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Health And Fitness Q&A: Fertility, Creatine, Sugar Free Drinks


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Cheat Days, Pet Peeves, And More | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 017

On episode 017 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 health and fitness questions ranging from fertility, creatine, sugar free drinks, and more.

Here Are Today’s 10 Viewer Questions

  1. How Much Of Your Diet And Fitness Do You Contribute To Your Fertility And Success Getting Pregnant?
  2. Do You Think Junk Food Taxes Such As Philadelphia’s Soda Tax Will Encourage Healthier Habits?
  3. Can You Explain Why Grains Are Not Healthy?
  4. What Are Your Biggest Pet Peeves?
  5. Do You Have To Be On A Loading Phase When Taking Creatine?
  6. Would You Recommend Cheat Meals Or Days Only After You’ve Reached Your Fitness Goal? Or Wherever You Are On Your Journey?
  7. Are Sugar-free Drinks As Bad As Sugar-filled Ones?
  8. What Supplements And Foods Can I Use To Recover Better From My Workouts?
  9. If You Could Only Eat 1 Type Of Protein, Carb, And Fat For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would You Pick?
  10. What Product Do You Use To Wash Your Gym Clothes?


Brad: What’s up guys?

The chair beside me is empty, however Jessica is here, but she’s actually giving our baby the booby.


What’s up everybody, welcome back to #AskLiveLeanTV.

We’re currently sharing this as introduction on our Snapchat and our Instagram stories.

Jess: He needs a moment to publish the story.

Brad: Before we get into the show, what do you think of the Instagram story?

Jess: I’m not part of the club, so I guess I’m not one of the cool kids.

I feel like a grandma over here, “What is this Insta-snapping or Instagramming?“.

Brad: I remember you were slow to get on a Snapchat too though.

Jess: I was.

When Snapchat first came out, I was thinking who needs to have disappearing messages.

I’m not going to do that.

What a waste of time.

Brad: Yeah, now you love it.

Jess: Now I’m obsessed and do it every day.

Brad: I just posted that introduction on on my Snap and Instagram stories.

If you aren’t following me on Instagram, follow me @BradGouthro, since I’m posting stories over there as well.

Go check out those stories.

This could be the question of the day, or maybe we’ll come up with something else.

In the comments below, let us know, what do you prefer Snapchat or Instagram stories?

Jess: Or maybe it’s something else that we don’t even know about?

I bet the cool kids are out there doing something beyond what we don’t even know yet.

Brad: Musically.

Jess: Oh, Musically?

Brad: Musically is actually another big one that is coming out now too.

We just went on a little rant there, but it’s time to get back to the show.

I’m Brad Gouthro.

Jess: I’m Jessica Gouthro, also now known as Kyla’s mom.


Brad: Guess what?

We had our baby.

This is our first show with baby Kyla, so we have to be quiet because she’s right over there sleeping on set.

We have to bang out this episode quickly.

Jess: We can’t do any rants tonight, so we have to keep it chill and whisper.

Brad: I wouldn’t say that.

I might go on a rant.

This is episode 17, so let’s jump right into it.

Question #1: How Much Of Your Diet And Fitness Do You Contribute To Your Fertility And Success Getting Pregnant?

@dawniedk on Twitter asks:

How much of your diet and fitness do you contribute to your fertility and success in getting pregnant? 

Did Diet And Fitness Affect Our Fertility To Get Pregnant? Live Lean TV Did Diet And Fitness Affect Our Fertility To Get Pregnant?

Check out the full post: Did Diet And Fitness Affect Our Fertility To Get Pregnant?

Question 2: Do You Think Junk Food Taxes Such As Philadelphia’s Soda Tax Will Encourage Healthier Habits?

@MagNahm on Twitter asks:

Do you think junk food taxes, such as Philadelphia’s soda tax, will encourage healthier habits?”

Junk Food Tax: Should Soda, Fast Food, And Junk Food Be Taxed To Improve Public Health? Live Lean TV Junk Food Tax: Should Soda, Fast Food, And Junk Food Be Taxed To Improve Public Health?

Check out the full post: Junk Food Tax: Should Soda, Fast Food, And Junk Food Be Taxed To Improve Public Health?

Question 3: Can You Explain Why Grains Are Not Healthy?

Nadia Rosales on YouTube asks:

“Can you explain why grains are not healthy? I find it very difficult planning my meals without grains.”

