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The 2 WORST Things you can Do During the Holidays


Temptation is everywhere this time of year

Whether you are naughty or nice, these are 2 things you should NEVER do during the Holidays

2 Worst Fitness Mistakes you can make during the Holidays

Mistake Number 1 is being a total Fitness Hermit and avoiding all social activity due to your strict diet and grueling workout schedule. Living Lean is NOT about being a perfect fitness robot. Relax, let go of perfectionism and allow yourself to indulge in some holiday treats, its good for you.

Mistake Number 2 is to let it all go. Throwing caution to the wind, eating every holiday treat in sight and totally foregoing all workouts is going to lead you straight to the land of regrets. Be reasonable. Yes we do want you to indulge in some Christmas cookies but not the entire plate. Living Lean is about savoring your favorite treats and enjoying them in reasonable moderation.


Hopefully it’s all making sense that sustainable fitness is not about deprivation, it’s about balance. Let go of any stress or worries you have about losing your gainz or packing on fat in just one week, it’s all going to be fine if you just keep doing what you do, get those fun & challenging workouts in and eat healthy MOST of the time.

You know Brad and I will be indulging in some of our favorite Holiday treats this week, so come watch what we eat on instagram @jessicarumbaugh @bradgouthro and snapchat @snapyjessy & @bradgouthro.

For access to all of our monthly workout plans & recipes join us at

Thanks for your comments, & KEEP! Living Lean!

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2 responses to “The 2 WORST Things you can Do During the Holidays

  1. Just enjoy yourself, continue to do your regular workouts and relax. If you do feel like it’s getting out of hand. Stop, take a breath and pound out an extra workout. It will release the stress quickly. Just make it work for you. Have a great holidays everyone. Thanks for the video

  2. Throwing caution to the wind, eating every holiday treat insight, and totally foregoing all workouts is going to lead you straight to the land of regrets. Be reasonable. it’s all going to be fine if you just keep doing what you do, get those fun. Let’s make some memories this Christmas that will last forever. Enjoy the biggest holiday of the year. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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