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Sugar Free vs Regular Soda And Carbonated Fizzy Drinks: Which Is Better For You?


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Are Sugar Free Drinks As Bad As Regular Sugar Filled ones?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, we’re discussing which is better for you, sugar free vs regular soda and carbonated fizzy drinks.

Today’s viewer question is from #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 017.

askliveleantv ep. 017 Live Lean TV askliveleantv ep. 017

Here’s today’s viewer question:


@rsam87 on Twitter asks: Are sugar free fizzy drinks as bad as sugar filled ones? I’ve heard some people say they are.

Sugar Free vs Regular Soda And Carbonated Fizzy Drinks: Which Is Better For You?

Brad: It depends. I’m assuming you are talking about artificially sweetened drinks with sucralose or aspartame. For example, Diet Coke is uses an artificial sweetener called aspartame. This is different than a soda sweetened with a natural sweetener such as a stevia. We put soda’s sweetened with stevia on the okay list.

Jessica: For example, we like the Zevia brand of sodas, which are sweetened with stevia. However, if you’re asking about Diet Coke and Diet Sprite, those may not be equally as harmful as the regular sugary soda.

diet soda vs regular soda vs stevia soda Live Lean TV diet soda vs regular soda vs stevia soda

Brad: It’s hard to say, because the artificial sweeteners haven’t been around long enough for the studies to be conclusive. In other words, to date I’m not aware of any studies showing what will happen to you if you drink diet soda for 30 years.

I don’t drink sugar filled regular soda at all. However, if I do have an energy drink, and I have a choice between a sugar filled energy drink or an artificial sweetened one, I choose the artificial sweetened one. One reason is I don’t want to have the sugar in me, however I also don’t like the overwhelming taste of sugar.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a conclusive answer to this question. However, if you’re on a fat loss plan, and you really want to have these sweetened drinks, I would go the zero calorie fizzy drink as opposed to drinking a full sugared one.

Jessica: We would also recommend you slowly wean yourself off, because whether it’s sugar-free or sugar, it’s just not good for you. 

Brad: The best fizzy drink option is a stevia flavored one. It only costs a few pennies more and is a good replacement.

Jessica: You won’t even miss diet soda if you have the stevia soda instead. We wouldn’t recommend it every day, however you could still enjoy a few of them per week.


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Question For You:

  • Do you drink soda or carbonated fizzy drinks?
  • If so, do you go with sugar free or regular sugar filled drinks?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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