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Junk Food Tax: Should Soda, Fast Food, And Junk Food Be Taxed To Improve Public Health?


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Would Taxing Unhealthy Foods Encourage Healthier Habits?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, were discussing a junk food tax, should soda, fast food, and junk food be taxed to improve public health?

Today’s viewer question is from #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 017.

askliveleantv ep. 017 Live Lean TV askliveleantv ep. 017

Here’s today’s viewer question:


@MagNahm on Twitter says: Do you think junk food taxes, such as Philadelphia’s soda tax, will encourage healthier habits?

Do You Think Junk Food Taxes, Such As Philadelphia’s Soda Tax, Will Encourage Healthier Habits?

Brad: Good question. I know New York City was looking at coming out with a soda tax too, but I think it backfired, didn’t it?

Jessica: Does California have any junk food tax?

Brad: I don’t know if California does or not, but I remember when I heard that New York City was going to come out with it, I was actually excited. I think a junk food tax makes complete sense. Why is healthy food so expensive and junk so cheap? 

Jessica: It’s so backwards.

Brad: What do you think it going to happen? The people who can’t afford food will buy the crappy food. You would think putting a tax on soda and junk food makes sense. I’m for it. However, there are people who take the stance that they should be the ones to decide if they want to drink soda and put that in their body. In other words, it should be the individual’s decision and the government should stay out of it. I also kind of agree with that stance.

Jessica: I can see both sides.

Brad: We all are responsible for our own lives. I’m a hundred percent in control of my own life. I don’t blame other people for things that happened to me. By implementing this junk food tax, the government will raise and receive more taxes, therefore they are going to make more money, which is good as long as that tax money is put towards improving public health. If that is the case, I’m in favor of it. 

Jessica: I think people should just stop eating junk food. If the price of healthy food could go down, it would help encourage people to eat more.

Brad: Agreed. In the comments below, let us know what you think. If a bag of organic apples is the same price as a bag of potato chips, which food are you going to pick to snack on?

Jessica: That’s a good question for the readers. Maybe price doesn’t affect people’s decisions when it comes to junk food or maybe it does. I think it does.

Brad: I think it would too.


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Question For You:

  • If a bag of organic apples is the same price as a bag of potato chips, which food are you going to pick to snack on?
  • Does price affect your decisions when it comes to buying junk food?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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