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The Nutrition Mindset Course That Can Change Your Body and Life!


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You can achieve the body you want, starting with your MINDSET.


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Live Lean Way Mindset Course

Was $347 Now Only $197

Teach Me The Way all major credit cards accepted

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Hey, It’s Jess!

Welcome to my 28 Day Nutrition Mindset Course

My clients who have learned all that you’re about to learn are amazed and couldn’t be happier with their new results.

Everyone has their own challenges.

But there’s one challenge that is common to just about everybody I’ve ever worked with.

Whatever their goals, whatever their starting point, it’s the same story across the board.

I’ve heard it said thousands of times in many different ways by many different people.

And it’s always with food.


People know that what they eat is key. 🔑 

Good food choices are essential to success.

You know that the better you eat the better you look…the better you feel…


However hard you try at “eating right” some of your most persistent problems persist.

That stubborn fat you want to remove from your tummy, hips, arms… year after year it’s still there.

Why can’t everyone agree on just ONE way of eating that works best for getting lean, healthy, and happy?

And why are there so many different diets out there?

Why are new diets being invented all the time?

You are left unsure about what to work on.

And it’s this not knowing what to do that’s so frustrating.

It doesn’t have to be.

No matter who I’m working with the problems around food come down to pretty much the same things.

Do you recognize any of these problems?

(click to reveal the rest)

my abs are still buried under a layer of fat.

I’m just totally confused about what’s best to eat.

which makes finding the right kind of nutrition to suit my specific goals even harder.

I refuse to feed my family ready-made meals – but I do not want to spend hours every day cooking either.

I don’t want to count calories, examine every piece of food to ensure it’s diet-friendly. Inevitably though I eat something I shouldn’t and then feel bad about myself afterwards.

I go on diets that don’t work because I’m always starving. So I keep it up for a while then I stuff my face.

I can’t figure out how to make it all work. And every time I read an article about good nutrition I see something that contradicts what I thought I knew.

I want my family to eat good food. But still – this has got to come at a manageable price.

Live Lean Way Mindset Game Changer

Was $347 Now Only $197

Teach Me The Way all major credit cards accepted

secure 100% Secure Checkout

A year ago I realized…

that giving custom made meal plans to my clients  – which is what I was doing – wasn’t enough.

I mean, my clients lost body fat, looked more athletic and were delighted with their outcomes.

But the food and nutrition side of things was still a real struggle. Especially when it came to continuing on and maintaining their results. 

I’d get emails a few months after saying…

Help me again! I’ve fallen off the wagon!

Good, intelligent, well-meaning people still couldn’t get to grips with how to plan a week or a month of highly nutritious food that supported their goals…

I could see it was a major source of stress for them.

I began to realize that nutrition was so important that it couldn’t just be ‘part of’ the plan.

Nutrition had to BE the plan.

The right eating mindset is what changed everything for me and it’s worked (long-term) for so many people I’ve worked with.  

And I know – again, from experience – that done right it can serve a whole family. For life.

And I could see just how difficult people were finding this.

Just look at those problems above. This is how it is for so many people.

The majority of people go on living with their struggles because they don’t know there’s a way that actually works, PERMANENTLY.

I started to ask myself this:

How can I create an easy-to-understand, comprehensive, eating program that will work long-term for all people, of all nutritional practices, and their families, in their real lives?

I took into account:

  • Every type of problem I’ve ever heard about dieting and eating…
  • Every question that’s ever been asked of us about nutrition, fat-loss, food, macros and calories….
  • All the difficulties, obstacles & frustrations when it comes to fat-loss and maintaining a lean body 365…

….and from that I created one of the most comprehensive – yet straightforward – nutrition courses available anywhere, at any price.

In other words…

I took every bit of information that WORKS at creating lean, healthy, happy people and considered everything that makes it DIFFICULT to become a lean, healthy happy person, and produced a plan that delivers outstanding results with none of the short term side effects or drawbacks.

You might have the ‘cleanest’ diet in the world and STILL struggle with that last layer of fat.

And isn’t it annoying when you see someone skinny eating junk food??

