary and/or unknown stuff in them. My friend tells me to just get protein from a natural source such as meats, eggs, nuts, etc. What is your take on protein and vitamin supplements and what are your best tips on how to find the most trustworthy supplement brands? Thanks.

How To Find The Most Trustworthy Supplement Brands Live Lean TV How To Find The Most Trustworthy Supplement Brands

Check out the full post: How To Find The Most Trustworthy Supplement Brands

Question #5: Should You Workout When You Are Sick? Should You Eat Differently When You Are Sick?

lindsey_g13 on Snapchat asks:

Hey, loved your last episode. Also, thanks for answering my question in the past. I have been sick with a headache, stuffy nose, and cough. Do you think it is okay to workout if you are sick? I have been going to Crossfit, but I’m wondering if I am making it worse. Should you also eat differently when you are sick? For example, I crave fruit when I’m sick. Should I eat fruit when I’m sick? Thank you so much.

Here’s a video when I was feeling sick.

How To Avoid Getting Sick Like I Just Did Live Lean TV

It really depends on the severity of your sickness.

For example, if you have a flu or are still in the contagious stage of your cold, it’s not a good idea to workout.

You need to stay home and sleep it off, rather than spreading germs to everywhere else.

It is rude to go to the gym when you are are clearly sick, coughing, and have a runny nose.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to gauge how sick you are.

If you think you can make it through a workout, you probably can.

After getting in some movement, it will probably make you feel better, as well.

You could also do outdoor workouts to get your blood flowing and body moving, without being close to other people.

Going for a fast walk or a light jog around your neighborhood can be a better alternative than going to the gym.

If 5 minutes into the walk or jog you start to feel terrible, you can change your mind and go back to bed.

Should I Eat Fruit When I’m Sick?

When it comes to eating fruit, yes feel free to eat a lot fruit when you’re feeling sick.

Fruit is loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system.

When you are sick, don’t worry about hitting your macronutrients for the day.

The most important thing for you is to get well, so you can get back to your healthy habits.

Even though sticking to your meal plan and macros won’t make your sickness worse, don’t stress out if all you want to do is eat fruit and drink water.

The most important thing is to do what you need to do, to get better.

If this includes eating more fruit than you normally do for a few days, do it.

Question #6: Jess, What Was Your Fitness Starting Point? Have You Always Been Pretty Healthy?

sarahgaskin250kchalleng on Instagram asks:

Here’s a question for Jess. How long does it take to transform your body? In #AskLiveLeanTV episode 007, you mentioned when you decided to focus and get it done, it only took you a few months to get your body where you wanted it. What was your starting point? Were you overweight or always pretty healthy? What did you do in terms of diet, routine, and schedule? How did you stay focused? Thanks in advance.

How Long Does It Take To Transform Your Body? Live Lean TV How Long Does It Take To Transform Your Body?

Check out the full post: How Long Does It Take To Transform Your Body?

Question #7: Are Push Ups A Good Warm Up Exercise Before Weight Lifting?

@KostaGeorgian on Twitter asks:

Hi Brad and Jessica. I have one question. Are push ups a good warm up before weights?

Are Push Ups A Good Warm Up Before Lifting Weights? Live Lean TV Are Push Ups A Good Warm Up Before Lifting Weights?

Check out the full post: Are Push Ups A Good Warm Up Before Lifting Weights?

Question #8: If You Could Only Keep 1 Pair Of Gym Shoes, Which Would It Be?

@mcptotalfitness on Twitter asks:

If you could only keep one pair of gym shoes, which would it be? I love my Reebok Nano 5.0’s, but I’d miss my Reebook Sprint TRs. What are the best overall workout sneakers?

What Are The Overall Best Workout Sneakers? Live Lean TV What Are The Overall Best Workout Sneakers?

Check out the full post: What Are The Overall Best Workout Sneakers?

Question #9: What Are Your Thoughts On Alkaline Water?

@mattchilledh2o on Twitter asks:

I have heard you say that you want to keep your body in an alkaline state. What do you think about alkaline water? Is alkaline water good for you? What do you think about a water ionizer to get alkaline water?

Is Alkaline Water Good For You? Live Lean TV Is Alkaline Water Good For You?

Check out the full post: Is Alkaline Water Good For You?

Question #10: Is It Possible To Achieve Your Muscular Physique With Just Bodyweight Home Workouts?

Dominik Kuss @Teldan on Twitter asks:

Hey Brad, is it possible to achieve your muscular physique with no more than bodyweight home workouts?

Can You Build A Muscular Physique With Only Bodyweight Home Workouts? Live Lean TV Can You Build A Muscular Physique With Only Bodyweight Home Workouts?

Check out the full post: Can You Build A Muscular Physique With Only Bodyweight Home Workouts?

That’s Another Episode Of The #AskLiveLeanTV Show

All right that’s another show.

We love doing these, so thank you so much for being with us and making this show work.

Your awesome questions and engagement are what fuels us to keep going.

Question Of The Day

Today’s question of the day is from Jessica: I like learning more about your fitness level and goals.

In the comment section below, tell us a quick and brief explanation of:

  • What is your training history?
  • How many years have you been training?
  • What is the #1 fitness goal you are working to achieve right now?
  • Regardless if you are a guy or girl, are you for or against breast enhancement surgery?

We’ll talk to you at the next episode.

We love you.

Keep Living Lean.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Questions For You:

  • What is your training history?
  • How many years have you been training?
  • What is the #1 fitness goal you are working to achieve right now?
  • Regardless if you are a guy or girl, are you for or against breast enhancement surgery?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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