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Did Diet And Fitness Affect Our Fertility To Get Pregnant?


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On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, we’re answering the following viewer question, did diet and fitness affect our fertility to get pregnant?

Today’s viewer question is from #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 017.

askliveleantv ep. 017 Live Lean TV askliveleantv ep. 017

Here’s today’s viewer question:


@dawniedk on Twitter says: How much of your diet and fitness do you contribute to your fertility and success getting pregnant?

How Much Of Your Diet And Fitness Do You Contribute To Your Fertility And Success Getting Pregnant?

Brad: I don’t have any studies to back it up, so we are just speaking from our experience. However, before we started trying to pregnant, we never got tested to know if we were fertile or not. 

Jessica: Honestly, I’ve never tried to have a baby before this. When my diet was crappier, I wasn’t trying to have a kid then, therefore I don’t know if I was fertile or not.

Brad: I don’t know if we ever told you guys this story, but we actually nailed it on our first try.

Jessica: We had one go, so our fertility probably had something to do with our diet and health, but we don’t know.

Brad: We’re getting into some of the little details here, however right in the middle of “it”, we actually said, “do we want to do this or do we not want to do this?” 😂 Then we just said, “let’s go for it.” Then once we found out we were pregnant, we worked the timeline back, and figured it out that that was the actual time when Kyla was conceived. Based on this, Jessica’s stepdad calls me “Fast Freddy” and Jessica a “Fertile Myrtle” 😅.

Jessica: I don’t see how your fertility wouldn’t be affected by your diet, because everything about your health is affected by your diet. Therefore I do think your diet and fitness does play a good role in your fertility. When you think about planting fruits and vegetables, if you have really healthy soil, you’re going to have really healthy plants. 

Brad: That’s a good analogy. 

Jessica: I feel the best environment for conceiving a baby is when you already have a really healthy body. Therefore, make yourself the most fit and healthy possible, before having kids.

Brad: Yes, to take that a step further on how to have an awesome and healthy pregnancy, follow what Jessica did, by using her Live Lean Pregnancy program. If you are thinking of getting pregnant, or you already are pregnant, or you have a sister or brother that wants to get pregnant, that’s the program that Jessica used, and she did amazing.

Live Lean Pregnancy Layout 2017 Live Lean TV

Jessica: Yeah, most people think pregnancy is the time to forget your diet and stop working out, but no, that’s not how I treated it. 

Brad: Agreed. You’re growing another body inside yourself and feeding your kid during that time. Jessica, you did an awesome job and I’m so proud to be part of that.


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Question For You:

  • If you have kids, did you change your diet and fitness before getting pregnant?
  • If you don’t have kids, are you trying to get pregnant?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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