How can they get away with that? Yet you, the clean eater, struggling with fat?

Getting lean isn’t just about eating clean and avoiding junk food.

There is so much more to getting lean than just ‘clean eating’.

People might try to simplify it by saying “Just Eat Clean”, or “Just Eat Real Food” (JERF) but if you’ve done that before and still didn’t see results then…

You’d believe me because you know first hand “clean eating” is not the simple magic bullet.

Even people who eat super clean can still struggle to keep their weight in check and get as lean as they want to be.

What you really want is the best of both worlds.

You want to get lean, and also be able to eat what you want sometimes.

Who doesn’t want that? That’s dream-life material.

I’m sure in your dream life you’re not restricting yourself, logging your calories, or feeling guilty for eating your favorite foods.

In your dream life you enjoy food to the fullest and you also get great results from it.

And we want this every day, for life – not just for 6 weeks, not just for summer, but for the rest of our lives.

A ‘diet’ isn’t going to get you anywhere near that.

Diets are:

  • too challenging
  • too restrictive
  • often backfire by slowing your metabolism speed
  • they teach you very little
  • and they don’t help you make your own choices.

Worse, if your family doesn’t like this diet then you’re in trouble.

And they don’t work.

Not long-term at least. 

If even one worked for life it would be the only single diet standing and all the rest would disappear.

But instead, new ones pop up every month.

For a lasting transformation, what’s needed isn’t random bits of advice collected from around the internet and half a dozen recipes from a magazine article…

What’s needed is a mindset shift. Away from the extreme ideas of dieting, ‘bad foods’, dirty foods’ strict rules and restrictions…

and towards the ideas of simple plans, fundamental insights and a set of solid basic eating habits. Ones that you won’t struggle to repeat.

And recognizing how real people live their lives – the decisions they have to make every day, the pulls on their time, everything they have to juggle to make life work – is key to making a plan that works for them.

This is why I created the Live Lean Way course:

First, why is this going to work for you? 

There are two big, big reasons why I know this will work for you.

Big Reason #1: 

The 5 pillars of Live Lean Nutrition

The 5 pillars recognize that everybody has circumstances in which they operate, nobody has limitless time, money or cooperation from others…  

Yet they still want to feel right in their skin. And to do that they know they have to get a grip on this food business once and for all.

Take a look at the 5 pillars and see how many you recognize…

Not everybody you’ll cook for is as motivated to eat themselves slim and healthy. So food must be varied, it must satisfy everybody’s hunger and cravings and it should taste delicious. Otherwise you’ll continuously seek satisfaction elsewhere and never feel at peace.

Losing weight only to regain it later is no good. You need a straightforward approach to do for the rest of your life. Once you’ve absorbed the new habits you should expect to see fat reducing over time and to feel physically and mentally better about what you’re eating.

Nutrition is about more than just food. It’s about the thoughts that lead to you choosing the food. As you learn you can expect to gain expertise so you’ll fully understand exactly what’s working for you, how to make it taste fantastic, and to make the best choices for you and your loved ones.

You’re prepared to invest in you and your loved ones’ health and well-being – but just can’t spend hours in the kitchen doing it. So this program must deliver maximum effect for minimal time investment.

You know that a healthy meal that will reduce body-fat costs more than a processed, fat-soaked dollar burger. But resources are not unlimited and you must feed your family within a budget. The program should deliver exceptional outcomes at standard prices.

The 5 Pillars form the basis of the Live Lean Way nutrition philosophy.

Everything I’m going to teach you has these pillars in mind.

Big Reason #2:

Your nutrition is about YOU, not just the food. 

Optimal nutrition is about more than just knowing what to eat.

We get that…where so many off-the-shelf fad diets simply do not.

Let’s face it, if it were that simple none of us would have trouble burning stubborn fat, nobody would feel hungry when they ‘dieted’ – and our families would love everything we put on the table.

And this is the thing:

The problem with so many plans and online articles is that they deliver lightweight, superficial solutions to what are deeper, more fundamental problems.

