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Does The Pokemon GO App Help You Get More Active?


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HAES, How Much Water, Lost 140 Pounds, Now What? | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 018

On episode 018 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 health and fitness questions including, does the Pokemon GO app help your get more active?

Here Are Today’s 10 Viewer Questions

  1. What are your top 3 favorite marinades for chicken?
  2. I lost over 140 lbs, any tips for transitioning from a calorie deficit to maintenance mode?
  3. What do you think of the Pokemon GO app?
  4. I’ve been on a carb cycling diet for a while, but now I’m thinking on hiring a professional coach, what should be the next step?
  5. A lot of studies suggest eggs are not good, what is your opinion?
  6. Is it true that when working out legs, it also forces other muscle groups to grow as well?
  7. What is better for endurance events i.e. marathons, ironman triathlons, long and slow or HIIT?
  8. What is your opinion on the HAES/fat acceptance attitude? Is it positive or detrimental to society?
  9. I’m 140 lb 5 ft 4″ female, how much water should I drink for weight loss?
  10. What is the first thing I should do workout and food wise after indulging?


Brad: Hey guys what’s up, welcome back to another episode of…



Brad: You were a little late on that one.

Jess: I was just testing you.

Brad: I passed it over, while looking at you, and you just missed it.

Jess: I was close.

Brad: We are on episode number 18 guys, and we’re feeling good.

I am a little bit tired and have a little bit of bags under my eyes.

How are you feeling?

Jess: Do I have bags under my eyes?

Brad: No, but you have some makeup on your teeth though.

Let me get that off for you.

Jess: Awkward.

Brad: Are you feeling good though?

Jess: Yeah, I am feeling good.

It is definitely not easy to sleep through the night with a newborn.

It just doesn’t happen.

But I can’t complain because I feel pretty good.

Brad: Yeah, over on on Facebook and Instagram today, I posted a photo and said the six things I’ve learned as a new dad.

Jess: That was really cute.

Brad: If you haven’t checked out that post, go over to Facebook or Instagram.

All right, let’s get into the show guys.

You have sent in your questions, so we’re going to answer ten today.

Jess: One other thing.

Thank you so much for all the congratulations and the pouring of love for us, and our new daughter.

It’s been so special.

Brad: I’m tearing up right now.

Jess: We even received gifts from people who we don’t even know.


They just follow us here on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and social media.

It’s just so heartwarming to know that the world is full of so many amazing people.

Brad: It’s funny because the gifts aren’t coming from people in the US.

Jess: Yeah.

Brad: They are coming from all over, including Europe.

The Americans are dropping the ball compared to the Europeans 😂.

It just shows the generosity of Europeans.

That’s why we love you.

Jess: It’s so beautiful.

Brad: We love you Americans too, and of course my Canadian homies too.

We received a nice gift from our Canadian friends, Karen and Dan.

Shout out to you guys.

Jess: What up Canadians?

Brad: Thank you for your little Team Live Lean onesie.

Jess: All right, enough about us.

Let’s talk about you.

Brad: Yes, it’s all about you.

Jess: All right, what’s our first question?

Question #1: What Are Your Top 3 Favorite Marinades For Chicken?

@rsam87 from Twitter asks:

What are your top 3 favorite marinades for chicken?

Easy Chicken Marinades And Spices That Are Delicious Live Lean TV Easy Chicken Marinades And Spices That Are Delicious

Check out the full post: Easy Chicken Marinades And Spices That Are Delicious

Question #2: I Lost Over 140 lbs, Any Tips For Transitioning From A Calorie Deficit To Maintenance Mode?

Amanda Sheehan from YouTube asks:

I don’t do Twitter, so maybe this won’t get answered on the next episode, but I thought I would try my luck anyways. I have naturally lost weight – 141 lbs to be exact – and I’m coming into my maintenance phase. Any tips on going from a caloric deficit to one for maintaining? Is it like driving a car between the lines, little adjustments to keep going straight? Any advice would be super helpful. I’m a huge fan, you guys rock!!

141 Pound Weight Loss Success: How To Transition From Calorie Deficit To Maintenance Live Lean TV 141 Pound Weight Loss Success: How To Transition From Calorie Deficit To Maintenance

Check out the full post: 141 Pound Weight Loss Success: How To Transition From Calorie Deficit To Maintenance

Question #3: What Do You Think Of The Pokemon GO App?

DEX2REAL from Snapchat asks:

What do y’all think about “Poke’mon Go” app?  #AskLiveLean

Brad: I am a Pokemon GO virgin.

I don’t have the app and I’ve never looked at the app.

Jess actually spent a couple hours with the Pokemon GO app with her friends.

Jess: No, not hours.

It was a few minutes because the app kept crashing.

Brad: Oh, did it?

Jess: We only found one or two pokemons and then the app was crashing.

So we were like, “ah, whatever”.

It was annoying, but honestly I don’t feel comfortable using it, especially now, with a kid and dog.

I’m not going to walk around town staring at my phone.

I feel like it’s a little dangerous.

Brad: I like the idea that the Pokemon GO app is getting people to move, who wouldn’t necessarily move.

Jess: Yeah.

Brad: The other day I was driving Main Street in Venice.

This girl was literally holding her phone out in front of her face.

It looked like she was so engaged in this Pokemon GO app, she didn’t have any clue that she was about to cross the street.

However, if the Pokemon GO app is getting you up to walk and move around, more than you would normally do, thumbs up to the Pokemon GO app.

