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Handstand Push Up Progressions For Beginners


Chisel Rock Hard Shoulders With The Pike Push Up

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m demonstrating two handstand push up progressions for beginners that will sculpt rock hard shoulders and progress you up to completing your first handstand push up.

If you’re looking to sculpt rock solid, boulder shoulders, and look like a badass, handstand push ups are the ultimate bodyweight exercise for total upper body strength.

However, not very many people can do handstand push ups because it’s an advanced push up exercise, that requires proper shoulder mobility, and a lot of upper body strength.

How To Do A Handstand Push Up

Handstand Push Up Progressions For Beginners

Build up to your first handstand push up with these handstand push up progressions.

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Trust me, even if you can only complete one handstand push up, you’re in the upper tier for upper body strength and shoulder mobility.

If the handstand push up is too difficult for you, here’s an easier regressed variation of the handstand push up, called the pike push up, also referred to as the shoulder press push up.

This exercise still primarily targets your shoulders and can help you progress up to completing your first handstand push up.

There a few different levels of difficulty in completing a pike push up.

Let’s demonstrate the easiest version of the pike push up first.

Handstand Push Up Progression #1: Pike Push Up

Handstand Push Up Progression #2: Feet Elevated Pike Push Up

A more difficult version of the pike push up is called the feet elevated pike push up.

This move would have you place your feet on top of a bench or step.

This will allow you to get more vertical and follows a closer movement pattern to the handstand push up.

Give These Handstand Push Up Progressions For Beginners A Try

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Try these pike up push up variations to improve your upper body strength.

Then when you’re ready, attempt your first handstand push up.

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I love you guys and keep Living Lean.

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