Yes, food is about planning, shopping, preparing, measuring, cooking, serving… of course it is.

But it’s about so much more.

Not least of all our deep understanding of what food is and what it does, the ideas and emotions that underpin our food habits, the way food actually works on our bodies… and the pulls and pushes on us personally that give us our own individual relationships with food.

So before we even look at the food we’re going to look at the person. You. That thinking, feeling, caring, loving, person who wants to get this right – for self, for friends, for family.

It starts and ends with the person – not the food.

So we start with you.

An idealistic view of eating simply does not represent the truth about our lives.

Because real lives are less perfect, more random and certainly more tiring…

Our results aren’t always the photo-opportunities that magazines would have us think we should be achieving.

We – that’s us and our loved ones – aren’t always at our best. Changes happen, things crop up… life can be messy at times however hard we try. Yet amongst all this we want to put healthy, delicious food on the table for ourselves and the people we care about.

It’s never that easy.

Food is a fundamental part of how we socialize, how we celebrate special occasions…

…food is offered, shared, given and enjoyed together.

It can fuel us, build us, and keep us healthy… but it can do the opposite of all this and in a million online articles you won’t find a single, simple, remedy to the problem of food.  

Food deserves special treatment.

Perhaps the most special treatment it has ever had.

And that’s what this Live Lean Way course is all about.

Here's What You Get When You Invest In The Live Lean WAY Course...

28 Days of Video Nutrition Lessons

With 1 lesson per day, I will guide you through every single thing you need to know about eating to Live Lean.
These short videos will feel like you are coaching 1-on-1 with me, in my kitchen.
You'll learn everything I've learned in over a decade of experience, in super-fast speed (less than a month!)

Your Live Lean Mindset Journal

Your feelings lead to your behaviors, and your behaviors lead to your results.
Once you get your mindset right, Living Lean becomes natural and easy.
This Journal will help prompt you and guide you to unlock your "why" -- the motivation that keeps you Living Lean forever.

Lesson Summary Infographics

Each lesson comes with a summarizing infographic to help you retain the information you are learning.
Fun graphics and key takeaways are highlighted with each day so you can easily skim through the lessons to jog your memory and help the knowledge sink in.

BONUS! Meal Planner System

What do Live Leaner's Eat?
Find out EXACTLY how we simplify healthy eating and make it a no-brainer

BONUS! Bulk Recipes Book

Meal Prepping is paramount to Living Lean.
We've put together step by step recipes of 15 of our favorite Live Lean bulk recipes to help you prep in bulk and mix and match to easily create balanced healthy meals.

BONUS! Alcohol Guide

Can you drink while Living Lean??
Find out everything you've wondered about Alcohol and drinking while Living Lean

This course is not passive!

It’s not something you buy and forget about.

Each day I’ll email you with the next lesson, making it impossible for you to forget, and I have things for you to do – Your Physical Action Step of the Day! Short, quick assignments that keep you actively involved – and create measurable progress on your journey.

This is a plan that encompasses every single aspect of the challenge of eating to get lean – starting from before you even set out to the store to buy ingredients… all the way to when you’re clearing the empty plates off the table… and then finally to that moment when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize fat is starting to disappear…. and sexy lean muscle tone is starting to take its place….

And I want to make this as easy as possible.

So I introduce these ideas to you one day at a time…

to give you time to absorb them, to make them yours, rather than leave it to you to try to remember them.

By presenting each in-depth step in a simplified daily format you have time to absorb its wisdom, do the action steps, fill in your journal worksheets, and start acting on it – so you will build your own nutrition expertise a day at a time.

And at some point you will stop having to practice things because they will be part of your ‘normal’.

We’re not adding conspiracy theories or rules for you to obey.

We’re simply replacing what you already automatically do with something else that you can automatically do – but which this time gives you the fat-loss results – and the life – that you want.

People transform from overweight to lean all over the world using our advice.

Here are some more pictures of Live Lean clients who have done just that:

Live Lean Success Stories

The cost and time of learning this on your own is enormous.

