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Working Out Vs Diet For Health And Weight Loss


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Which Is More Important For Living Lean?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, Jessica and I debate which is more important for health and weight loss: working out vs diet?

But before we get into that discussion, I should provide a little bit of context on how this topic came up.

I just arrived in beautiful downtown San Diego to visit the beautiful Jessica.

So what was the first thing we did?

Spin class.

Spin Class? Say what?

Of course, going to spin class wasn’t my decision.

I’d much rather go to a dirty gym, lift heavy objects, and then put them back on the floor.

But, Jessica’s friend is a spin class instructor and she asked us to be honorary guests.

So, we sat our booties on the seat and started peddling.

Then on our way home, Jessica and I started having a discussion about fitness and nutrition.

In particular, which one is more important to Living Lean, fitness or food?

As we were talking, I thought to myself, damn, this is a good episode topic for a Live Lean TV video.

Plus, we wanted to include you in on the discussion and share the same question with you.

So even though Jessica thought we looked “sweaty and disgusting” after the spin class, we just rolled the camera and had a candid conversation.

By the way, I still think Jessica looked beautiful and her post-workout hair was cute 😉

Working Out Vs Diet: Which Is More Important For Health?

Here’s how it went down.

Obviously we know that both working out and diet is important.

But if you had to choose one top thing to be healthy, what would it be, movement or food?

Can you out train a bad diet?

Training vs. Eating: Can You Out Train A Bad Diet?

To help bring clarity, let’s look at this hypothetical situation.

We have two people.

One person eats clean and healthy, but doesn’t work out.

They simply go to work and then go home at night.

That’s it.

The second person works out, but then they eat whatever they want.

So the question is, who do you think would be leaner?

Would it be the person that performs all out workouts to the extreme?

Or would it be the person who does all out healthy eating to the extreme?

Brad Says…

I obviously said if there’s one thing that you should control, it’s food.

As I mentioned earlier, we just did a high intensity spin class for 50-60 minutes.

Since we burned through a lot of calories, this would make some people so hungry that they’d go out and eat more calories than they burned.

3 Ways To Create A Calorie Deficit For Weight Loss

When you workout to the extreme, and only focus on burning as many calories as possible, it can also give you more of an appetite.

Plus it can also give you justification to eat bad food since you may think you earned it by burning so many calories with your workout.

Trust me, we could do that right now too, but rather than that, we’ll go home and eat a big ass salad, with some protein of course.

This is why I believe eating healthy is more important than working out.

Jessica Says…

Jessica initially took the approach that you can fudge a little here and there with your diet, as long as you’re active.

Of course, that’s what we do, but this wasn’t one of the options.

So Jessica then choose working out.

She mentioned that she couldn’t imagine working out so hard, and then just re-fuel with crappy food all the time.

Who would like that?

But then she also couldn’t imagine just sitting still all the time either.

Ultimately, working out should make you want to eat healthier.

Bottom Line On Working Out Vs Diet

The working out vs diet discussion is really not a debatable topic, since it’s so obvious that both are important.

Alright, now we want to hear from you.

If you had to pick only one, to the extreme, what do you think is more important: fitness or nutrition?

Can You Out Exercise A Bad Diet?

If you only had the option of eating healthy food or exercise, which is more important?

And you can’t choose both, because we obviously know a combination of both is the best.

Also, since this was more of a conversational style video, did you like that it wasn’t so professional and set up for “lights, camera, action” like my other videos?

Let us know in the comment section below what you think of this style of video.

If you like it, we could do more of these.

But just don’t make fun of Jessica’s hair please 😂.

Get My Full Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook

If you need help, I have over 200 grain free recipes that are quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious that are designed to get you lean.

Check out my Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook here.

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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Did you enjoy this raw and conversational style video?
  • Which do you think is more important to Living Lean, food or fitness? 

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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0 responses to “Working Out Vs Diet For Health And Weight Loss

  1. Definitely like this style of video. Seems very natural like you’re one of
    the homies, playa! But, I do have an 18 year old son who eats crap like
    McDonalds and pizza almost everyday but plays sports like crazy as well.
    He’s super trim and in great shape.

  2. Food because eating clean will result in a person being lean. Lean protein,
    green leafy vegetables and a fruit or two on a regular basis is all you
    need. Along with going to sleep at the right time because insulin levels
    have to be stable before you go to sleep otherwise the body will be in a
    fat storing mode…

  3. Eating clean is more effective when it comes to losing weight, but as you
    guys said having both factors in your life is better health-wise, but –
    speaking from experience – healthy diet equals weight loss. This is coming
    from someone who lost a lot of weight with just eliminating a few bad
    choices from her diet, I’m trying to incorporate exercise now, but I’ve
    gotten far enough without it.

