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Refresh 30

The World’s Best 30 Minute No Equipment Workout System To Refresh Your Boring Workouts And Reignite Your Fat Burning Machine, In Just 30 Days!

With These Innovative Moves!

  • Access To All Workout Programs
  • Available In Our App
  • Follow Along With Coach Brad
  • Only 30 Mins / 4x Week
  • No Equipment Needed
  • NO Talking Follow Along Vids
  • 60 New & Innovative Exercises
  • Talk To Us In The App

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*7 Days Free, Then $8.33/MO.

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Get Refresh 30 Inside Our App

Follow along with Coach Brad to get in the best shape of your life, in just 30 days, using just your body!

✅ Get better results in less time

✅ 60 new and innovative exercises

✅ No equipment. No excuses

✅ Increase lean muscle tone

✅ Multiply fat loss

✅ Be awesome … once again!

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Plus, you'll get an all access pass to 1,000+ other Live Lean workouts

When you sign up to Refresh 30 today, you will also get an all access pass to ALL of our 1,00os of workouts, PLUS access to 100,000s of workouts and classes from other fitness creators all over the world.

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Live Lean Success Stories

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In just 30 minutes, from the comfort of your own home, you'll be:

Getting the best results of your life with short and efficient workouts
Training right along side of me rep for rep
Destroying stubborn body fat while living your best life
Building lean muscle with plenty of time for rest and fun
Improving athleticism, coordination, and balance
Leveling up your cardio and stamina
Increasing strength
Refreshing your boring bodyweight workouts

Refresh Your Boring Bodyweight Workouts With Refresh 30

refresh 30 power new ipad front Live Lean TV

Workout Video #1: POWER

refresh 30 tight new ipad front Live Lean TV

Workout Video #2: TIGHT

refresh 30 athlete new ipad front Live Lean TV

Workout Video #3: ATHLETE

refresh 30 lean new ipad front Live Lean TV

Workout #4: LEAN

refresh 30 move new ipad front Live Lean TV

Workout #5: MOVE

refresh 30 free new ipad front Live Lean TV

Workout #6: FREE


Here is the most important thing to remember throughout these next 30 days.

Nobody is expected to be perfect.

Getting results is about consistent progress, not perfection.

Do not beat yourself up if you miss a workout, have to modify some of the exercises, need extra water breaks, or whatever else it may be.

If you’re consistently doing the workouts, and honestly giving your best effort, you will get amazing results.


Don’t associate shorter workouts for “not enough”.

Instead of training for 2 hours each day, you are better off completing 30 minutes of fully focused and highly effective work.

The most effective workouts are achieved with:



It’s important to give your body rest from intense workouts. It’s equally important to carve time out of your schedule to focus on meal prep.

Yes, each workout can be modified for beginner level trainees.

If you find any exercise to be too challenging, simply go slower or just complete a few reps instead of the whole set.

You can also ask us in the app for a beginner exercise substitution.

Remember, progress over perfection.

It’s completely normal to need modifications when following exercises you have never done before.

If you need exercise modification suggestions, we are always here for you.

Simply send us a message in the app.

Remember, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. So just ask.

Another way to regress the workouts is to reduce the number of rounds

  • 3 rounds = 30 minutes
  • 2 rounds = 20 minutes
  • 1 round = 10 minutes

If you are a beginner, start with 1 round, then when you repeat the workout 10-12 days later, complete 2 rounds, etc.

This is a great way to ensure you are progressing with your workouts, and your results!

Yes, absolutely!

Just because there’s no equipment doesn’t mean there’s any lack of challenge.

Just because the exercises are bodyweight, it does not mean they aren’t challenging.

Since the workouts are only 30 minutes long, I’ve also packed a lot of work into a short period of time.

I’m sure you will find these workouts deliver a lot of bang for your buck.

Each workout is approximately 30 minutes of work, plus an additional 5 minutes of warm ups and cool downs.


These workouts are all the cardio you need.

Trust me, the combination of bodyweight resistance with athletic movements are enough to get you in peak shape.


Every workout is filmed in real-time so you can follow along and do every rep with me.

Yes, every workout is comprised of no equipment bodyweight exercises that can be done at home or the gym.

All the above! I’ve designed these workouts to achieve the goals of both men and women.

Yes. We understand injuries can be very frustrating to train around. That’s why we make ourselves available to you inside the app. This is where we answer all your questions and help you find alternative exercises, including if you’re a beginner.


It’s 100% bodyweight only.

Yes, all the workouts are available through an app that can also be streamed to your TV.

30 minutes + 5 minutes of warm ups and cool downs.

Of course this is different for everyone, but if you’re committed and consistent with following the workout schedule and nutrition plan, you should start feeling and looking better in as little as 2-3 weeks. But remember, Living Lean is a lifestyle, not a short-term race. Stay focused grasshopper.

If you want 1 on 1 private online coaching, you can sign up for that here. However that is not included in this program.

With These Innovative Moves!

Now Only In App

TRY 7 DAYS FREE all major credit cards accepted

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Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.