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Male And Female Fat Loss Over 40


Listen to the post, Male And Female Fat Loss Over 40, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

The Passionate Truth About Weight Loss After 40

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, we share the passionate truth about male and female fat loss over 40.

This is another episode from our #WayBackWednesday series

In this series we highlight the best questions from previous episodes of our #AskLiveLeanTV Q&A show.


This question is from #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 007.

 Live Lean TV Does Intermittent Fasting Work For Muscle Building?

Here’s today’s viewer question:

Amarilis Langley on YouTube asks: I’m 45 years old. Usually in health magazines and YouTube channels the advice for losing fat/weight is for “young” people, and the before and after pictures reflects that. Is your 365 days a year, Live Lean approach for any age and gender? In other words, what are your thoughts on male and female fat loss over 40?

Love it.

That’s a great question.

Although, Jessica initially agreed that most magazine articles you see are about young people’s transformations, I disagree.

To disprove this, all you need to do is go look at our testimonials and transformations from the Live Lean Nation here.

Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission Live Lean TV Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission

You will see people of all shapes, all sizes, and all genders getting amazing transformations.

Even my dog Peyton was on once featured for his amazing transformation.

Peyton SS.001 Live Lean TV

My passionate rant on male and female fat loss over 40

The point is, I just don’t like when people use the age card or any other excuse for not being able to get fat loss results.

You say you’re 45 years old.

First of all, that’s not old.

At the time of this post, I’m turning 40 in a few months.

Brad Abs 4 Seasons Live Lean TV

During my rant, Jessica could tell how passionate I am about this topic because of the heat coming off my body.

I’m very passionate about this.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but the whole mindset of:

“This is happening to me because of _______.”


“I’m _____ so I can’t get ______.”

I just really don’t believe in that mindset.

Once again, if you need to get inspired about the possibility of male and female fat loss over 40, go look at our Live Lean TV testimonials.

You will see that there are people out there getting results who are older than you, heavier than you, and way worse off than you.

One of my favorite mindset quotes

There’s a quote that I put in my book Think And Live Lean, that went like this.

Think and Live Lean Live Lean TV Think And Live Lean

If you think you are the only person with “X” problem, or that has ever lost weight, or ever done _______, you need to expand your mind.

There are so many people, in your exact situation, that are getting incredible results, because they’re putting in the effort and working towards it.

They also have the belief that no matter what obstacle is in their way, they will find a way to accomplish it.

It may not be the same way that someone else did it, but you have to belief that you will figure it out.

Jessica thought that was a great rant

Well, that’s what I’m here for.

So if this rant resonated with you, go back here and watch it again.

You can also watch the clip of the rant on Facebook here.


Bottom line on male and female fat loss over 40

There are people Living Lean at every age.

So get it girl.

You can totally do it.

We believe in you, because honestly, you are asking questions, you are subscribed to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel.

This shows that you are committed, so let’s get you there.

If you’re still not convinced that you can get fit and healthy when you’re over 40 or 50 years old, go check out this post where Jessica interviewed her mother, who is in her 60’s, and absolutely crushing it with her health and fitness.

Fitness For Women Over 50 Live Lean TV

Go get inspired.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Question For You:

  • How old are you?

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