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Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine


How To Do A Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine Exercise Demonstration Video and Guide

The Calf Press on the Leg Press Machine is an exercise that primarily targets the calf muscles.

To get started:

  1. Sit down at the leg press machine and place the balls of your feet shoulder width on the platform in front of you.
  2. You can use various foot placements to target different parts of your calf muscles, such as:
    • Toes forward: equally targets the overall calf muscle.
    • Toes pointed out: places more emphasis on the inner calf muscle.
    • Toes pointed in: places more emphasis on the outer calf muscle.
  3. Press the platform away from you so your legs are fully extended without locking your knees.
  4. Now press the platform away from you with the balls of your feet by extending your ankles and raising your heels and flexing your calf muscle.
  5. Your knee should remain stationary and should not bend during the calf press.
  6. Pause during the contraction, then under control, slowly lower the weight by bending your ankles, lowering your heels, and stretching the calf muscle.
  7. Repeat.

Primary Muscles Worked

muscle diagram calves Live Lean TV calves

Other Calf Exercise Variations


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