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4 Minute No Equipment Tabata Full Body Workout


Follow Along Partner Optional Tabata Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 4 minute no equipment tabata full body workout, partner optional.

Since this was a real time follow along workout, we want you to workout with us.

If you are watching us on your TV, get up off your seat or couch, and go get your workout gear on.

You can even put your bikini on like Jessica, or do it naked like me.


Duration Of The Workout:

  • 4 minutes

Workout Goals:

This is a full body no equipment bodyweight tabata workout designed to get your body moving.

Required Equipment:

tabata timer Live Lean TV tabata timer

Workout Instructions:

Set your tabata interval timer for:

  • 20 seconds of work per set
  • 10 seconds of rest to recover

Complete exercises A1-A4, one after another, in circuit format.

That’s one round.

After you complete the circuit, repeat it one more time for a total of 8 sets over two rounds.

This means you will complete the 4 exercises twice, within 4 minutes.

Once you are ready to go, push the start button on your tabata interval timer.

Since Jessica is still postpartum, she will show you the beginner modified exercises.


Let’s get to work.

4 Minute Partner Tabata Full Body Workout

To learn the exercises, follow along with us as we show you the moves or click the links below for step-by-step exercise demonstrations.

A1. Pop Lunge

The first exercise is the pop lunge.

Beginner Modification: Stationary Lunge


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 10X0

Lunge Coaching Cues:

  • Complete all 20 seconds of the pop lunge, or the easier stationary lunge, on one leg, then switch sides during the next round.
  • If you don’t remember which leg you used in the first round, you can complete the alternating pop lunge, to be sure you’re hitting both legs.
  • You can’t have one leg bigger than the other.
  • After completing 20 seconds on the same leg, shake it out as you take a 10 second break before moving into side to side push ups.

A2. Side To Side Moving Push Up

The second exercise is the side to side moving push up.

Beginner Modification: Incline Push Up


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 1010

Push Up Coaching Cues:

  • It’s time to hit the chest.
  • Get down on the ground in a push up position.
  • Complete the push up by lowering your body to the ground, press up, then move one hand beside the other hand, while doing the same with your feet, then immediately move the other hand and foot away so your hands and feet are once again shoulder width apart.
  • Complete another push up, then move both your hands and feet to shift your body back to the starting position, then complete another push up.
  • To make it easier, Jessica is doing the incline push up with her hands pressed into mini table put her body at an inclined angle.
  • If you are doing incline push ups, make sure the object is sturdy and can support your bodyweight.
  • After completing 20 seconds of push ups, take a 10 second break before moving on to the core move.

A3. Partner Straight Arm Plank Taps

The third exercise is the partner straight arm plank taps.


No Partner Modification: Straight Arm Plank Tap


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 1010

Partner Straight Arm Plank Taps Coaching Cues:

  • This is a move that requires your partner.
  • If you don’t have a partner, complete the straight arm plank tap with a water bottle in front of you.
  • Get down on the ground into the push up straight arm plank position.
  • While holding the straight arm plank, raise one hand and tap your partners hand on the opposite side.
  • Continue alternating sides for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break before moving on to the last cardio move to burn fat.

A4. Speed Skater With Reach

The last exercise is the speed skater with reach.

Beginner Modification: No Jump Speed Skater With Reach


  • 20 seconds of all out, maximum effort.


  • 10 seconds
  • After the 10 seconds rest is up, move right into the next exercise.


  • 2 rounds


  • 1010

Speed Skater With Reach Coaching Cues:

  • If you’re working out with a partner, make sure you are synchronized with your jumps.
  • To complete the easier version, step and touch, instead of jumping.
  • Continue alternating sides for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break.

Nice Work!

That’s the first round.

It’s time to do it all again.

That’s how you do it.

Get outside and complete this quick 4 minute cardio style workout to change your body.

Coach Bruno says, do your cardio bro.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Question For You:

  • Did you try this 4 Minute No Equipment Tabata Full Body Workout?
  • Which tabata exercise was the most challenging?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

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