Are Grains Really Bad For You? Live Lean TV Are Grains Really Bad For You?

Check out the full post: Are Grains Really Bad For You?

Question 4: What Are Your Biggest Pet Peeves?

DEX2REAL on Snapchat asks:

What are y’all’s biggest pet peeves?

This Is My Biggest Pet Peeve Live Lean TV This Is My Biggest Pet Peeve

Check out the full post: This Is My Biggest Pet Peeve

Question #5: Do You Have To Be On A Loading Phase When Taking Creatine?

DEX2REAL on Snapchat asks:

Do you have to be on a loading phase when taking creatine?

Is A Creatine Loading Phase Necessary? Live Lean TV Is A Creatine Loading Phase Necessary?

Check out the full post: Is A Creatine Loading Phase Necessary?

Question #6: Would You Recommend Cheat Meals Or Days Only After You’ve Reached Your Fitness Goal? Or Wherever You Are On Your Journey?

@dreambakesteam on Twitter asks:

Would you recommend cheat meals or days only after you’ve reached your fitness goal, or wherever you are on your journey?

Cheat Meals vs Cheat Days: Wait Until You Reach Your Fitness Goal Or Enjoy During Your Journey? Live Lean TV Cheat Meals vs Cheat Days: Wait Until You Reach Your Fitness Goal Or Enjoy During Your Journey?

Check out the full post: Cheat Meals Or Cheat Days: Wait Until You Reach Your Weight Loss Goal Or Enjoy Now?

Question #7: Are Sugar-free Drinks As Bad As Sugar-filled Ones?

@rsam87 on Twitter says:

Sugar-free fizzy drinks, are they as bad as sugar-filled ones? I’ve heard some people say that they are.

Sugar Free vs Regular Soda And Carbonated Fizzy Drinks: Which Is Better For You? Live Lean TV Sugar Free vs Regular Soda And Carbonated Fizzy Drinks: Which Is Better For You?

Check out the full post: Sugar Free vs Regular Soda And Carbonated Fizzy Drinks: Which Is Better For You?

Question #8: What Supplements And Foods Can I Use To Recover Better From My Workouts?

@Sir_Jeevs on Twitter says:

Hi guys, I’m 6’8″, 345 pounds. I do weight training thrice per week. Are there any supplements and foods I can use to recover better?

Muscle Recovery Foods And Supplements For Beginners Live Lean TV Muscle Recovery Foods And Supplements For Beginners

Check out the full post: Muscle Recovery Foods And Supplements For Beginners

Question #9: If You Could Only Eat 1 Type Of Protein, Carb, And Fat For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would You Pick?

@LiselleC on Twitter says:

If you could only eat one type of protein, carb, and fat for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

If You Can Only Eat 1 Protein, Carbohydrate And Fat Source For The Rest Of Your Life Live Lean TV If You Can Only Eat 1 Protein, Carbohydrate And Fat Source For The Rest Of Your Life

Check out the full post: If You Can Only Eat 1 Protein, Carbohydrate And Fat Source For The Rest Of Your Life

Question #10: What Product Do You Use To Wash Your Gym Clothes?

@carolinuz on Twitter asks:

What product do you use to wash your gym clothes?

What Product Do You Use To Wash Your Gym Clothes? Live Lean TV What Product Do You Use To Wash Your Gym Clothes?

Check out the full post: What Product Do You Use To Wash Your Gym Clothes?

That’s The Show For Today!

Brad: Our baby is starting to wake up, so we have to call that a show.

Jess: Yeah, I have to go give her the booby.

Brad: Thank you for being on the show.

Jess: Thanks guys, I’m checking out.

Brad: I’ll do the question of the day.

What was the the question of the day?

We had two of them to recap.

Jess: I completely forget.

Brad: I’ll have to go back and watch the show to see what the question of the day was.

Oh, I remember now.

Question Of The Day

Are you enjoying Snapchat or Instagram stories better?

Are you following us on there?

Here are our links to follow us:

That’s it guys.

Thanks for watching the show.

We love you guys.

Here’s baby Ky making her appearance on the podcast.

Jess: Oh, based on her crying, she does not want to be here right now.

Brad: She’s not ready to be on camera because she doesn’t have her hair and makeup done.

She’s just like her mother.

All right guys, thanks for watching, we’ll see you at the next one.



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Question For You:

  • Are you enjoying Snapchat or Instagram stories better?
  • Are you following us on there?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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