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Health And Fitness Q&A: Cheat Meals, Protein Shakes, Dairy, and More


Listen to the post, Health And Fitness Q&A: Cheat Meals, Protein Shakes, Dairy, and More, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

Workout Splits For Women, Hair Washing, Probiotics | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep 021

On episode 021 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 health and fitness questions ranging from cheat meals, protein shakes, dairy, and more.

Here Are Today’s Viewer Questions:

  1. What Is Our Favorite Cheat Meal Treat At Dairy Queen?
  2. Should You Wash Your Hair After Every Workout?
  3. Do We Eat Pork And Bacon In Our Diet?
  4. What’s The Difference Between Whey Protein Powders And Plant Based Protein Powders?
  5. Should You Have A Protein Shake Within 30 Minutes Of Workout Or Is Food Good Enough?
  6. What Is A Good Muscle Split For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss For Women?
  7. Which Spices And Seasonings Are In Our Cabinet?
  8. Why Don’t You Eat Any Dairy Products?
  9. Are Probiotics Worth It?
  10. Are Mushrooms Healthy?


Brad: What’s up guys, welcome back to…

Jess: #AskLiveLeanTV.


We’re getting good at it, right?

Brad: Yes, finally we’re in sync with each other.

Jess: This is episode 21.

Brad: So let’s get into this show.

Are you ready?

Jess: Yeah, I’m so ready.

Bring on the questions and let’s have some more controversial debates.

Brad: All right guys, this is the show where we take your questions.

If you want to get your questions answered on camera, go use #AskLiveLeanTV and put your questions on Twitter.

Twitter is the best way to get in touch, but if you don’t use Twitter, which I don’t understand why you wouldn’t use Twitter, come on people it’s 2016.

You can also use:

Jess: “I don’t do Twitter” 😂.

Brad: However, like we said, those questions don’t get found as easy, since some of them can get lost.

Jess: Sometimes we skip a few, so sorry if you’ve ever asked one, and we missed it.

Brad: We don’t skip them on purpose, it’s just there’s no function to do a hashtag search on a lot of those other social media channels.

Jess: That is the reason behind the preference for Twitter.

Brad: Yes.

Jess: I know using Twitter does limit your characters, which is a problem for some people because we want your background information to help answer your question.

Brad: Well, it can be good and bad because some people go on too long, and then other people don’t tell us enough.

I think in a 140 characters, you can get to the point, and maybe even do it under 140 characters.

That’s a challenge.

Jess: You can do it.

We believe in you guys.

Brad: All right, let’s get to the questions because baby girl is sleeping over there, so we gotta rush this.

Jess: Yes, we can’t wake her up.

Question #1: Have You Ever Been To Dairy Queen? Any Recommendations?

@CiscoBalls on Twitter asks:


Ever been to Dairy Queen? Any recommendations?

What Is Our Favorite Cheat Meal Treat At Dairy Queen? Live Lean TV What Is Our Favorite Cheat Meal Treat At Dairy Queen?

Check out the full post: What Is Our Favorite Cheat Meal Treat At Dairy Queen?

Question #2: Should You Wash Your Hair After Every Workout?

El Michelle On Snapchat says:

I work out five to six times a week, and every time I work out, of course, I must shower, but this is detrimental to my hair because it becomes dry like split ends, etc. Do you have any suggestions or products you use that protect your hair from being over-washed? I’m a female, by the way.

Should You Wash Your Hair After Every Workout? Live Lean TV Should You Wash Your Hair After Every Workout?

Check out the full post: Should You Wash Your Hair After Every Workout?

Question #3: Do We Eat Pork And Bacon In Our Diet?

Dex2real On Snapchat says:

Do you both include pork in your diet?

Do We Eat Pork And Bacon In Our Diet? Live Lean TV Do We Eat Pork And Bacon In Our Diet?

Check out the full post: Do We Eat Pork And Bacon In Our Diet?

Question #4: What’s The Difference Between Whey Protein Powders And Plant Based Protein Powders?

sarvinuk from Snapchat asks:

I was wondering if you could please talk about the difference between protein powders, specifically organic protein powders and plant based protein powders. In addition, do we have to have a protein shake within 30 minutes of a workout, or can you just have some food if you’re hungry?

Whey vs Plant Based Protein Powder: What Is The Difference? Live Lean TV Whey vs Plant Based Protein Powder: What Is The Difference?

Check out the full post: Whey vs Plant Based Protein Powder: What Is The Difference?

Questions #5: Should You Have A Protein Shake Within 30 Minutes Of Workout Or Is Food Good Enough?

sarvinuk from Snapchat asks:

Do we have to have a protein shake within 30 minutes of a workout, or can you just have some food if you’re hungry?

On today's episode of Live Lean TV, we're answering a viewer question who asked, should you have a protein shake within 30 minutes of workout or is food good enough? Live Lean TV Should You Have A Protein Shake Within 30 Minutes Of Workout Or Is Food Good Enough?

Check out the full post: Should You Have A Protein Shake Within 30 Minutes Of Workout Or Is Food Good Enough?

Question #6: What Is A Good Muscle Split For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss For Women?

On Snapchat from Harmehar10 says:

Hey Brad and Jessica! Love the work you’re doing and really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! I wanted to ask you about the most effective training splits for women who do weight training. I am really fed up with the bro split and double muscle group split! Please suggest a good split for both muscle gain and fat loss! Thanks.

What Is A Good Muscle Split For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss For Women? Live Lean TV What Is A Good Muscle Split For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss For Women?

Check out the full post: What Is A Good Muscle Split For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss For Women?

Question #7: Which Spices And Seasonings Are In Our Cabinet?

Dex2real on Snapchat says:

What spices and seasonings are in your cabinets?

Which Spices And Seasonings Are In Our Cabinet? Live Lean TV Which Spices And Seasonings Are In Our Cabinet?

Check out the full post: Which Spices And Seasonings Are In Our Cabinet?

Question #8: Why Don’t You Eat Any Dairy Products?

@rsam87 on Twitter asks:

Am I right in thinking you both don’t eat any dairy products? Why is that?

Why We Don’t Eat A Lot Of Dairy Live Lean TV Why We Don’t Eat A Lot Of Dairy

Check out the full post: Why We Don’t Eat A Lot Of Dairy

Question #9: Are Probiotics Worth It?

Dex2real from Snapchat asks:

Are probiotics worth the money?

Are Probiotics Worth It? Live Lean TV Are Probiotics Worth It?

Check out the full post: Are Probiotics Worth It?

Question #10: Are mushrooms healthy?

Dex2real from Snapchat asks:

Are mushrooms healthy?

Are Mushrooms Healthy? Live Lean TV Are Mushrooms Healthy?

Check out the full post: Are Mushrooms Healthy?

Question Of The Day

All right guys, I think that’s it.

This episode was a little bit disjointed because Jessica had to leave the show early since baby Kyla was crying over there.

However, hopefully you stuck through it to the end.

We really appreciate you guys for watching these shows and listening to them on the podcast.

So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for following, for listening, and for sharing these episodes out as well.

The question of the day to you guys is, what type of protein powder do you use?

Let me know what brand you use, also let me know if it is a whey, a soy, or a vegan protein powder.

Whatever type of protein powder it is, put it down below.

I’m very interested in knowing what you guys take.

Thanks for watching guys and keep Living Lean.


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