  4. i beleve that you are what you eat but nutritionally speaking if you
    consume the right quantity of carbs fats and protein and at the same time
    you make a caloric deficiency you can lower your body fat. but that is only
    my opinion and it may be wrong. although both of them are important.

  5. Really interesting topic. I have tried both. I am seeing better results by
    doing high intensity exercise and not focussing too much on healthy eating.
    Before I used to do medium intensity and be more strict with what I ate,
    and it didnt work as well, in terms of getting lean and the body shape I’m
    looking for. So glad I found your channel!! You have some great tips!

  6. Love when you are more impromptu but I enjoy your channels no matter what
    so keep evolving Brad! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. what about me, i’d chose fitness. It’s like lifestyle, and superclean
    eating can’t give me all these advantages

  8. Nice impromptu vid, guys! Loved it. Incidentally, from a holistic nutritionist’s perspective, there’s no gray area. The proper fuel not only makes that body and workout possible, but keeps it in peak health from the inside out. The quality of food (or lack of) you put in now, has strong bearing on the health or breakdown of that machine later on. You can only outrun a poor food choices for so long. Thanks for all the great exercise motivation!

  9. Food is key. Exercise will not stop sugars from inflaming your arteries and then being patched with high cholesterol.

    The video recorded in the moving car was lame. Like you’re so trendy and so busy, you can’t sit at an outdoor picnic table for 5 minutes to make a video?

  10. Nutrition is definitely more important for staying lean. I know a lot of people who exercise a lot and don’t seem to be able to shed weight. I know their diets are to blame. However, I also don’t believe that most people know how to eat healthy.

  11. Food is more important whether working out or not. A poor diet will always
    catch up to you quicker. Weight watchers, jenny craig, etc all proven the
    power food. The elite body builders have also proven the power of food.
    Someone who dont exercise but totally eat healthy will have a more
    healthier body than someone who workout every day but have a poor diet.

  12. Eating clean is more important. This had been one of my main downfalls when
    it came to getting and staying lean. I would workout really hard and then
    tell myself its OK to eat whatever. No matter how hard i worked out my
    midsection alwaya looked flabby. It has taken many years to finally break
    that bad habit. Eating clean is the way to go.

  13. Both are very important and both have health benefits, including cancer
    prevention, but, that being said, out of the two, food wins, specially in
    the long run! Pun intended!

    Brad, I think your videos, (including the break) Are amazing, I follow you
    on every piece of media out there, keep it up!! Would love to live near CA
    but I only go there when I travel occasionally, it would be awesome to work
    out one day! As per teh video format I think it would be great as long as
    you both give more detailed insights in a more profound debate, you guys
    look like a great couple who could do that with out it turning into a big
    dispute or anything! Lol keep up the great work man!!

  14. As a former fat person I know you cannot compensate for a bad diet (and I
    mean really bad diet). As many coaches tell you it is about a balance
    between food and exercise, but I do think that when you only put crap into
    your body you cannot perform to your best ability.

  15. i think a person who only eat clean and healthy food in the right amount
    will me leaner as a person who workout allay but only eat crap 😀

    i can speak from my point of view, after i eat and workout like Brad teach
    us to live lean i realize that healthy food is the main point !

  16. food, i did stuff all exercise. went vegan, lost weight, now i exercise
    more n feel good gut wise, nice clean feeling.

  17. Food, because unless your a professional athlete, you can’t out train your
    intake. As for the videos, I like the mix of both styles. Entertaining and

  18. Yo Brad, Shawn here. I do like this style of video. It’s like a glimpse
    into your day to day life and very down to earth personable stuff. These
    are the videos that I know I like watching, catchy title too!

  19. Food is way more important than exercise. Once upon a time I only ate
    healthy and did not exercise and I lost weight, another time in my life I
    exercised and did not eat as healthy and I got fit but did not really lose
    weight. So now I do both.

  20. This is a tough one! I honestly could not choose for myself. I hate the way
    I feel when I eat bad foods, but I hate the way I feel when I dont work
    out. And I LOVE working out. But then again a lot people only eat healthy
    and dont work out because they dont like working out (they be crazy). But
    then theres people like Rich Froning who love working out and work out
    constantly but eat crap. And still be a freaking beast. So very tough
    question… haha. But like you guys said. A balance of both is the best. If
    you don’t have chocolate and bread once in a while your not human. 😉

  21. Hey man new subscriber to you awesome channel great informative vids
    anyways Im neutral so I would say both but also I think this is a weird
    video compared to your others which would go better with bgtv and not this
    but on the other hand it was a good change so ya just putting in my
    opinions anyways keep up the bids and change more lives

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