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How it Feels to go from Fit to Pregnant


How it Feels to go from Fit to Pregnant :

On today’s episode, I’m sharing a full view of my 6 months pregnant body.

Aren’t you worried about losing your abs?!

How I’m handling my shape change

I am now 6 months pregnant and have gained about 18lbs


Here’s how I’m feeling about the change

I’m getting very personal with you on today’s episode and showing you a full 360 of my pregnant body at 24 weeks (6 months pregnant)

People are always asking how I’m feeling and I say GREAT!

Honestly, I’ve been feeling GREAT throughout this pregnancy. I’m now 6 months along and truly feeling happy and well.

The hardest parts about pregnancy are eliminating all the ab work, plyometrics, and high intensity stuff from my workouts, as well as anything that requires bending forward because I now have so much mass in the middle.
It’s also been sad saying a temporary goodbye to all my shorts and pants that I can no longer button.

Other than these minor discomforts, I have been enjoying the process and surrendering my needs to hers.

So much of what we experience physically begins with our mindset and beliefs.

If I’ve learned anything in my years as a Live Leaner it would be the importance of Mindset

I truly believe with full confidence that I will regain my pre-pregnancy (or better!) shape after the delivery and I have no doubts that I’ll take every action necessary to do so.

For a program that is specifically made for women and very easy to follow pick up my Live Lean Formula for Women workout and nutrition guide.

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Subscribe To My FREE Live Lean TV Health, Fitness, & Nutrition YouTube Channel For More Videos:

If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure you subscribe to my Live Lean TV YouTube channel as we upload new episodes every Monday and Thursday.

I love you guys and keep Living Lean.

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