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Medicine Ball Rolling Uneven Push Up


How To Do A Medicine Ball Rolling Uneven Push Up Correctly

The Medicine Ball Rolling Uneven Push Up is a fantastic variation of the uneven push up that not only targets the chest, but also improves coordination, balance, and core strength.

To get started:

  1. Get into a push up position, but place one hand on the top of a medicine ball, with your other hand on the floor.
  2. Ensure you keep your core contracted to assist in balancing your body.
  3. Bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the floor, then push your hands through the ground to press your body back up, with arms extended.
  4. Then while transferring your weight on top of the hand on the floor, quickly roll the medicine ball to your opposite hand, lower that hand back to the floor, then stop the medicine ball with your other hand by placing it on top of the medicine ball.
  5. Complete another push up, then roll the medicine ball back to the other hand.
  6. That’s one rep.
  7. Repeat for the desired reps.

Primary Muscles Worked

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Beginner Variation


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