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10 Best Exercises for Men To Increase Testosterone


Lose Fat, Build Muscle, And Increase Strength With These 10 Exercises

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you into the gym with me to show you the 10 best exercises for men to increase testosterone, build muscle, burn fat, and ultimately Live Lean.

Are you getting the biggest return on your efforts at the gym?

These 10 best exercises for guys will ultimately help you Live Lean by:

Best Exercises To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men Live Lean TV Best Exercises To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men

Note: These 10 best exercises also apply to women, however I wanted to put the spotlight on the men because I’ve been seeing so many guys focusing entirely on way less effective exercises.


With that said, let’s hit the gym and get to the 10 exercises.

10 Best Exercises for Men To Increase Testosterone And Lose Fat

Note: These 10 best exercises for men are not listed in order of importance.

Click the videos below to watch the step-by-step exercise video demonstrations to learn how to do each of these 10 best exercises for men.

#1. Barbell Flat Bench Press

#2. Barbell Back Squat

#3. Barbell Deadlift

#4. Barbell Power Clean And Press

#5. Barbell Push Press

#6. Wide Grip Pull Up

#7. Standing Arnold Press

#8. Alternating Dumbbell Renegade Row

#9. Alternating Dumbbell Forward Lunge

#10. Parallel Bar Dips

So there you have it.

Those were the 10 best exercises for men to increase testosterone, build muscle, burn fat, and ultimately Live Lean.

Make sure you add these exercises to your workout program.

If you don’t have a workout program yet, all of these exercises are included in my most successful programs to date, Live Lean Afterburn.

This is a great training plan that is getting incredible results for both men and women, all over the world.

Live Lean Afterburn Success Story Live Lean TV Live Lean Afterburn Success Story

Go check out the full workout program here to start programming your body to burn fat while you sleep, so you can Live Lean with me.


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10 responses to “10 Best Exercises for Men To Increase Testosterone

  1. Hey Brad nice video, question:

    I’m thinking about splitting up these 10 excercises in half and target 5 on
    monday and 5 on friday and maybe doing some Sprinting afterwards.

    On tuesdays and thursdays I’m training at work (army) mostly crossfit type
    workouts and obstacle courses training.

    On wednesdays, saturdays and sundays I’m planning on taking rest.

    Is this a good strategy? and is it ok to do sprinting after weights?

  2. Brad how does someone become more vascular? Is it just genetic, or
    something you can work on?

    I’m 6’2″ 205 and work out several days a week, but unless I’m fresh off a
    pump, I’m never vascular. Just curious, cause you always look pumped!

  3. Power Clean & Press is my favorite! I also do the seated version of the
    Arnold Press after Military Press! Thanks for the upload. Looking forward
    to the next vid.

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