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4 Minute Tabata Workout For Legs


Outdoor “Legs On Fire” bleacher workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 4 minute tabata workout for legs, that can be completed on the bleachers at the track or sports stadium.

This 4 minute fat burning bleacher tabata workout is going to set your legs on fire.

All you need for this 4 minute tabata workout for legs is:

  • Your body
  • A strong desire to push your body past your comfort zone
  • water
  • bleachers at a track or sports stadium or an incline like stairs
  • Tabata timer

tabata timer Live Lean TV tabata timer


If you haven’t picked up your tabata timer yet, get a funky color like mine here.

That is it.


This 4 minute tabata workout for legs will make you sweat and incinerate your stubborn body fat.

Don’t let the 4 minute duration fool you as this is one of my most intense tabata training workouts yet.

It’s going to be tough, but we’re going to get through it together.

So follow along with me as this workout video is filmed in real time.

I hope you’re ready for a sweaty ride.

Once you’re good to go, press start on your tabata timer, and lets get started with these fat loss exercises.

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4 minute tabata workout for legs

Here’s how this 4 minute tabata workout for legs is structured:

Total time:

4 minutes.

Type of workout:

Tabata workout:

  • 4 exercises
  • 20 seconds of work
  • 10 seconds rest

After the 20 second work interval, take a 10 second rest, then complete another 20 second work interval, etc.

Number of circuits:

Repeat this circuit 2 times.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Fast Feet Bleacher Hop Taps

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Fast Feet Bleacher Hop Taps Live Lean TV Fast Feet Bleacher Hop Taps

Coaching cues: start off with the fast feet bleacher hop taps. Although I called it a bleacher jump in the video, this movement is more about improving foot speed. So rather than landing on the bleacher with your entire foot, you’ll quickly tap the balls of your feet softly on the bleacher. The other difference is rather than stepping back to the ground, one foot at a time, you’ll quickly jump back to the ground, landing softly with both feet, then immediately hopping back on the bleacher.

Pretend like the ground and the bleacher is on fire, meaning you don’t want to stand on it for too long. This will help you focus on maintaining quick feet and improve reaction time. If you stumble like I did in the video, compose yourself, stay focused, and keep moving. Complete for 20 seconds, moving as quickly as you can. After 20 seconds is up, take a 10 second rest, then move on to the next exercise.

A2. Bleacher Bench Sprint

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Bleacher Bench Sprint Live Lean TV Bleacher Bench Sprint

Coaching cues: the next exercise is the bleacher bench sprint. Although in the video I referred to this exercise as the step up, the bleacher bench sprint focuses more on quick feet, rather than stepping up on to the bench. Just like every other exercise included in this 4 minute tabata workout for legs, we’re working on quick feet. Remember to drive with your legs and arms. Complete for 20 seconds, take a 10 seconds to catch your breath, then move on to the next exercise.

A3. Bleacher Sprint

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds



Coaching cues: next exercise is the bleacher sprint for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, take a 10 second rest, then move on to the last exercise of the first circuit.

A4. Fast Feet Bleacher Step Toe Taps

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Fast Feet Bleacher Step Toe Taps Live Lean TV Fast Feet Bleacher Step Toe Taps

Coaching cues: last exercise is the fast feet bleacher step toe taps. Complete for 20 seconds on a low step while focusing on maintaining quick feet.

Good job with completing the first round

Take a 10 second rest after the fast feet bleacher step toe taps, then keep it going by completing one more round of the A1-A4 exercise circuit, starting with the fast feet bleacher hop taps.

I warned you, as I said this was going to be a sweaty and tough tabata workout.

Are you the winner?

If your YouTube username is pgdtourpgdtour you are the winner of a digital copy of my program, Awaken The Abs Within.

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If that is you, comment on the YouTube video, so we can confirm that it is you.

Once you do that, we’ll set you up with a digital copy of Awaken The Abs Within.

Get a copy of Awaken The Abs Within here.

There’s going to be more winners in select Live Lean TV episodes on our YouTube channel, but you must be watching to win.

[HIIT Fat Loss Work Out Exercises] Legs Of Fire Workout Live Lean TV 4 minute tabata workout for legs

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Questions For You:

  • Do you enjoy training outside?
  • What are your favorite exercises to do outside?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

I’ll see you tomorrow for another Fast Food edition of Food Wars.

If you’re looking for workouts that quickly burn fat, check out more of my 4 minute Tabata Workouts here.

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11 responses to “4 Minute Tabata Workout For Legs

  1. Pingback: Bean Bytes #3
  2. Brad, Do you have your workout videos available as an itunes video podcast. I wasn’t able to connect via Youtube out at the track. Some followers may also be interested who workout in austere conditions. Thanks I’ve dropped 11lb in 5 weeks stringing your tabatas together.

  3. Pingback: Friday Features
  4. HOLY COW! That is intense. I’m definitely going to give that a try. It would be an excellent way to strengthen the legs without putting miles on them… all important for me.

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