Just make sure you are doing it safely.

Jess: Yeah, but just don’t do it in the line of traffic in a busy city.

I’ve heard there have been something like 11 deaths.

Brad: No way?

Jess: Somebody told me that so I don’t know if it’s true.

Comment down below if it is true.

Brad: I didn’t mean to laugh at that.

Jess: I know, that was kind of mean.

Brad: I’m just shocked.

Jess: I know, it’s sad.

However, on the flip side, like you said, people are exercising, who weren’t exercising before.

Brad: I guess they are engaging with each other too.

Jess: Yeah, it’s social.

Brad: They’re supposed to go up and talk to other people, so it’s kind of cool!

Jess: I bet you there were a few like love connections made by that.

They be like “hey, do you do Pokemon?”.

Brad: I do “Poke”, but not, emon 😂.

Alright next one!

Jess: Let’s move it on.

Question #4: I’ve Been On A Carb Cycling Diet For A While, But Now I’m Thinking On Hiring A Professional Coach, What Should Be The Next Step?

@Leeuh7 from Instagram asks:

Hello Brad and Jess first off, I watched your YouTube videos every day! I just discovered you both and I’m catching up on all the great info! I’m highly considering to hire a “coach” or more so a “professional” in my case to help me get to my most lean living! I’ve been on carb cycling “macro” diet for a month now. I’ve seen great results thus far! Yay. Lately I feel as if my metabolism may be slowing down. I need professional guidance. I need you guys. WHAT’S THE NEXT STEP?

Why Training Legs Is Important For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain Even If Your Legs Are Big Live Lean TV Why Training Legs Is Important For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain Even If Your Legs Are Big

Check out the full post: Online Coaching vs Joining A Workout App: Which Option Is Better For You?

Question #5: A Lot Of Studies Suggest Eggs Are Not Good, What Is Your Opinion?

@LiLuSch_ from Twitter asks:

I know you guys love to consume eggs (me too) but a lot of studies suggest that eggs are not good. What’s your opinion?

Why Do Some Studies Say Eggs Are Not Good For You? Live Lean TV Why Do Some Studies Say Eggs Are Not Good For You?

Check out the full post: Why Do Some Studies Say Eggs Are Not Good For You?

Question #6: Is It True That When Working Out Legs, It Also Forces Other Muscle Groups To Grow As Well?

DEX2REAL is back from Snapchat asks:

Is it true when working out legs, it also forces other muscle groups to grow also?

Why Training Legs Is Important For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain Even If Your Legs Are Big Live Lean TV Why Training Legs Is Important For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain Even If Your Legs Are Big

Check out the full post: Why Training Legs Is Important For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain Even If Your Legs Are Big

Question #7: What Is Better For Endurance Events, i.e. Marathons, Ironman Triathlons, Long And Slow Or HIIT?

@MarisolCadriel from Twitter asks:

What’s better for aerobic training for endurance events, i.e marathons, Ironman distance triathlons, long and slow or HIIT?

LISS vs HIIT: What Training Is Better For Endurance Events? Live Lean TV LISS vs HIIT: What Training Is Better For Endurance Events?

Check out the full post: LISS vs HIIT: What Training Is Better For Endurance Events?

Question #8: What Is Your Opinion On The HAES Fat Acceptance Attitude? Is It Positive Or Detrimental To Society?

@Mistrall2 from Twitter asks:

What’s your opinion on the HAES fat acceptance attitude? Is it possible or detrimental to society?

Health At Every Size (HAES): Is Body Acceptance Positive Or Detrimental To Society? Live Lean TV Health At Every Size (HAES): Is Body Acceptance Positive Or Detrimental To Society?

Check out the full post: Health At Every Size (HAES): Is Fat Acceptance Positive Or Detrimental To Society?

Question #9: I’m 140 lb 5 ft 4″ Female, How Much Water Should I Drink For Weight Loss?

Rosalind Kirk from YouTube asks:

I’m a 140 lbs 5 ft 4 female – how much water would you suggest I drink to aid weight loss?

How Much Water Should I Drink Per Day For Weight Loss? Live Lean TV How Much Water Should I Drink Per Day For Weight Loss?

Check out the full post: How Much Water Should I Drink Per Day For Weight Loss?

Question #10: What Is The First Thing I Should Do Workout And Food Wise After Indulging? 

@karlagaytan42 from Twitter asks:

During the 4 of July I indulged. What is the first thing I should do workout and food wise when back home? 

Indulged Too Much? Here's Your First Move For A Healthy Comeback Live Lean TV Indulged Too Much? Here's Your First Move For A Healthy Comeback

Check out the full post: Indulged Too Much Over The Holidays? Here’s Your First Move For A Healthy Comeback

That’s It for Episode 18

Brad: That’s another episode.

Onto episode 19.

Jess: Thank you for your questions.

We really appreciate your interaction so keep them coming.

Leave us comments down below.

What’s the question of the day?

Brad: I was going to ask you, because it’s your turn.

Jess: Ok, it’s my turn.

I want to ask what people do when they have a naughty cheat meal.

What’s your advice for how you get back on track?

Is that a good?

Brad: You’re asking me?

Ask them.

Question Of The Day

What do you do when you’ve had a naughty eating day the day before?

Let us know in the comments.

We’ll see you at the next episode.

Keep Living Lean.

We love you.



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Questions For You:

  • What do you do the next day after a binge?
  • Have you ever used the Pokemon GO app?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

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