Courses, books, and months of your time testing, experimenting, trying it out… I know because I did it…

It’s taken me well over a decade to truly understand this knowledge that I’m about to pass on to you.

….not a recipe book – but a life transformation.

…not some nutrition advice – but an education that makes you a food planning and preparation expert.

…not a dull ‘how to’ that you’ve already seen before but a mindset shift that will alter forever how you think about – and use – food.

If I were to come to your house and teach you all this on a one-to-one basis that would cost about $7000 over the full 28 days.

That’s how expensive it is to deliver this kind of training.

Instead, you can go from struggling, frustrated and unsure to competent and confident in just 28 days – at a tiny fraction of that cost.

And don’t forget that you have free entry into our Accountability Group where you can meet people just like you who are on the same learning journey.

And, now, the whole course – all the 28 videos, the infographics, the mindset journal, entry to the group, all the bonuses – is on sale for a fraction of its value.

So you’re not going to pay anywhere near $7000.

Because I wanted this program to be able to help more people all over the world…

All 28 daily video lessons + all the features and bonuses are just:

1 payment of $197

I’m just so passionate about YOU and everybody in this world finally finding the peace and satisfaction of finally knowing how to eat to get and stay lean. 

My life has changed SIGNIFICANTLY since employing the knowledge included in this course.

I want this for you – and for as many people as possible.

And I know price can be a barrier, so I knew this had to be made affordable so that you and so many others like you could actually put it to use in changing your lives.

Even at this low price… even with three valuable products added to the offer as bonuses… even with membership of a live always-on support group of people just like you all over the world… we still want you to feel that this is the offer of a lifetime.

So here it is:

My 30-Day Promise to You

If, within 30 days of purchase, you try out our course but decide not to follow-through on all the profound insight and practical knowledge here to change your nutrition relationship forever then you may ask for a refund.

This program was designed to help people make proper changes to their bodies and health – and to the bodies and health of people they care about.

If you’re ready to change everything about your knowledge of food – and the results that you get from eating – then now is the time to act

This course is unique – nowhere else is so much connected insight collected into one, transforming video course.

Nowhere else can a person acquire so much knowledge in such a short space of time – knowledge they can use to:

  • completely change their experience of food
  • fix their guilt/confusion/frustration relationships with eating forever
  • learn to deal with social pressures and constantly changing nutrition news
  • create – for life – the sexy, toned body everybody wants

This 28 day program will be the end to diets, experimenting, fads… No more starvation, bland food or guilty feelings.

It’s the answer to the confusion and misinformation that abounds – and which stops good people from achieving simple, yet life-changing body and health goals.

You’ll go from not knowing what’s right to eat, to feeling confident and proud of your diet

And it is a program for life – not just a program until the next fad diet comes out…

Here’s How It Works:

This course is a ridiculous deal compared to what it would cost to learn all this information with one-to-one coaching.

So if you’re realizing that your nutrition needs a change but you don’t know how or when, then now is the time to act.

There’s no better time and no other way to get this powerful mindset transformation.

Everyone who joins this course will be part of a group that can ask each other questions, share insights and see each other transform.

Once you sign up, your transformation begins. I’ll be sending you an email each day for 28 days with all the info you need to eat to Live Lean demonstrated in 28 separate videos WITH mindset and physical action steps so you not only know what to do – you actually see it happening and you actually DO IT. 

Knowledge is useless without action, so if you’ve been following us for a long time but still unsure of what to eat to Live Lean then you NEED this course.

Joining the group doesn’t cost any extra, it’s part of the deal.

I believe in the power of community, and by surrounding yourself by positive likeminded people working towards the same goals, you’ll be more likely to succeed.

The Live Lean Way 28 Day Program was built on the challenges faced by ordinary people, and it’s designed to be shared within a fitness community, a group of Live Leaners all around this world that can lift each other up and support each other along the way.

Dozens of our clients have transformed their bodies with the information we offer in this 28 day video program. You will do the same.

You can have all this. And here is how you will get it:

Now, you can have this all for just $197

This is an unbeatable offer.

You’re trying to overcome the same difficulties that tens of thousands of other people are struggling with.

