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#AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 022: Health And Fitness Q&A


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7 Day Insulin Reset Diet And Glutes Exercises

On episode 022 of the #AskLiveLeanTV show, we’re answering 10 health and fitness questions from our viewers on social media.

Here Are Today’s 10 Viewer Questions:


Brad: What’s up guys, welcome back to a new episode of…

Jessica: #AskLiveLeanTV.


Brad: Alright guys, you may notice that we’re in a different setting right now.

It’s a little bit white in the back, however if you could really see this backdrop with your own eyes, it’s a clean, crisp, beautiful, and tropical feel.

We showed people on my Snapchat.

Jessica: There is a big blue ocean right behind us.

We’re at Kyla’s grandparents house, otherwise known as my parents.

Brad: Yes, even while we’re traveling, we wanted to get in an episode for you guys.

So if you’re new to the show, this is our #AskLiveLeanTV show where you guys post your questions on social media, using #AskLiveLeanTV, then we answer them for you on camera.

Jessica: We love to feature you and your usernames on the channel, so then you guys can follow each other.

If you see someone’s question that you like, and you want to know more about them, you can find each other on social media.

It’s a very social thing.

Brad: This is a family, people.

How To Get Your Questions Answered

The easiest way for you guys to get your questions answered is to post it on Twitter @BradGouthro, and use the #AskLiveLeanTV.

That’s the easiest form for us to find your questions.

However, you could also use:

Brad: Okay, so let’s jump right into the show here, people.

Jessica: Alright, I can’t wait to see what kind of questions we get today.

There’s always full of surprises here.

Brad: We never see the questions before we start the show.

Jessica: And you guys are very creative lately, I like them.

Question #1: What Do You Think About Eating Just Fruits And Vegetables For One Week To Restart Insulin? 

@ArgelliElena from Twitter asks:

What do you think about eating just fruits and vegetables for 1 week to restart the hormonal system, especially insulin?

7 Day Insulin Reset: Just Eating Fruits And Vegetables? Live Lean TV 7 Day Insulin Reset: Just Eating Fruits And Vegetables?

Check out the full post: 7 Day Insulin Reset: Just Eating Fruits And Vegetables?

Question #2: What Do You Think About Protein Fluff?

@heazz from Instagram asks:

What do you think about protein fluff, without the thicken gum?

Low Calorie Mango Protein Fluff Recipe Without Xanthan Gum Live Lean TV Low Calorie Mango Protein Fluff Recipe Without Xanthan Gum

Check out the full post: Low Calorie Mango Protein Fluff Recipe Without Xanthan Gum

Question #3: Do You Have A Specific Way To Wash Your Sports Bra?

Next question on Twitter from @crisvardev:


Do you have a specific way to wash your sports bra? I have a very difficult time because they get old really fast.

Do You Have A Specific Way To Wash Your Sports Bra? Live Lean TV Do You Have A Specific Way To Wash Your Sports Bra?

Check out the full post: Do You Have A Specific Way To Wash Your Sports Bra?

Question #4: As A 15 Year Old, How Do I Stop Stressing About Balancing My Health And Social Life?

Next question on Twitter from @Karlagaytan42:

Being 15, I find it difficult to find the balance between health and social. How do I stop stressing?

Balancing Fitness And Social Life: Advice for Stressed Teenagers Live Lean TV Balancing Fitness And Social Life: Advice for Stressed Teenagers

Check out the full post: Balancing Fitness And Social Life: Advice for Stressed Teenagers

Question #5: How Would You Rank The Importance Of Whey Protein, BCAA, And CLA For Females Who Want To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle?

Next question on Twitter from @Akiko0102:

How would you rank the importance of whey protein, BCAA, and CLA for a female that wants to lose fat and gain muscle?

Ranking Supplements/ Whey Protein vs BCAAs vs CLA To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle Live Lean TV Ranking Supplements: Whey Protein vs BCAAs vs CLA To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle

Check out the full post: Ranking Supplements: Whey Protein vs BCAAs vs CLA To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle

Question #6: How Many Grams Of Protein Should I Eat To Maintain And Build Muscle While Getting Lean?

How Many Grams Of Protein Should I Eat To Maintain And Build Muscle While Getting Lean? Live Lean TV How Many Grams Of Protein Should I Eat To Build Lean Muscle?

Next question on Twitter from @Callnyrbluff:

How many grams of protein should I consume per pound of bodyweight? I’m trying to lean up, while maintaining and building muscle?

Check out the full post: How Many Grams Of Protein Should I Eat To Maintain And Build Muscle While Getting Lean?

Question #7: Can Working Out Make You Bloated?

Workout Bloat: Can Working Out Make You Bloated? Live Lean TV Workout Bloat: Can Working Out Make You Bloated?

Next question from @mrsschwechheimer on Instagram:

Can you explain more about inflammation in the body due to exercise and HIIT? What kind of exercises cause it? Should you avoid that exercise before a big event or special occasion where you want to look good, for example, a wedding or a day at the beach? Or can you combat it with water and diet when you feel puffy?

Check out the full post: Workout Bloat: Can Working Out Make You Bloated?

Question #8: What Are Some Compound Exercises That Work The Glutes?

What Are Some Compound Exercises That Work The Glutes? Live Lean TV What Are Some Compound Exercises That Work The Glutes?

Next question from @dex2real on Snapchat:

What are some great exercises that work the gluteal muscles?

Check out the full post: What Are Some Compound Exercises That Work The Glutes?

Question #9: Are Weighted Squats And Lunges Good Or Bad For A Pear Shaped Body?

Are Weighted Squats And Lunges Good Or Bad For A Pear Shaped Body? Live Lean TV Are Weighted Squats And Lunges Good Or Bad For A Pear Shaped Body?

Next question is from @N3ONQU33N on Twitter:

Do weighted squats and lunges bulk up your legs? I am pear shaped and don’t want my legs to get any bigger. Love you guys!

Check out the full post: Are Weighted Squats And Lunges Good Or Bad For A Pear Shaped Body?

Question #10: Should I Do Deadlifts On Leg Day Or Back Day?

Should I Do Deadlifts On Leg Day Or Back Day? Live Lean TV Should I Do Deadlifts On Leg Day Or Back Day?

Question From Snapchat @dex2real:

Deadlifts, the king of all exercises! Is it better to perform them on back day or leg day?

Check out the full post: Should I Do Deadlifts On Leg Day Or Back Day?

That’s Another Episode Of #AskLiveLeanTV

That’s it.

Thanks for checking out another episode of #AskLiveLeanTV.

I can hear baby Kyla is starting to get worked up, so it’s time for us to go and do our parenting duties.

However, before we go here is the question of the day.

Question For You:

  • What is protein fluff?

How about that one?

If you know what protein fluff is, put it down in the comment section below.

We’ll see you at the next episode.

Keep Living Lean.


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