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7 Best Exercises To Burn Belly Fat As Fast As Possible

Attention belly fat: this is your last call

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you into the gym with me to show you the 7 best exercises to burn belly fat as fast as possible.

You may be surprised that none of these exercises include crunches.

Remember, the key to burn belly fat faster, is to burn more calories faster.

There is no such thing as spot reduction

Spot reduction is the idea that you can target one area of your body with direct exercises to burn fat.

Unfortunately, spot reduction is just a myth.

This means completing 1000’s of crunches will not create a high enough calorie burn to actually burn a lot of belly fat.

The best way to burn a lot of belly fat fast, is via compound, multi-joint exercises that hit your biggest major muscle groups.

Workouts That Burn The Most Calories

Guess where your biggest muscles are?

In your legs.

It doesn’t matter if you already have big and strong legs

Train them more to get stronger, torch more calories, and burn more overall body fat, including belly fat.

The following 7 exercises not only burn a lot of calories, they also maximize the afterburn effect.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know the fastest way to Live Lean is to incorporate more exercises into your workouts that increase the afterburn effect.

The afterburn effect helps your body to burn more calories after your workout is finished, for up to 48 hours.

Essentially, you’ll be burning more calories while you sleep.


7 best exercises to burn belly fat as fast as possible

Warning: the following exercises have been known to kill belly fat.

#1. Barbell Front Squat

Or any squat variation.

#2. Dumbbell Walking Lunge

Or any lunge variation.

#3. Dumbbell Step Up

Or any weighted step up variation.

#4. Box Jumps

#5. Barbell Deadlift

Or any deadlift variation.

#6. Jump Lunges

#7. Jump Squat

I love completing jump lunges and jump squats as a workout finisher burnout after a tough workout.

Fat can’t live here.

6 week Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 program to burn fat faster

For a full 6 week workout program designed to maximize the afterburn effect, check out my Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 program.

Live Lean Afterburn 2.0

Sign up for free here.


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81 responses to “7 Best Exercises To Burn Belly Fat As Fast As Possible

  1. I have a question.. yes this guy says this video tips helps burn belly
    fat.. but when I do these I only notice my legs, thighs and glutes burn. My
    belly/ stomach show no sign of activity as I do these. My legs however get
    tired and I burn out whilst my belly remains the same.. How are these
    exercises even targeting the belly? All the stress is concentrated in the
    legs/ glutes. 🙁

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  19. hi man, i’ve been do gyming for 1.5 years now, but i did n’t get any abs so far, i’m a vegetarian guy. Help Me

  20. It would be a shame for you not to get ripped when normal people are able to burn fat so easily using Cosmos Fat Loss (go google it).

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  23. If your desire is to lose weight quickly, you should Google search for “Avon Fat Furnace”. You are going to get the beach body you should have.

  24. My coworkers laughed when I told them I would burn calories with “Swift Fat Loss”, but then they saw the results. Go google “Swift Fat Loss” to see their reaction. (You should see their faces!)

  25. If you desire to lose weight and keep it off, i suggest you Google search for “Aston Fat Furnace”. You are bound to end up getting the beach body you deserve.

  26. They laughed when I told them I was going to lose fat with Zippy Fat Loss, but then I showed them the results. Google Zippy Fat Loss to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

  27. Hi there, have you heard about Max Muscle Booster? (look it up on Google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Max Muscle Booster, you will discover how to get ripped fast.

  28. You make it look so easy. But when I do it…. It’s a killer. Worth it! Motivated! Dedicated!

  29. I have to ask, some of these exercises you can do at home. Why pay a gym membership do body weight stuff? Nothing against gyms.

  30. This is great! I do all of there at the gym… Actually on Tuesday I did most of these moves! Glad to know they burn belly fat as well! 🙂

  31. those exercises are the core to my workouts. love the big lifts eg deadlifts, squats lunges aswell your 7 i also do bench press, clean and press and snatch and kettlebells tabata 🙂

  32. I need help plz I wana get lean but at the same time put on some muscle plz help just wana lose some fat on my abs parts and love handels!

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