Except you have a solution right in front of you.

So let’s get you on the road to success today – click on the button below and start creating your own Live Lean future.

Thank you for reading – see you on the other side!


Whatever you do.. don’t forget…

  • The 28 day video program is hands down the most affordable and fastest way to learn ALLLLL this information in such a short period of time.
  • You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – our 30-day guarantee makes the whole offer totally risk-free.
  • The program is your key to the end of starving, guilt and frustration!

Scroll down and click Enroll Now and let me get Lesson One over to you right away!


Absolutely. Living Lean is for everyone, Man, Woman or Child. You will have your whole family Living Lean once you understand and implement the principles behind it. With the 5 pillars of Live Lean Way Nutrition (see above) we make sure that this “Way of Eating” works for ALL.

Although the majority of our recipes are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and grain free, we prefer not to label our way of eating with any restrictive diet type names. We simply eat to Live Lean, and we support any dietary choices you make for yourself. People of all dietary beliefs can eat to Live Lean by following our simple principles & modifying our recipes to your specific dietary needs. Remember, this is not a diet – It’s YOUR way of eating, with a goal of becoming as lean, healthy, and happy as possible. Living Lean works for meat eaters, vegans and everyone in between.

Yes kind of, but not specifically. I will offer food type recommendations, meal suggestions, recipes, and detailed examples, but the point of this course is to help you figure out what kind of food to eat to best support your body, preferences, lifestyle, and goals. By the end of this course you will not need anyone to tell you what to eat, because you’ll have the confidence that you’ve discovered the way of eating that works for you.

No. You don’t need to cook every single thing you eat to Live Lean. By following our nutrition tips and recipes MOST of the time, you’ll get great results. Living Lean is not about being perfect. It’s about progress and eating healthy most of the time. Information is included on how to eat out at restaurants and enjoy life. We love us some pizza or takeout about once a week (this is included in the cheat meal guidelines)

Any time of day or number of meals per day that works for you is fine. In the course we will cover meal planning, meal timing and how to figure it all out. What’s more important than number of times per day or actual timing is calories and macros. I will help you set your goals and learn how to easily stay consistent with them over time.

You betcha! We use simple ingredients and meals that most people will enjoy and use ingredients that can be found easily at local grocery stores. Our kids love the food we make! I’m sure you’ll be able to use these principles to make a large array of meals that your family will adore.

Absolutely. Although this program is designed to be mobile friendly, it’s also computer friendly too! Simple login on your computer or any of your devices and access the course.

Yes, this is a digital program, but you do not have to download it. It is all hosted on a platform called Teachable, which you’ll login to each day that you access the course materials. This is great news because it means you can start today and no need to wait on shipping, or experience any restrictions in any countries. Wherever you are, whatever time of day, is a great time to take this course. Some of the components are downloadable, and I even encourage you to download and print the Live Lean Mindset Journal so you can write all over it with pen or pencil, but you can access this course 100% online without downloading a single thing. Simply login to your teachable account with your username and password (set up immediately after purchase) to access the course. View the videos and files from there. File sizes will vary based on which component but downloading anything is entirely optional.

Hola, Bonjour, Ciao, Aloha! Yes, for sure. Although this program is published only in English, we process orders from the majority of the countries in the world. Yes the price listed is in US dollars but the secure credit card processing company will simply convert the price into your country’s currency. Conversions = no problem.

Since I’m so confident that this system will work for you, I’m putting a 30 day money back guarantee behind my offer. But I know you won’t use it, cuz you’re gonna love this course. It will work for you!

It's Time to take Action and Live Lean FOREVER!

Was $347 Now Only $197

Enroll Now all major credit cards accepted

secure 100% Secure Checkout

PLEASE NOTE: This Course is 100% online – Nothing will be shipped to your house. This is GREAT NEWS, as it means you will get access to all the programs instantly with no waiting and no shipping costs. Once again, no physical products will be shipped. An automatic e-mail with a link will be sent to you immediately following payment. This link will get you INSTANT ACCESS to the programs

Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.