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The Problem With Your Workouts

I admit it, I was dumb (and stubborn)

Today I want to share my embarrassing story of how I wasted 7 years by training the wrong way!

I’m sharing this, because I don’t want you to make the same stupid (and stubborn) mistakes that I made.

Here’s how my crazy journey started.

It all started in a hospital on a warm summer day in the 1980’s.

Ok, maybe I should fast forward a bit.

Brad Gouthro before

Moving on.

In the mid ’90s, I was a shy kid that battled with low self-confidence.

Believe me, I was NOT blessed with fitness model genetics.

Even though I excelled in sports, was considered a cool kid, and had girlfriends, I never felt comfortable with my physical appearance.

Two experiences that were low points are still clear as day to me

The first experience went down like this.

I was super self-conscious of my FBSA (flabby belly skinny arm) syndrome.

So much so, I faked sick from school (sorry mom), so I could skip the class trip to the swimming pool.

The second experience was when I made the school basketball team.

After working hard to make the team, I almost quit, because I was so embarrassed to show off my arms in a basketball jersey.

I also remember coming up with so many excuses why I couldn’t go to the beach with my friends.

My biggest insecurities revealed

I shot this quick video to share my biggest insecurities and fears before I took action with my life.

I actually still have some of these fears today.

There are zero “before photos” of me with my shirt off due to my low self-esteem.

The photo towards the top of this blog post is the best I could find.

So how did I overcome my self-confidence issues?

I finally had it after realizing I couldn’t live life this way.

So I joined a gym, and I wish I could say the rest is history, but it wasn’t that simple.

Being a guy with self-confidence issues, in a gym full of testosterone filled dudes, or that’s what
 I thought at the time, was super tough for me.

But I eventually faced my fear and got over it.

However the body transformation you see above did not happen overnight.

I was stubborn and wasted a lot of time trying to do it on my own.

I hit many walls and was very frustrated with my lack of results.

And it wasn’t that I didn’t train hard, I just had no idea what I was doing!

Sound familiar?

I was busting my butt, doing all the things the “magazines” were telling me to do.

Big mistake

I was training hard, but I wasn’t training, or eating, smart.

I almost gave up many times.

Then I finally became enlightened and decided to seek help.

But I didn’t just get any ordinary personal trainer at the local gym.

I wanted the best.

Someone that was getting the results that I wanted.

Once I found that person, I hired them, I put in the work, and got results.

But I didn’t get results from just paying for their advice.

I consumed myself with his teachings, took action, and implemented them into my everyday lifestyle.

Anyone can pay a trainer, but the people that get results are the ones that commit, and take action.

And that’s exactly what I did.

What was the result of my physical transformation?

Well I’m still the butt of many jokes today, but it’s a good thing.

I say this because it’s much easier when people make fun of you because you have a six pack and are ripped, 365 days a year!

But I’ll be 100% honest.

Although I love that my healthy lifestyle allows me to maintain a physique of 8% body fat, but the best part of my transformation was not physical.

The best part of my transformation was internal.

Transforming my body gave me the personal power to transform all areas of my life.

I now have more self-confidence personally, physically, and in business, and am no longer the shy and awkward person I once was.

I owe all of this to Living Lean.

So if I can do it to my body, I’m positive I can help you do it too.

Click here to get the step-by-step ongoing blueprint that I use to Live Lean 365 days without living in the gym or being a slave in the kitchen!

By the way, in my next post, Jessica and I are going to share an awesome workout video showcasing the types of exercises and workout styles you need to be doing to Live Lean faster than ever!

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