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Our Favorite Beach Activities: Snorkeling Or Surfing?


Listen to the post, Our Favorite Beach Activities: Snorkeling Or Surfing?, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

Would I Get Fat For $1,000,000, Energy Drinks | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 014

On episode 014 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 of your questions, including if snorkeling or surfing are some of our favorite beach activities?

Welcome back to another episode of #AskLiveLeanTV.

We’re doing a little replay here because we didn’t turn on the microphone.


To avoid these technical problems we’ve been having lately, we need someone to be behind the camera

If you are new and have not followed all the episodes yet, go back and checkout #AskLiveLeanTV episode 01, or catch up on all the #AskLiveLeanTV episodes here.

We want to ensure you are not missing out on any episode because it’s our job to ensure you know what to do to Live Lean.

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All right, let’s jump right into it.

Here Are Today’s 10 Viewer Questions

  1. I am always hungry before bed, should I eat something or just ignore it?
  2. You live so close to the ocean, do you do snorkeling or surfing?
  3. Do you have any tips to improve grip strength when heavy lifting?
  4. Do you eat fish and shellfish?
  5. What is your opinion of cooking with animal fats such as grass fed butter & lard?
  6. What is your opinion on energy drinks?
  7. Would you get fat for $1,000,000?
  8. What is the best substitute for protein powder being on a low budget?
  9. What brand of stevia do you use?
  10. What is your favorite salad?

Question #1: I Am Always Hungry Before Bed, Should I Eat Something Or Just Ignore It?

@henriettacrazy on Twitter asks:

I am always hungry before going to bed. I was wondering what I should do? Should I ignore it and just got to bed, or should I eat something?

What To Do If You Are Always Hungry Before Bed Live Lean TV What To Do If You Are Always Hungry Before Bed

Check out the full post: What To Do If You Are Always Hungry Before Bed

Question #2: You Live So Close To The Ocean, Do You Do Snorkeling Or Surfing?

elizabeth_olesen on Instagram asks:

You two live so close to the ocean, do you ever get to take advantage of it and do activities such as snorkeling or surfing?

Yes, we are down at the beach all the time.

However, at the time of this filming, Jessica was 9 months pregnant, so we haven’t had the chance to do a lot of extreme water activities and sports that I enjoy.

With that said, Jessica goes for daily walks on the beach.

I also spend a lot of time at the beach:

  • Playing basketball on the beachside courts
  • Rollerblading
  • Biking
  • Beach volleyball

I also get into the water every once in a while.

According to Jessica, LA is not like Hawaii or Florida where the water is warm all year round.


In her opinion, the water temperature is really good for swimming during summertime, specifically July and August.

However, if people do go in the water all year round, it’s usually with a wet suit.

Other than those times, Jessica doesn’t really go in the ocean much.

I do want to learn how to surf.

Based on this, here’s a new best friend opportunity for you.

If anybody lives in LA, and you are a surfer, I’m accepting applications to be my next best friend.

I’ll teach you how to lift, you teach me how to surf, and we’ll be bros.

What an opportunity and deal.

Let me know.

However, I don’t want you telling me you are a surfer, then once we meet up, you don’t have a clue what you are doing.

Don’t use me like that bro 😂.

You have to be legit like Kelly Slater.

Fake surfers do not apply.

Question #3: Do You Have Any Tips To Improve Grip Strength When Heavy Lifting?

@TMackkAttackk on Twitter asks:

Do you have any tips on how to improve grip strength for weight lifting and heavy lifting?

How To Improve Grip Strength For Weight Lifting Live Lean TV How To Improve Grip Strength For Weight Lifting

Check out the full post: How To Improve Grip Strength For Weight Lifting

Question #4: Do You Eat Fish And Shellfish?

@MagNahm on Twitter asks:

Do you eat fish and shellfish? If so, what do you recommend for healthy shellfish and fish recipes for dinner?

Healthy Shellfish And Fish Recipes For Dinner Live Lean TV Healthy Shellfish And Fish Recipes For Dinner

Check out the full post: Healthy Shellfish And Fish Recipes For Dinner

Question #5: What Is Your Opinion Of Cooking With Animal Fats Such As Grass Fed Butter And Lard?

