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Full Body Dumbbell Isometric Workout To Burn Fat And Build Muscle

Hot Body Isometrics Workout That Blasts Fat And Builds Muscle

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, Jessica and I are putting you through a full body dumbbell isometric workout to burn fat and build muscle.

This is the “Hot Body Isometrics Workout” from our 30 day Team Live Lean Freedom From Fat workout plan.

If this sounds badass to you, let’s get ready to workout and Live Lean.

Hot Body Isometrics Dumbbell Workout

Duration Of Workout

  • 45 minutes

Required Equipment

tabata timer

Workout Instructions

During this full body dumbbell isometric workout, we’re going to complete 3 different tri-sets.

Each tri-set is comprised of 3 exercises:

  • Exercise #1: contains an isometric hold for every rep
  • Exercise #2: a cardio move
  • Exercise #3: contains an isometric hold for every rep

Adding isometric holds to these exercises will make this workout extra challenging for you.

The cardio move between the isometric exercises will help you elevate your heart rate and burn fat to create your hot body.

Tri-Set A Exercises

Click the links below for the step-by-step exercise demonstrations.

A1. Alternating Dumbbell Forward Lunge With Rotation

The first isometric exercise is the alternating dumbbell forward lunge with rotation, with 5 second isometric hold at the bottom.

  • Reps: 6 reps per side
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: 2510
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Make sure your form is good by following these coaching cues.

Coaching cues:

  1. Select a dumbbell you can hold with both hands, extended in front of your body.
  2. Take a step forward, then bend both knees to lower into a lunge.
  3. At the same time, rotate your core towards the front leg, with the dumbbell at chest level.
  4. Hold this isometric lunge position, with your torso rotated and arms extended, for 5 seconds.
  5. Turn your torso back to the center, then stand up by stepping your front foot back, to bring both feet together.
  6. Switch legs and repeat.
  7. Make sure you keep breathing throughout the exercise.

A2. Speed Jump Rope

Let’s move on to the cardio exercise.

If you’re a beginner, you can start by completing the speed jump rope exercise.

If you’re advanced, you can start with the double unders jump rope exercise.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: as fast as possible
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. Set your timer for 20 seconds and jump rope until you hear the beeper.
  2. To keep track of the time, I use this tabata interval timer.
  3. If you mess up, jump right back into it and keep going.

A3. Dumbbell High Pull

The next isometric exercise is the dumbbell high pull, with a 5 second isometric hold at the top.

Note: in the video, Jessica was demonstrating an easier dumbbell deadlift with upright row variation that does not include the calf raise.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: 2015
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. Start with two dumbbells in your hands, with your feet approximately shoulder width apart.
  2. Complete a deadlift by lowering the dumbbells towards the ground, then pull the dumbbells up your body to complete an upright row, while completing a calf raise.
  3. Isometrically hold the upright row and calf raise for 5 seconds, then go back down to complete another deadlift.
  4. Every time you complete the isometric hold, make sure you’re squeezing your legs and glutes.

Tri-Set B Exercises

You are doing awesome.

Let’s keep this momentum going.

B1. Alternating Dumbbell Lateral Lunge

The next isometric exercise is the alternating dumbbell lateral lunge, with a 5 second isometric hold at the bottom.

The isometric hold will really fire up your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

  • Reps: 6 per leg
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: 2510
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. Hold two dumbbells, one in each hand.
  2. With a nice and controlled tempo, step to one side to lower into the lateral lunge, while keeping the stationary leg straight.
  3. Focus on pushing your hips and glutes back and keeping your back flat, as both dumbbells go towards one foot.
  4. Remember to isometrically hold the bottom position for 5 seconds to feel the burn in your muscles. Don’t cheat your reps.
  5. Step your outside foot back in to get back to the top, then complete another rep with the opposite leg.

B2. Jump Squat

The next cardio exercise is the jump squat.

If you don’t have an interval timer, you can simply count to 20 in your head.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: As fast as possible
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. With your feet hip width apart and chest up, lower your body into a squat by first bending at the hips, followed by the knees.
  2. Explosively push your feet through the floor to jump as high as you can.
  3. Land softly to cushion to your joints and immediately lower your body into another squat.
  4. Repeat.

