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44 Best Bodyweight Exercises


You can do all of these at home.

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, We’re recreating one of our 7 year old YouTube videos.

Back in February of 2013, I teamed up with my girl Kelly Collins to showcase 44 amazing bodyweight exercises & share it on Brad’s YouTube channel.

He introduced me as the “newest official cohost of Live Lean TV” 🙂 I love it!

Today, 7 years later, Kelly and I are still good friends and still rocking our fitness. Brad and I are obviously still making YouTube videos every single week.


I thought it would be perfect timing to bring this one back and share some ideas of how you can have incredible workouts at home.

Watch the updated re-make to see how our fitness compares. Were we still able to complete all the exercises?

44 best exercises LLTV thumbnail copy Live Lean TV

Here is the list of exercises for you to try:

  1. Side plank rotations
  2. Forearm to straight arm plank
  3. Plank jacks
  4. 1 leg reach outs
  5. Plank wide tucks
  6. 360° push ups
  7. 1 arm push up
  8. Push up tuck
  9. Superman pushup
  10. Push up tuck jump
  11. Rock & roll burpees
  12. Dragon walk
  13. Hindu pushup
  14. Full extension pikes on ball
  15. Mountain climbers
  16. Side to side hanging knee raises
  17. Frozen v-sit
  18. Push up clap back
  19. Burpees
  20. 1 legged burpees
  21. Archer rows
  22. Clapping push up
  23. Diamond push up
  24. Finger tip push up
  25. Hanging leg raise
  26. 1 leg box jump
  27. Archer push up
  28. Tuck jumps
  29. Spider man push ups
  30. Jump squats
  31. Archer pull up
  32. Windshield wiper abs
  33. L-Sit
  34. Inverted shoulder press
  35. Ab levers
  36. 180° squat jumps
  37. Pistol squat
  38. Triple clap push ups
  39. Bodyweight tricep extension
  40. Deceleration squat jump
  41. Ball exchange V-up
  42. Push up star pose
  43. LaLanne push up
  44. Alternating superman pushups

How many of these exercises could you do?

Which one was your favorite?

If you’re ready to rock out with a home-friendly workout program during this “stay home” time when all the gyms are closed, we wanted to hook you up with a 40% off discount to help you get started.

Use code STAYHOME on any of our home-friendly workout programs. Choose from these 15 amazing programs that are all designed for home use.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Question For You:

  • How do you decide what to workout?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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