@SaraSmile1984 on Snapchat asks:

What is your opinion of cooking with animal fats such as grass fed butter and lard? Is butter and lard healthy compared to vegetable oils?

Is Butter And Lard Healthy? Live Lean TV Is Butter And Lard Healthy?

Check out the full post: Is Butter And Lard Healthy?

Question #6: What Is Your Opinion On Energy Drinks?

@UMIKAL on Snapchat asks:

Thanks so much for answering my last question. I highly enjoy and value your content. What is your opinion on energy drinks? How many energy drinks in a day is too much?

One Of The Unhealthy Items I Love To Consume Live Lean TV One Of The Unhealthy Items I Love To Consume

Check out the full post: One Of The Unhealthy Items I Love To Consume

Question #7: Would You Get Fat For $1,000,000?

@DEX2REAL on Snapchat asks:

Would you trade in your lean body to become obese for 1,000,000?

Being Offered ,000,000 To Become Obese Live Lean TV Being Offered  alt=

Check out the full post: Being Offered $1,000,000 To Become Obese

Question #8: What Is The Best Substitute For Protein Powder Being On A Low Budget?

@tulip991 on Snapchat asks:

I lift heavy 4-5 times per week and always have a protein shake right after an intense weight lifting session. However, I just ran out of protein powder 🙁 and we are low on money, so I can’t get any more right away. I know that the protein from food is not digested as quickly as protein powder. What is the best alternative for protein powder after a workout? I need a substitute until we can afford it again. – Andrea

Best Alternative For Protein Powder After A Workout Live Lean TV Best Alternative For Protein Powder After A Workout

Check out the full post: Best Alternative For Protein Powder After A Workout

Question #9: What Brand Of Stevia Do You Use?

@MagNahm on Twitter asks:

What brand of stevia do you use? All that I have seen, have additives, and I am looking for a pure one #AskLiveLeanTV.

The Healthiest Stevia Sweetener Brand To Replace Sugar Live Lean TV The Healthiest Stevia Sweetener Brand To Replace Sugar

Check out the full post: The Healthiest Stevia Sweetener Brand To Replace Sugar

Question #10: What Is Your Favorite Salad?

@karlagaytan42 on Twitter asks:

What is your favorite salad? Mine is just kale with lemon and black pepper. You should try it.

How To Make Salads For Weight Loss Live Lean TV How To Make Salads For Weight Loss

Check out the full post: How To Make Salads For Weight Loss

That’s Another Episode Of The #AskLiveLeanTV Show

That’s all the questions for today.

Thanks for hanging in there with us.

Even though you probably don’t know it, we had a lot of technical difficulties during this show.

We usually shoot this show from start to finish, with no edits, however we had to edit around all the camera and microphone problems.

Today’s Question Of The Day

Today’s question of the day is, would weight loss content be more inspirational coming from somebody:

  • Who has put on weight, then lost it again?
  • Who Lives Lean 365 days a year by living a healthy lifestyle?

Which scenario inspires you more and which one is more relatable to you?

One more thing.

If you haven’t gone over to Apple Podcasts yet, go over to rate and review our podcast.

Other than that, that’s today’s show.

Thank you so much for watching and tuning in to these episodes.

Podcasts are usually longer form content, however if you are watching this episode on YouTube, thank you.

Sitting through a 30 minute video may seem like a long time, so we really appreciate you watching.

Hopefully you are being entertained and are loving the informative content.

Want To Ask Us Questions?

Please ask us more questions on Twitter, since this is the easiest way for us to find them.

Twitter also limits your question to a certain number of characters, unless you hack the system by attaching an image with a long story.

We prefer when you keep the questions short and concise, so we can spend more time answering it, rather than reading a long question out loud.

However, we do want you to explain your background a little bit, so we don’t have to keep saying, “it depends”.

The more we know, the more specific we can get with our answer.

All right, that’s the show.

Thanks for tuning in and we’ll see you next time.

Keep Living Lean.


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Questions For You:

  • Would weight loss content be more inspirational coming from somebody who has put on weight, then lost it again, or someone who Lives Lean 365 days a year, by living a healthy lifestyle?
  • Which scenario inspires you more, and which one is more relatable to you?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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