B3. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The next exercise is the standing dumbbell shoulder press, with a 5 second isometric hold at the top.

To make it more difficult, you can also switch the positioning of the isometric hold to the lowered position.

Trust me, you’re going to be burning after this one, as the isometrics are designed to keep your muscles firing and under tension.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: 2015
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. With your feet shoulder width a part, lift the weights up safely to your shoulders, with your abs contracted and belly and ribs pulled in.
  2. If needed, you can also use a staggered stance.
  3. Press the dumbbells over your head, then isometrically hold them in the air for 5 seconds.
  4. Once the 5 seconds is up, lower the dumbbells back down with a good slow and controlled 2 second tempo.
  5. Make sure you keep your isometric hold counts honest.

Tri-Set C Exercises

C1. Dumbbell Flat Bench Press

The first exercise of tri-set C is the dumbbell flat bench press with a 5-10 second isometric hold at the bottom.

Your chest is going to be burning by the time you are down with all the reps.

Make sure you use a lighter weight than would normally bench press with.

If you really want to challenge yourself, add a 10 second isometric hold at the bottom.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: 2-10-1-0
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. While holding two dumbbells, roll down onto the bench, while holding the dumbbells directly above your shoulders.
  2. Press the dumbbells all the way to the top.
  3. Under control, lower the dumbbells down to the bottom of the lift, then hold isometrically for 5-10 seconds on every single rep, then press them back up.
  4. Complete all the reps, while making sure you hold for 5-10 seconds at the bottom of each rep.

C2. Mountain Climbers

We’re moving on to mountain climbers.

  • Reps: 20 seconds of work
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: As fast as possible
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. Tap the start button on your interval timer and go.
  2. Press and screw your arms and hands in to the floor, then alternate driving one knee in at a time towards your chest.
  3. Focus on keeping your abs tight, back flat, with your glutes and every other muscle turned on, as you drive your knees in.
  4. Think about your abs getting tight by pulling in your belly button.

C3. Hanging Knee Raises

The last exercise are hanging knee raises, with a 5 second isometric hold at the top.

This is an amazing exercise for the lower abs, however with the isometric hold, it is super advanced.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 2
  • Tempo: 2015
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Coaching cues:

  1. Hold on to a pull up bar with an overhand palms facing forward grip.
  2. Curl your knees up toward your face and hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Under control, drop your knees and extend your legs back down.
  4. Repeat.

Beginner Modification: Lying Knee Raise

If you need an easier modification, that still feels amazing, try the lying knee raise.

This will be a more doable version for all levels, including beginners.

Also, by the time you get to this exercise you will probably already be exhausted.

To get started:

  1. Lay down on the floor, with your back on a mat, legs straight, with a pair of dumbbells above the top of your head.
  2. Make sure your arms are fully stretched over your head as you grip the dumbbells.
  3. The dumbbells will remain on the floor, as they will act as a pull up bar to hold on too.
  4. Once your arms and legs are stretched out long, as if you were hanging from a pull up bar, pull your knees up and towards your face.
  5. Hold isometrically for a 5 seconds, focusing on really feeling the burn in your lower abs.
  6. After 5 seconds is up, slowly roll back down and extend your legs, as you hover above the ground.
  7. Without resting your feet on the floor, complete another rep.

That Was The Hot Body Isometrics Dumbbell Workout

There you have it Live Lean Nation.

That was Hot Body Isometrics Dumbbell Workout from our 30 day Team Live Lean Freedom From Fat workout plan.

Thanks so much for doing this workout with us.

When you follow our workouts, you will get amazing results by developing a lean and sexy hot body.

Don’t skimp on your reps.

Living Lean is hard work, but it is a 100% worth it.

When you put in the work, you are going to enjoy the results.

The effort you put in, is what’s going to show on the outside of your body, and on the inside with your boost in confidence.

I appreciate you guys and love you so much.

Keep Living Lean.

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Question Of The Day:

  • Did you try this Full Body Dumbbell Isometric Workout To Burn Fat And Build Muscle?
  • Is this your first time trying isometric exercises?

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