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Incline Diamond Push Up To Depth Plyo Push Up


How To Do An Incline Diamond Push Up To Depth Plyo Push Up Correctly

The Incline Diamond Push Up To Depth Plyo Push Up is an excellent explosive push up variation that targets the fast twitch muscle fibers in the chest and triceps.

To get started:

  1. Place a box or step in front of your body, then get into a push up position by placing your hands on top of the box, with your index fingers and thumbs on both hands coming close to or touching, to form a diamond grip.
  2. Under control, lower your body towards the box, then explosively press the box away from you, and land with your hands on both sides of the box on the floor.
  3. In one continuous motion, immediately lower your body until your chest touches the box, then press back up explosively, as you push your hands back up on top of the box, and back to the starting position.
  4. That’s one rep.
  5. Repeat.

Primary Muscles Worked

muscle diagram chest Live Lean TV chest

Advanced Variation

Beginner Variation


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